05-08-19 Urban Forestry Committee MinutesKALISPELL URBAN FORESTRY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD May 8, 2019 Present: Members: Judy Rosenfeld -Cox, Tony Nelson, Sam Harworth, Andrea Davidson and Martin Rippens Staff: Fred Bicha, Josh Keene and Lisa Simmer There was no public comment. Public Comments Approve Minutes Judy made a motion to approve the March 2019 minutes as written, Andrea seconded and all members voted in favor. Judy made a motion to approve the April 2019 minutes as written, Martin seconded and all members voted in favor. Current Business New board member Sam Harworth was introduced. Small Tree Pruning Workshop Review Josh provided a briefing of the workshop noting that around 20 people showed up, indicating a sincere interest. Josh noted that a lot of folks would like instructions on pruning fruit trees. Members discussed future workshops including possibilities of fruit tree pruning, venues, and working with a nursery. It was noted that the city does not have fruit trees so a free tree pruning workshop would be a challenge. Arbor Day 2019 Review Members discussed how Arbor Day went and what areas of the event worked well and which functions or areas of the event needed improvement next year. Members noted that the volunteer tree planters was the most challenging aspect of the event in regards to both the number of volunteers and the understanding of the work needed. It was decided that communications regarding volunteers would be expanded next year to include group emails in an attempt to improve this portion of the program. The group brainstormed about expanding the volunteers to include various organizations and businesses. Members agreed that the switch to the formal ceremony in the morning worked well, noting some booth hosts attended and it seemed like the day flowed better. Fred noted that more people came to eat and lunch was well attended. The group commented positively on the t-shirts, booths, formal ceremony, REI support, community outreach, sponsorships and Ali's media work, however as always noted they always hope for more media attendance at the event. It was suggested that next year the kids take their backpacks with them so that they don't have to travel back to a location to get their lunches and instead can picnic lunch in place and be ready for the next rotation. Tony mentioned that the honor roll students when left to get to the event via their own transportation did not arrive timely and were not ready to be in place to assist classrooms. Tony suggested the board consider paying for a bus for the honor students in the future if transportation busing cannot be provided by the school district. Fred reminded the group of Terry's suggestion for next year's fundraising of bumping up the lower level sponsorship and deleting the middle level. Promote the Plant Your Community 50150 Cost Share Program Fred reminded the board that this project was tabled last meeting and briefly explained the project includes going door to door handing out and discussing the 50150 cost share programs with residents. Fred asked if the members were interested in doing this again. The board discussed the specifics of the program and the merits of doing it again. Tony suggested the board might canvas neighborhoods in the summer, perhaps July and splitting the group into two crews with one discussing watering and the other 50150 program. The group agreed to that idea. Promote Trees at FVCC —Judy Judy said she really has no new news, however said she would talk to Jane again. Fred explained the Tree Campus USA program for those unfamiliar with it. Fred suggested to Judy that they have a sub meeting to which Judy agreed. Fred also said he would try and contact the new maintenance person and see if he can make some headway that way. The group decided they will still keep pursuing it for the time being. Tree Ordinance Fred explained that there are still changes and revisions being made to the draft ordinance, due to input from council. Fred said Chad is making changes accordingly and then it will go before council twice to provide public comment before being voted on. Arborist Update - Josh Josh announced Arbor Day was a success and that crews were following up with some final work, clean up and planting of trees in outlying parks. Josh said that currently crews are working through tree calls and work orders on specific problem trees. Josh said next week they will be planting 12 trees downtown that were purchased by the Business Improvement District. Fred explained that in addition to the BID purchasing the trees, they will be borrowing the city's watering truck and watering the new and existing trees through the summer. Fred reported that currently there is a contractor working on trees on 1" Ave West and soon Trees For Life will be starting work in Depot Park and the west north side of town. Fred answered that he estimates the city has now completed approximately 40% of the necessary forestry work. Fred explained it will slow down at this point due to the extra two year funding council approved in addition to the tax assessment increase being gone after this year. Josh said there is now a four person dedicated forestry crew working and they are accomplishing a lot of work including a lot of backlogged stumping. Fred reminded the board that their 2019 work plan includes an evening tree walk in the park and Thursday, June 27, 7 pm had been identified for the program. After discussion the group decided on Woodland as the location. Josh suggested that promoting of the event start before the next meeting. Per the November 2018 meeting, board members agreed to include this statement in all minutes: "if you have any questions please contact us". The meeting adjourned at 5 : 01 Approved unanimously at the June 12, 2019 meeting.