10. Enterprise FundsENTERPRISE FUNDS Page Fund Dept 1-7 5210 Water $ 11,218,240 8-14 5310 454 Sewer Operations & Billing $ 19,726,005 14-19 5310 455 Waste Water Treatment Plant $ 6,959,277 20-24 5349 Storm Sewer $ 4,047,062 25-27 5510 Solid Waste $ 1,213,955 Total $ 43,164,539 WATER ACCOUNT # 5210-447 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Why does this department exist To provide safe, potable and palatable water for the needs of the domestic, commercial and industrial consumers. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (15.30 FTE) .20 Public Works Director .25 City Engineer .15 Budget Resource Manager .25 Construction Manager .20 Administrative Coordinator .20 Engineer II .05 Road and Fleet Superintendent .20 Administrative Assistant .10 General Laborer .60 Utility Management Superintendent .40 Engineer II .25 Engineering Tech/GIS/IT Support 1 Water Meter Maintenance Supervisor 1 Water Meter Maintenance Technician 1 Water Maintenance Supervisor 4 Water Maintenance Operators 1 Water Production Supervisor 2 Water Production Operators .50 Meter Reader 1.25 Utility Billing Clerk .25 Finance Director .15 City Accountant .05 Assessment Coordinator .25 Accounts Payable Clerk GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: 1. To operate the distribution and production facilities to meet Public Drinking Water Standards. 2. Provide drinking water that is safe to drink and palatable. 3. Maintain the system to achieve adequate pressure, minimize leaks, and provide flows for fire emergencies. 4. Replace old, deteriorated, water mains to promote safe drinking water and fiscal efficiencies for the water system customers. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES: This year's budget continues the replacement of aging and leaking mains throughout the water system to improve delivery of domestic water and fire flows. A new transmission main in the west area of town will be placed into operations to optimize the water system function and support the growth of the community. A rate study will be performed to ensure adequate rates are being applied to support the current and future water system. WATER FUND (Operations & Billing) FUND: 5210-447-430550 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Operating Cash 10120 Impact Fee Cash 10125 Meter Replacement Cash 10127 Capital & Emergency Reserve -Target $400,000 10130 Bond Reserves (restricted cash) amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $5,158,898 $6,448,009 $6,448,009 $7,732,761 $1,063,170 $1,626,727 $1,626,727 $2,000,956 $362,329 $428,718 $428,718 $505,737 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $358,400 $360,710 $360,710 $420,470 $7,342,797 $9,264,164 $9,264,164 $11,059,924 REVENUES 343210 Metered Water Sales (billed) (10100) 343230 Meter Replacement Fee (10125) 343225 Impact Fees (10120) 343265 Impact Fee Admin (10100) 343260 Misc.-Tower Lease Installation/Reconnect/Tag fees (10100 371010 Interest Earnings (10100) Interest Earnings -Impact Fee Cash (10120) Bonded Debt - 4th Ave E main repl.; 4 Mi Transmission Total Revenue Total Available EXPENSES EXPENSES FROM RATES Expenses from Meter Cash (10125) Capital Outlay - from Impact Fees (10120) Bonded Debt - 4th Ave E main repl.; 4 Mi Transmission Debt Service -from Impact Fees (10120) Depreciation Total All Departments add back depreciation ENDING CASH 10100 Operating Cash 10120 Impact Fee Cash 10125 Meter Replacement Cash 10127 Capital & Emergency Reserve -Target $400,000 10130 Bond Reserves (restricted cash) Total cash $2,938,477 $2,900,000 $3,274,414 $2,900,000 $98,964 $98,000 $100,472 $98,000 $793,570 $323,000 $783,220 $475,000 $41,767 $17,000 $41,222 $25,000 $134,731 $100,000 $219,892 $120,000 $76,410 $68,000 $101,015 $85,000 $12,308 $12,000 $16,630 $15,000 $63,193 $2,151,616 $1,911,893 $3,675,000 $4,159,420 $5,669,616 $6,448,758 $7,393,000 $11,502,217 $14,933,780 $15,712,922 $18,452,924 $1,902,274 $3,800,944 $2,472,673 $4,558,155 $32,575 $110,000 $23,453 $110,000 $62,321 $1,742,600 $232,450 $2,030,085 $60,883 $1,962,538 $1,744,422 $3,500,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $3,078,053 $8,636,082 $5,492,998 $11,218,240 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $6,448,009 $5,837,560 $7,732,761 $6,304,606 $1,626,727 $39,127 $2,000,956 $280,871 $428,718 $416,718 $505,737 $493,737 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $360,710 $444,294 $420,470 $595,470 $9,264,164 $7,137,699 $11,059,924 $8,074,684 WATER FUND SUMMARY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Personal Services: Water Billing Water Operations Subtotal Maintenance & Operations: Water Billing Services Water Operations Subtotal Capital Outlay from Rates: Water Operations Subtotal Debt Service from Rates: Water Subtotal Total Capital Outlay - Bonded Project Capital Outlay - Meter Replacement funds:(10125) Capital Outlay - from Impact Fee Funds: (10120) Debt Service -from Impact Fees: (10120) Depreciation (non -cash item) Total amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $142,920 $151,767 $145,247 $150,800 $903,781 $957,559 $887,501 $985,693 $1,046,701 $1,109,326 $1,032,748 $1,136,494 $110,360 $127,873 $110,268 $126,668 $564,788 $1,063,970 $880,032 $857,522 $675,148 $1,191,843 $990,300 $984,190 $108,439 $1,246,398 $264,567 $2,241,339 $108,439 $1,246,398 $264,567 $2,241,339 $71,986 $253,377 $185,058 $196,132 $71,986 $253,377 $185,058 $196,132 $1,902,274 $3,800,944 $2,472,673 $4,558,155 $60,883 $1,962,538 $1,744,422 $3,500,000 $32,575 $110,000 $23,453 $110,000 $62,321 $1,742,600 $232,450 $2,030,085 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $3,078,053 $8,636,082 $5,492,998 $11,218,240 2 WATER OPERATIONS FUND: 5210-447-430550 EXPENSE DETAIL amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 Personal Services: FTE's 12.80 12.80 12.80 12.80 110 Salaries & Wages III Seasonal Salaries 121 Overtime Call Outs 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Subtotal Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office SupplieslEquip/ComputerslGlS 218 Equip (non-capitalySafety Equip & Supplies 226 Chlorine & Chemical 229 Other Supplies Janitorial. Consumable Tools 231 Gas & Oil 312 Postage & Printing 336 Licenses Public Water Supply Fee 341 Electricity 344 Natural Gas 345 Communications 349 Lab Services 353 Auditing 354 Contract Services 356 Consultants-Wtr Rights/Modeling/Review/Rate Study 362 Repair & Mamt :Equip Maint/Radios/Equip Rental 366 Building & Grounds Maintenance 373 Dues & Training 388 Medical Drug Testing 410 Construction Materials 422 Hydrants 423 Materials - Mains 424 Materials - Service lines 425 Materials - Wells Pumps $693,776 $717,155 $686,813 $739,727 $0 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $8,015 $20,000 $9,495 $20,000 $150,274 $162,626 $139,203 $165,884 $51,716 $52,778 $51,990 $55,082 $903,781 $957,559 $887,501 $985,693 $5,711 $12,000 $6,081 $22,000 $7,095 $8,500 $8,467 $8,500 $25,684 $38,000 $30,933 $39,000 $4,376 $4,500 $3,650 $4,500 $21,236 $35,000 $21,213 $35,000 $156 $1,000 $455 $1,000 $16,250 $18,500 $15,780 $18,500 $139,380 $150,000 $151,348 $158,000 $9,997 $15,500 $10,036 $15,500 $9,759 $10,500 $10,484 $10,500 $22,999 $20,000 $9,119 $20,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $34,346 $55,000 $38,348 $55,000 $15,790 $325,000 $303,479 $105,000 $8,554 $15,000 $6,109 $15,000 $5,107 $12,000 $2,525 $12,000 $6,288 $9,000 $4,556 $9,000 $193 $600 $1,158 $600 $19,935 $35,000 $19,937 $35,000 $8,225 $10,000 $8,484 $10,000 $7,997 $14,000 $3,458 $14,000 $5,473 $12,000 $8,890 $12,000 $6,823 $45,000 $8,714 $45,000 con't 9 WATER OPERATIONS 5210-447-430550 EXPENSE DETAIL amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 Maintenance & Operations Continued: 510 Property & Liability Ins $15,468 $19,398 $20,309 $21,500 512 Uninsured Loss -Deductible & Goodwill Expend $0 $10,000 $5,283 $10,000 521 Central Garage Transfer $23,855 $23,750 $23,750 $21,977 522 Administrative Transfer $103,473 $114,222 $114,222 $109,988 528 Information Tech. Transfer $29,196 $36,000 $29,196 $33,457 532 Office Rent/Lease Pymnt (Silverbrook Well) $6,422 $9,500 $9,048 $10,500 Subtotal $564,788 $1,063,970 $880,032 $857,522 490200 610 620 Principal, Interest, Fiscal Fees $251,986 $433,377 $365,058 $376,132 Capital Outlay - Operating funds (rates): 921 Sand Cold Mix Storage Shed $34,744 $15,325 $14,997 $0 935 Noffsinger Transmission Condition Assessment $0 $0 $0 $250,000 936 Noffsinger Spring Generator $58,943 $31,057 $7,736 $0 938 Old School Well Frequency Drives $0 $45,000 $44,830 $0 940 Machinery & Equipment $0 $32,400 $29,732 $20,000 950 1st AvenueWN $0 $0 $0 $620,000 951 SCADA Control System Upgrades $2,715 $15,000 $995 $50,000 953 Shop Complex Pavemnt Restoration (carry) $0 $38,200 $0 $38,200 958 2nd Ave. E. Main $453 $0 $0 $0 959 Parks Metering Phase 11(carry) $11,584 $28,416 $6,079 $22,337 962 9th Ave West Water Main Repl (carry) $0 $625,000 $157,517 $467,483 963 8th Street West Water Main Repl (carry) $0 $416,000 $2,681 $413,319 968 Conrad Drive $0 $0 $0 $360,000 971 Westview Well VFD Upgrade $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $108,439 $1,246,398 $264,567 $2,241,339 Capital Outlay -Bonded: 939 Four Mile Transmission Main (Phase 1) $0 $0 $0 $3,500,000 969 4th Ave E. Main Replc $60,883 $1,962,538 $1,744,422 $0 $60,883 $1,962,538 $1,744,422 $3,500,000 4 WATER OPERATIONS 5210-447-430550 EXPENSE DETAIL amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 430555 Capital Outlay -Impact Fee Funds (010120): 930 Contract Main Upsize (Impact fee Acct) $29,746 $320,254 $0 $320,254 939 Four Mile Transmission Main (Phase 1) $0 $0 $0 $262,000 941 Meters - New Development $32,575 $45,600 $36,935 $45,600 953 Develop Wtr Supply Section 36 Well $0 $1,376,746 $195,515 $1,402,231 Subtotal $62,321 $1,742,600 $232,450 $2,030,085 430550 Capital Outlay -Meter Funds (010125): 948 Meters - Replacement $32,575 $110,000 $23,453 $110,000 Subtotal $32,575 $110,000 $23,453 $110,000 510400-831 Depreciation Expense $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 Total Water Facilities $2,824,773 $8,356,442 $5,237,483 $10,940,771 430560 Water Billing Personal Services FTITs 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 110 Salaries & Wages $104,036 $111,417 $109,378 $113,806 153 Health Insurance $30,901 $31,823 $27,384 $28,181 155 PERD $7,983 $8,527 $8,485 $8,813 Subtotal $142,920 $151,767 $145,247 $150,800 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies,Computers $2,424 $2,500 $2,340 $3,500 353 Auditing $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 354 Billing Costs/Grizzly Sec. & Mail Room $0 $45,000 $38,592 $40,000 355 Billing Costs/bank & cc fees, CenturyLink $60,613 $22,000 $18,211 $25,000 356 Billing costs/printing, shredding $0 $3,000 $621 $2,500 373 Dues & Training $1,755 $2,500 $1,435 $2,500 522 Administrative Transfer $7,950 $11,451 $11,451 $11,289 528 Information Tech. Transfer $29,196 $33,000 $29,196 $33,457 532 Office Rent $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 Subtotal $110,360 $127,873 $110,268 $126,668 Total Billing $253,280 $279,640 $255,515 $277,468 Grand Total Water Fund $3,078,053 $8,636,082 $5,492,998 $11,218,240 Z WATER OPERATIONS FUND: 5210-447-430550/560 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: Water Fund 210 Office Supplies/Equip/Computers/ GIS - $22,000 Increase of $10,000 is for two field tablets, GPS Vehicle Equipment Tracking data costs, and to meet the computer replacement schedule 356 Consultants - $105,000 $60,000 - Rate Study $35,000 - Water Rights Acquisition and Water Modeling $10,000 - Engineering Reviews and Construction Support Capital Outlay: Operating Funds (Rates) 935 Noffsinger Transmission and Facility Condition Assessment - $250,000 This project was identified by the risk assessment process. Due to the high consequence of failure associated with the Noffsinger Spring transmission mains and Center St. transmission mains, complete a condition assessment on the 16", 18", and 20" Cl mains to identify potential main failures and repair prior to failure. Additionally, Noffsinger Facility will be analyzed for operational alternatives due to the aging facility and high risk of failure associated with the production capacity. 940 Machinery & Equipment - $20,000 $20,000 - Hammer attachment for the 1999 Backhoe. 950 1st Avenue WN - $620,000 This project was identified by the risk assessment process The 1926's era 6 inch cast iron water main will be replaced within I st Ave WN from West Washington St to Market St with 8 inch PVC. This project requires a bore under Hwy 2. Customers with service on the existing line will receive new meter pits and their water services will be replaced within the right-of-way (W-RR-02). 951 SCADA Control System Upgrade/improvements - $50,000 The SCADA system utilizes a complex instrumentation, control and software system to operate and monitor water system facilities This allocation upgrades the current SCADA system to allow operators and managers system wide trending, better remote control and technology advancements. It also ensures funding for maintenance to the SCADA system and supporting equipment (W-0-01). 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration - Carryover $38,200 The project involves replacement of the degraded asphalt surface inside the fenced area of the City Shop Complex and the installation of a new storm water quality treatment device. The asphalt at the City Shop Complex is deteriorated beyond simple patch work and necessitates replacement. The asphalt replacement triggers storm water treatment requirements stipulated by the MS4 permit and promotes good stewardship for clean water discharges to Ashley Creek. Cost shared between Water, Sewer, Storm, Streets, & Solid Waste - Total Project Cost $341,000 959 Parks Metering - Phase H - Carryover $22,337 Installation of water meters, meter pits, and backilow prevention in the City's parks. Metering City parks irrigation will allow for analysis of production and demand of water production system. The data will enhance our cost of service analysis and the need for implementation of new water production wells. The project will be completed over two phases. (W-EX-176). 6 WATER OPERATIONS FUND: 5210-447-430550/560 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - con't. Line Item Detail: Water Fund Continued Capital Outlay: Operating Funds (Rates) Cont. 962 9th Avenue West Water Main Replacement - Carryover $467,483 This project involves replacement of approximately 1,600' of 1920's era 6" cast iron water main with 8" PVC. The project scope begins at the intersection of 9th Ave. W. and 6th St. and continues south on 9th Ave. W. to the intersection at 8th St. The new main will then T and loop together 8th Ave. W. and 10th Ave. W. The existing main has ruptured at 5 different locations within the last 24 months (W-EX-172). 963 8th Street West Water Main Replacement - Carryover $413,319 This project replaces approximately 860' of 6" cast iron water main with 8" PVC. The existing water main was installed in the 1920's and has experienced multiple breaks due to aging pipes (W-EX-178). 968 Conrad Drive - $360,000 This project was identified by the risk assessment process and has had multiple breaks in recent history, including one break this past winter The 1930's era 4 inch and 6 inch cast iron water main under Conrad Drive between Woodland Avenue and College Avenue will be replaced with new 8 inch PVC. Customers with service on the existing line will receive new meter pits and their water services will be replaced within the right-of-way (W-RR-05). Capital Outlay - from Bond and Impact Fee Funds (10120) Bonded Debt - $3,500,000 and Impact Fee Funds - $262,000 939 Four Mile Transmission Main (Phase 1) - $3,762,000 This upper pressure zone transmission main extends a 14" PVC south from the existing 14" PVC in Stillwater Road to Four Mile Drive. Install a 18" PVC along Four Mile Drive heading West to W. Springcreek Road Head south along Farm to Market Road with the 18" PVC and tie it to the existing 18" PVC at the intersection of Three Mile Drive and Heavens Peak Drive (W-M-01). Capital Outlay - Impact Fee funds (10120) 930 Contract Main Upsize - Carryover $320,254 Funds required for small city requested upsizing of private development infrastructure (W-GD-02). 941 Meters - $45,600 New Services (W-GD-01) 953 Construct Grossweiler Well -Carryover $1,181,231 & New Appropriation $221,000 Total - $1,402,231 As growth and water demand increase, new wells and mains are required to meet the firm and peak demands of the City. The development of Grossweiler well would be sufficient to meet the projected growth demand and Public Water Supply requirements stipulated by MDEQ. The Grossweder well is located adjacent to the DNRC'DEQ,91 I Center complex on Stillwater Road. This project is funded 100% with impact fees (W-EX-147). Capital Outlay - Meter Replacement funds (10125) 948 Meters - $110,000 Meter replacements (W-RR-10) 11 SEWER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT # 5310 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Maintain and operate the wastewater collection and treatment facility to have a minimum impact on the environment and enhance the quality of life for the community. WWTP DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (8.55 FTE) .20 Public Works Director 1 WWTP Manager .10 City Engineer 1 Assistant WWTP Manager .15 Budget Resource Manager 4 WWTP Operators .10 Administrative Coordinator 2 WWTP Chemists SEWER DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (6.55 FTE & 1 Unfunded FTE) .15 Public Works Director .25 Engineering Tech/GIS/IT Support .15 City Engineer 2.5 Sewer Maintenance Technician .15 Budget Resource Manager 1 Vacant/Unfunded Swr Maint. Technician .25 Construction Manager .20 Administrative Coordinator .20 Engineer II .20 Administrative Assistant .05 Road and Fleet Superintendent .25 Accounts Payable Clerk GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: .50 Storm/Sewer Maintenance Supervisor .05 Assessment Coordinator .50 Meter Reader .75 Utility Billing Clerk .25 Finance Director .15 City Accountant WWTP 1. To protect the health of the community by discharging wastewater that meets state and federal regulations. 2. Economically maintain facilities to ensure maximum operational functions and equipment longevity. 3. Maximize secondary use of treatment biosolids. SEWER COLLECTION 1. To ensure conveyance of wastewater in the community to the WWTP. 2. Economically maintain facilities for maximum operational functions and equipment longevity. 3. Perform preventative maintenance on sewer conveyance and facilities to ensure optimum system operations. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The wastewater operations budget provides for construction of the new Westside Sewer Interceptor, rehabilitation of existing sewer infrastructure, and rehabilitation/upsizing of Grandview lift station. A rate study will be performed for treatment and operations to ensure adequate rates are being applied to support the current and future sewer system. The WWTP budget allows for the improvements and equipment for polymer storage, rehabilitation of the secondary digester lids, and implementing alternative means of disposing biosolids. SEWER - (Operations, Billing & Wastewater Treatment) FUND: 5310 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Operating 10123 SANITARY Sewer Impact Fee Inv. Account 10124 WWTP Impact Fee Inv. Account 10125 WWTP Equipment Repl Evergreen 1013x Bond Reserves Operating reserve REVENUES 343310 SEWER SERVICE -billed (10100) 343360 Misc. ; (10100) 343330 Impact Fee Hookup -Sanitary (10123) 343330 Admin Impact Fees Sanitary (10100) 343335 Impact Fee Hookup-WWTP (10124) 343335 Admin Impact Fees WWTP (10 100) Sanitary Bonded Debt - Westside Interceptor 371010 Interest -operations (10100) Interest-WWTP. Evergreen (10125) Interest-WWTP Impact Fee Acct. (10124) Interest -Sanitary Impact Fee Invest. Acct. (10123) Total Revenue Total Available EXPENSES Expenses from rates Capital Outlay City/Evergreen Funds (10125) Capital Outlay / Bonded Debt - Westside Interceptor Expenses from Sanitary Impact Fee funds (10123): Expenses from WWTP Impact Fee funds (10124): Depreciation (non cash expense) Total Expenses Add depreciation other non cash exp to cash Add cash distribution to Evergreen/City 10125 from 10100 ENDING CASH 10100 Operating 10123 SANITARY Impact Fee Inv. Account 10124 WWTP Impact Fee Inv. Account 10125 WWTP Equipment Replacement/Evergreen 1013x Bond Reserves (restricted funds) amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $3,101,221 $3,695,377 $3,695,377 $4,355,513 $1,867,844 $2,593,200 $2,593,200 $2,079,218 $471,378 $1,003,232 $1,003,232 $1,322,802 $1,448,800 $1,511,738 $1,511,738 $1,353,064 $1,299,313 $1,156,731 $1,156,731 $1,164,125 $8,188,556 $9,960,278 $9,960,278 $10,274,722 $4,502,813 $4,425,000 $4,534,465 $4,500,000 $5,404 $10,000 $2,575 $10,000 $1,031,399 $513,000 $886,241 $570,000 $54,284 $27,000 $46,644 $30,000 $752,213 $304,000 $534,524 $332,500 $39,590 $16,000 $28,133 $17,500 $0 $11,037,022 $396,530 $14,003,470 $52,965 $51,000 $61,751 $51,000 $18,696 $15,500 $17,178 $15,500 $4,641 $8,500 $10,046 $8,500 $22,100 $25,000 $28,629 $25,000 $6,484,105 $16,432,022 $6,546,716 $19,563,470 $14,672,661 $26,392,300 $16,506,994 $29,838,192 $4,203,482 $5,671,786 $4,013,432 $6,940,408 $363,530 $2,405,671 $574,313 $1,745,991 $0 $10,680,848 $389,136 $13,490,000 $328,143 $2,280,101 $1,428,852 $1,921,883 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 $342,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $7,365,155 $23,508,407 $8,875,733 $26,685,282 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $407,772 $450,000 $398,461 $420,000 $3,695,377 $2,121,384 $4,355,513 $2,023,605 $2,593,200 $851,099 $2,079,218 $752,335 $1,003,232 $1,090,732 $1,322,802 $1,321,802 $1,511,738 ($428,433) $1,353,064 $42,573 $1,156,731 $1,944,112 $1,164,125 $1,677,595 $9,960,278 $5,578,893 $10,274,722 $5,817,910 8 SEWER FUND SUMMARY FUND: 5310-454-430620-630/455-430640 Personal Services: Sewer billing Sanitary Sewer WWTP & LAB Subtotal Maintenance & Operations Sewer Billing services Sanitary Sewer WWTP & Lab Subtotal Capital Outlay from rates: Sanitary Sewer Operation WWTP & Lab Subtotal Debt Service from rates: Sanitary Sewer WWTP Subtotal City/Evergreen Replacement funded from rates. Total Capital Outlay - Other funds: WWTP Impact fees WWTP (10125) City/Evergreen account Sanitary Bonded Debt Sanitary Impact Fee funds(10123) Debt Service -from Impact Fees SanitarySewer (10123) WWTP (10124) Depreciation (non -cash item) Sanitary Depreciation (non -cash item) WWTP Total EXPENSE SUMMARY amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $118,518 $126,635 $120,276 $126,422 $305,390 $343,134 $322,063 $381,313 $698,751 $732,116 $697,199 $785,574 $1,122,661 $1,201,885 $1,139,538 $1,293,310 $113,630 $126,938 $109,378 $125,764 $303,573 $627,823 $435,385 $705,282 $800,512 $1,096,295 $910,924 $1,165,799 $1,217,715 $1,851,056 $1,455,687 $1,996,845 $572,225 $1,198,925 $126,154 $2,088,479 $23,054 $107,000 $31,372 $215,000 $595,279 $1,305,925 $157,526 $2,303,479 $0 $1,861 $1,511 $66,861 $860,055 $861,059 $860,709 $859,913 $860,055 $862,920 $862,220 $926,774 $407,772 $450,000 $398,461 $420,000 $4,203,482 $5,671,786 $4,013,432 $6,940,408 $0 $0 $0 $117,000 $363,530 $2,405,671 $574,313 $1,745,991 $0 $10,680,848 $389,136 $13,490,000 $231,798 $2,185,101 $1,333,852 $1,571,883 $96,345 $95,000 $95,000 $350,000 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 $820,000 $820,000 $820,000 $820,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $7,365,155 $23,5089407 $8,875,734 $26,685,282 0 SEWER OPERATIONS FUND: 5310-454-430630 EXPENSE DETAIL amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 Personal Services: FTE's 5.55 5.55 5.55 6.05 110 Salaries & Wages $227,028 $252,466 $246,747 $283,430 121 Overtime $1,343 $5,500 $633 $5,500 153 Health Insurance $60,008 $66,485 $56,047 $71,186 155 Retirement -PERD $17,011 $18,683 $18,636 $21,197 Subtotal $305,390 $343,134 $322,063 $381,313 Maintenance & Operations. 210 Office SuppliesEquip/ Computer Supplies GIS 218 Equipment (Non Capital)1Safety Equip & Supplies 229 Other Supplies/JanitorialJConsumable Tools 231 Gas & Oil 312 Postage, Printing & Advertising 341 Electricity 344 Natural Gas 345 Telephone & Comm, Alarms 353 Auditing 354 Contract Services 356 Consultants-ReviewlModelmg/Facility Plan/Rate Analysis 362 Equipment Maintenance Buildings & Radios 373 Dues & Training, Licenses 388 Medical Services 410 Construction Materials 425 Materials - Pumps Lift Stations 510 Property & Liability Ins 512 $10,000 Uninsured Loss $15,000 Goodwill Expenditures 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech. Transfer 532 Office Rent Subtotal $3,232 $10,200 $3,559 $12,200 $5,773 $8,350 $7,994 $8,350 $1,908 $2,300 $1,230 $2,300 $7,540 $12,000 $8,525 $12,000 $469 $500 $165 $500 $51,139 $54,500 $50,006 $55,000 $13,530 $16,500 $12,032 $16,500 $24,598 $24,000 $25,067 $25,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $15,616 $24,000 $20,820 $24,000 $5,246 $258,000 $122,859 $335,000 $4,851 $7,000 $1,606 $7,000 $4,726 $5,500 $1,339 $5,500 $53 $500 $447 $500 $7,405 $10,000 $7,270 $10,000 $37,400 $50,000 $21,389 $50,000 $15,791 $18,416 $17,457 $22,149 $4,549 $25,000 $34,879 $21,251 $9,180 $8,575 $8,575 $10,133 $64,461 $64,060 $64,060 $59,359 $16,684 $19,000 $16,684 $19,118 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $303,573 $627,823 $435,385 $705,282 10 SEWER OPERATIONS FUND: 5310-454-430630 EXPENSE DETAIL Capital Outlay? from Rates (10100) 921 Sand Cold Mix Storage Shed 922 USFS Bldg & Property Acquisition/Repair 940 Machinery & Equipment 948 Repair & Replacement of Sewer Main 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration - Carryover 954 Grandview L.S. Relocation & Upsize (50% rate 50% impact fee) 956 Lift Station Communication Upgrade 959 2nd Alley E Repl.FY16; Sewer Line A Replcmnt - Carryover 960 Manhole Rehabilitation /Sewer Main Repairs 961 2nd Alley WN -Mont to Calf (66% rates 34% impact fee) 962 Sewer Main Slip Lining - Carryover Total Capital Outlay 430635 Capital Outlay -Impact Fee funds (10123) 954 Grandview L.S. Relocation & Upsize (50% rate 50% impact fee) 955 Main & Lift Station Upsize - Carryover & New Appropriation 957 West Side Interceptor Phase I - Carryover & New Appropriation 961 2nd Alley WN -Mont to Calf (66% rates 34% impact fee) Total Capital from Impact Fee Funds 430630 Capital Outlay: Bonded 957 West Side Interceptor Phase 1 Debt Service 490204-6xx Debt Service -Principal, Interest, Fiscal Agent Fees 510400-831 Depreciation Expense amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $34,378 $15,325 $14,321 $0 $366 $0 $0 $0 $0 $92,400 $68,298 $50,000 $197,756 $0 $0 $600,000 $0 $38,200 $0 $38,200 $0 $230,000 $11,098 $579,536 $12,342 $20,000 $18,332 $20,000 $0 $558,000 $1,605 $556,395 $31,045 $50,000 $11,848 $50,000 $296,338 $0 $0 $0 $0 $195,000 $652 $194,348 $572,225 $1,198,925 $126,154 $2,088,479 $0 $230,000 $11,098 $579,536 $0 $200,000 $0 $310,000 $79,226 $1,755,101 $1,322,754 $682,347 $152,572 $0 $0 $0 $231,798 $2,185,101 $1,333,852 $1,571,883 $0 $10,680,848 $389,136 $13,490,000 $96,345 $96,861 $96,511 $416,861 $820,000 $820,000 $820,000 $820,000 Total Sanitary Sewer Operating Budget $2,329,331 $15,952,692 $3,523,101 $19,473,818 SEWER OPERATIONS FUND: 5310-454-430630 EXPENSE DETAIL Personal Services: FT&s 430620 Sewer Billing 110 Salaries & Wages 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Subtotal Materials and Services: 215 Office Supplies Computers 353 Auditing 354 Billing Costs/Grizzly Sec. & Mail Room 355 Billing Costs/bank & cc fees, Centuryl-ink 356 Billing Costs printing, shredding 373 Dues & Training 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech Transfer 532 Office Rent Subtotal Total Sanitary Sewer Billing Budget amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 $87,363 $94,168 $92,280 $96,132 $24,461 $25,275 $20,851 $22,864 $6,694 $7,190 $7,145 $7,426 $118,5 l 8 $126,634 $120,276 $126,422 $2,404 $2,500 $2,339 $3,500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $45,000 $38,593 $40,000 $64,798 $22,000 $18,211 $25,000 $0 $3,000 $621 $2,500 $1,755 $2,500 $1,480 $2,500 $7,055 $10,516 $10,516 $10,385 $29,196 $33,000 $29,196 $33,457 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $113,630 $126,938 $109,378 $125,764 $232,148 $253,572 $229,654 $252,186 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: SANITARY SEWER 110 Personnel Services - Includes an additional .50 FTE Addition of one full-time Sewer Storm operator Salary split between Sewer and Storm fund. 354 Contract Services-$24,000: Cost of annual contracts, t. `-dig fees, generator testing/maintenance, coveralls, estimated system repairs. 356 Consultants - $335,000 $25,000 - Sewer Modeling, Engineering reviews, and Construction Support $250,000 (Carryover) Facility Plan: Update will provide analysis to ensure planning and funding is in place to meet growth and regulatory compliance of the sewer collection system. $60,000 - Rate Study. 12 SEWER OPERATIONS FUND: 5 310-454-430630 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: SANITARY SEWER Cont. 362 Equipment Maintenance/Buildings & Radios - $7,000 $2,000 to repair section of security fence at shop complex. Cost shared with Solid Waste, Water, Street, Parks -Total Cost $10,000 373 Dues & Training - $5,500 Proposed technical trainings include, FVCC electrical courses, methods and techniques for grout application in manholes, and sewer camera transporter fundamentals and rebuild course. 425 Materials - Pumps/Lift Stations - $50,000 The City maintains 40 sewer lift stations which contain 80 pumps and motors, numerous drives, check valves and controls. Many of our pumps have reached the end of their service life cycle. In addition to routine maintenance, repairs were mostly associated with pump and motor failures, or level transmission and control malfunctions This budget accommodates 5-6 major pump replacements a year Capital Outlay: from Rates (10100) 940 Machinery & Equipment - $50,000 $50,000 - Scheduled replacement of Pipe Line Inspection Camera System. Cost split with Storm, Total Cost $100,000 948 Repair & Replacement of Sewer Main - $600,000 This project was identified through video inspection and sewer main maintenance services. The existing 18 inch sewer main was determined to have deteriorating pipe, root intrusion, and sections of pipe failures. The project will rehabilitate approximately 3 5 blocks of 18" sewer main in south west section of downtown Kalispell. Project to be completed after construction of the West Side Interceptor is completed, a majority of the flow impacting this main will be rerouted, giving opportunity to rehab this main (SEW-91) 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration - Carryover $38,200 The project involves replacement of the degraded asphalt surface inside the fenced area of the City Shop Complex and the installation of a new storm water quality treatment device. The asphalt at the City Shop Complex is deteriorated beyond simple patch work and necessitates replacement. The asphalt replacement triggers storm water treatment requirements stipulated by the MS4 permit and promotes good stewardship for clean water discharges to Ashley Creek. Cost shared between/Water, Sewer, Storm, Streets, & Solid Waste Total Project Cost $341,000 956 Lift Station Communication Upgrade - $20,000 This multi -year project replaces up to five lift station landline based alarm systems with cell phone web based alarm and data collection. Currently, operators are alerted of lift station failures through landline phones The proposed Mission Communication System collects necessary facility data that is published through a web based program reviewed daily by operators. 19 mission units are currently installed and additional units will be purchased and phased into the operational system over the next several years (SEW-72) 13 SEWER OPERATIONS FUND: 5 310-454-430630 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - con't. Line Item Detail: SANITARY SEWER Capital Outlay: from Rates (10100) Cont. 959 Sewer Line A Replacement - Carryover $556,395 Sewer Line A is a 18" clay pipe and provides services to the west side of Kalispell and Highway 93 corridor north of the Meridian Road and Highway 93 intersection via the Grandview Lift Station. The manholes and pipes are in poor condition due to root intrusion, pipe manhole material, bury depth, and age (pre 1940's). The poor status of the system makes it susceptible to failure during the large excavation required for the West Side Interceptor. This project replaces three blocks of Line A at the same time the West Side Interceptor is constructed (SEW-90) 960 Manhole & Sewer Main Rehabilitation & Replacement - $50,000 This project allows for the reconstruction or replacement of sanitary sewer manholes and mains that have deteriorated and are approaching a potential failure. The sewer crews review and record the function of manholes and mains During this review, crews prioritize the potential projects according to the severity of the deterioration (SEW-33 ) 962 Sewer Main Slip Lining Projects - Carryover $194,348 This project involves re -lining failing sewer mains in 5th Alley East from 7th St. to loth St., 3rd Alley West from loth St. to I Ith St., I Ith St W from 2nd Alley to 3rd Alley, and 6th Alley WN from Wyoming to Colorado (SEW-19, SEW-30, SEW-69). Capital Outlay - $579,536 (carryover $218,902 and new appropriation $360,634) from Rates (10100) and $579,536 (carryover $218,902 and new appropriation $360,634) from Impact Fee Funds (10123) 954 Grandview Lift Station Relocation and Upsize -Total $1,159,072 This project involves relocation, rebuild, and upsizing of the Grandview Lift Station. The relocation of the station will allow for improved layout and an additional pump and motor to ensure station redundancies Currently this station handles all conveyance flows from the northern portion of the City with no redundant pump availability. The layout is not conducive to efficient operations due to an extremely deep configuration, which does not promote an effective redesign at the current location. (SEW-74 - 5010 Rate & 500o Growth). Capital Outlay - Impact Fee Funds (10123) 955 Main & Lift Station Upsize -Carryover $200,000, New Appropriation $110,000 $310,000 - Misc sewer contract main upsize, facility enlargements, or regional lift station. Increased for potential new development projects in North and South Kalispell (SEW-52 ) Capital Outlay - from Bond (10100) and Impact Fee Funds (10123) Impact Fee Funds - $682,347, Carryover $432,347 and New Appropriation $250,000 Bonded Debt - $13,490,000, Carryover $10,291,712 and New Appropriation $3,198,288 957 West Side Interceptor- $14,172,347 This project involves the design and construction to install approximately 20,000 lineal feet of sanitary gravity sewer main. The West Side Interceptor extends a new main from a connection at loth Street West and 5th Ave West, west and then north across 3 Mile Drive to Stillwater Rd and West Reserve. The northern most section is a force main from Hwy 93 to the northern most gravity manhole The design for the project includes capacity forecasting; sanitary sewer modeling; topographic, property, and utility surveys; development and negotiations for easements and land acquisition; development of project design plans and specifications, bidding and negotiation services; and construction (SEW-55). 14 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5310-455-430640 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages III Seasonal Salaries 112 Severance 121 Overtime 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Subtotal EXPENSE DETAIL amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 FTE's 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 $418,815 $448,827 $421,283 $456,093 $4,479 $5,000 $1,818 $5,000 $14,457 $0 $4,244 $42,317 $19,892 $22,500 $20,238 $22,500 $83,823 $89,216 $85,394 $89,087 $32,690 $32,959 $33,336 $33,891 $574,156 $598,502 $566,313 $648,888 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies/Equip/Computers 218 Safety Equipment & Supply 225 Alum 226 Chemicals 229 Other Supplies/Janitorial/Consumable Tools/Equip Rental 231 Gas & Oil 312 Postage & Shipping 336 Licenses and Fees 341 Electricity 342 Water 344 Natural Gas 345 Telephone & Alarms 353 Auditing 354 Contract Services -Glacier Gold 355 Other Contract Services 356 Consult-Elec Eng/Permit Asst /Optimization & Bio Solid Studie 358 Consultant - TMDL & Facility Plan/Rate Analysis 360 Maintenance Service -Misc. 366 Building Maintenance 373 Dues, Training & Training Materials 388 Medical Services 510 Property & Liability Insurance 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech. Transfer $6,012 $10,000 $15,616 $10,000 $2,208 $2,700 $2,310 $2,700 $20,282 $20,000 $20,371 $20,000 $22,336 $45,000 $52,276 $80,000 $6,383 $7,000 $3,502 $7,000 $9,969 $16,000 $14,288 $16,000 $401 $350 $561 $400 $7,491 $10,000 $11,595 $11,500 $175,155 $ 180,000 $174,179 $182,000 $4,010 $7,500 $8,640 $7,500 $44,838 $60,000 $45,585 $60,000 $6,098 $6,500 $5,974 $6,500 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $130,426 $124,000 $134,311 $124,000 $27,472 $30,000 $36,880 $30,000 $54,582 $100,000 $58,535 $77,500 $2,588 $125,000 $632 $185,000 $15,323 $30,000 $22,614 $30,000 $23,181 $50,000 $39,005 $40,000 $5,391 $7,500 $4,911 $7,500 $228 $500 $412 $500 $34,985 $36,384 $36,350 $37,342 $13,212 $13,842 $13,842 $22,489 $112,237 $122,819 $122,819 $117,270 $20,854 $27,500 $20,854 $23,898 15 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5310-455-430640 EXPENSE DETAIL amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 430640 Capital Outlay: Operating Funds 920 T-Was Roof Replc (carry) $0 $32,000 $0 $32,000 921 Evergreen Sewer Sampling Equipment & Bid $23,054 $0 $0 $0 930 Biosolids Alternate Disposal Eng.(61% rate,39% impact) $0 $0 $0 $183,000 940 Boiler/Heat Exchange Overhaul $0 $75,000 $31,372 $0 Subtotal $23,054 $107,000 $31,372 $215,000 430644 Capital Outlay: Impact Fee Funds 930 Biosolids Alternate Disposal Eng.(61% rate,39% impact) $0 $0 $0 $117,000 $0 $0 $0 $117,000 430645 WWTP Replacement Funds:Evg (10125) 362 Equipment Maintenance $96,696 $100,000 $100,485 $100,000 921 Roof ReplcmntFY17; E. Secondary Clarifier Coating Prj $34,636 $0 $0 $60,000 933 Solid Dewatering Carryover $1,538 $98,462 $89,000 $0 934 Secondary Digester Lid Phase 1 (Carry) & Phase 2 $28,798 $1,699,381 $310,390 $1,388,991 936 Digested Sludge Line Replacement $149,190 $0 $0 $0 937 Sand Filter Maintenance & Replacement- Carry $0 $200,000 $0 $100,000 940 Machinery & Equipment $52,672 $307,828 $74,438 $97,000 Subtotal $363,530 $2,405,671 $574,313 $1,745,991 4902xx-6x Debt Service $1,085,055 $1,086,059 $1,085,709 $1,084,913 831 Replacement Reserve -Evergreen $407,772 $450,000 $398,461 $420,000 Depreciation Expense (non cash) $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 Subtotal WWTP $4,628,229 $7,108,827 $4,931,230 $6,759,891 16 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5 310-45 5-430640 EXPENSE DETAIL amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 430646 Laboratory Operations - Personal Services: FTE's 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 110 Salaries & Wages $100,802 $108,136 $106,328 $110,917 153 Health Insurance $16,344 $17,614 $16,590 $17,608 155 Retirement - PERD $7,450 $7,864 $7,968 $8,161 Subtotal $124,596 $133,614 $130,886 $136,686 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies/Computers/other Supplies/Shipping $1,853 $4,500 $3,484 $4,500 218 Equipment $2,611 $2,500 $1,912 $2,500 222 Lab Supplies $13,249 $14,500 $14,163 $16,500 349 Lab services /Permit & Pretreatment Testing $27,321 $29,000 $34,823 $30,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $4,479 $5,500 $5,219 $5,500 373 Dues & Training, Licenses $1,337 $3,700 $1,261 $3,700 Subtotal $50,850 $59,700 $60,862 $62,700 Subtotal Laboratory $175,446 $193,314 $191,748 $199,386 Total Treatment Plant $4,803,675 $7,302,141 $5,122,978 $6,959,277 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail - Wastewater Treatment Plant 226 Chemicals - $80,000 Increased line item $35,000 for polymer usage. Previous polymer usage was calculated during original screw press operations. Two waste streams are dewatered in Kalispell's BNR process I) the return activated sludge (RAS) stream directly from the bio-cells, and 2) the digest sludge stream from the digesters. Previous dewatering practice had the RAS dewatering through the screw press, and the digested sludge through the belt filter press. This operation presented challenges because the final bio-solid product did not meet the percent solids of sludge cake required. Consultants have since recommended combining the digested sludge with the return activated sludge, which ultimately causes a higher polymer consumption. 355 Other Contract Services - $30,000 Rag /grit and landfill biosolids disposal fees and other contract services. 17 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5 310-455-43 0640 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - con't Line Item Detail - Wastewater Treatment Plant 356 Consultant - Electrical Engineer, and Permit Compliance - $77,500 $20,000 Electrical Engineer - Continue to update the 1992 antiquated computer control programming for operations of the modernized equipment in the current plant. Ongoing trouble shooting when failures occur in communications and the computer control program. $11,500 (Carryover) - Permit Compliance : Temperature Study Monitoring/Evaluation - The City of Kalispell wastewater discharge permit mandates the development of a temperature and flow monitoring plan for instream and effluent discharge in response to the Ashley Creek Temperature TMDL. Continuing monitoring and evaluation of the data will be utilized for permit compliance and evaluation of the WWTP discharge temperature effects on Ashley Creek. $46,000 - Site Specific Standard Sampling and Evaluation- Evokes a process for a permittee to demonstrate that the site specific reduction of one nutrient will achieve the highest attainable condition (HAC) the same as it could by a reduction of both nutrients. The permittee is required to demonstrate through monitoring, modeling and evaluation interim effluent limits, different than the numeric WQ standard, will achieve the HAC. This is a multi -year program involving a minimum of three years of data collection, analysis, modeling, DEQ collaboration and ultimately the state adopting new rulemaking standards for the WWTP's discharge to Ashley Creek. The first year involves development of the plan, approval from DEQ, sampling and analysis for summer 2019. 358 Consultants - Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) / Permit - $25,000, Facility Plan Update - $100,000, and Rate Study $60,000 The State of Montana is under Federal Court order to develop a TMDL for pollutants flowing from the Flathead basin into Flathead lake. TMDL restrictions will have some consequences for the City's historical ability to discharge waters to Flathead tributaries and its community wastewater to Ashley creek. We have engaged an experienced consultant to provide assistance to the City for working with MDEQ to develop a satisfactory TMDL. This budget item also includes funds for a WWTP Facility Plan Update and Rate Analysis. The last Facility Plan Update for WWTP is 9 years old, an update is needed to review planning, alternatives to meet Kalispell's 20 year nutrient variance for DEQ. 366 Building Maintenance - $44,000 $25,000 - Polymer Storage Platform $15,000 - Misc. building repairs and maintenance to multiple WWTP buildings $4,000 - Sun Shade for 2nd South Clarifier 430640 Capital Outlay - Operating Funds 920 T-WAS Tank Roofing Replacement - Carryover $32,000 The T-Was Tank roofing liner was originally installed in 1992 and the roof liner is completely destroyed by U.V. and no longer provides rain/weather protection to the shared electrical equipment in the digester basement (WWTP-1729). 640/44 Capital Outlay - Operating Funds & Impact Fee Funds 930 Biosolids Alternate Disposal Design - $300,000 ($183,000 rates & $117,000 impact fee) As the City approaches the capacity of the Glacier Gold Composting facility of 600 dry/tons per year these funds will be used to design an alternative means of disposing of our biosolids (WWTP-1730). 18 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5 310-45 5-430640 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - con't Line Item Detail - Wastewater Treatment Plant 430645 Capital Outlay - Replacement Funds 362 Equipment Maintenance - $100,000 -The WWT plant maintains along list of equipment some of which includes 76 pumps, 210 valves, air compressors, gas boilers, sand filters, air blowers, fans, motors etc. The original 1992 plant is reaching the expected life span of 25 years and therefore increases in equipment replacement, rehabilitation, and maintenance is expected. Most of the smaller pump replacement costs range in $12,000 - $15,000 range. The larger digester mixer pumps cost $50,000 and an air blower replacement costs would exceed the $125,000 range (WWTP-1604). 921 East Secondary Clarifier Coating Rehabilitation - $60,000 The submerged metal in the East Secondary Clarifier is rusting and in need of protective coating. This clarifier became operational in 2009 and was equipped with galvanized metal, but the corrosive environment is causing the metal to rust along with wormhole pitting on the arm (WWTP-1605). 934 Secondary Digester Lids Replacement - Phase 1 & 2 - Carryover $1,388,991 The Secondary Digester Lids were originally installed in 1992. The steel floating lids were protective coated in 1997 due to the corrosive environment. The coatings were designed to last 10 + years, and the coating/metal are now showing signs of rusting. An inspection by a qualified coating and structural expert was performed. Budget for this project includes design and coating of the TWAS and secondary digesters as determined from the inspection analysis report (WWTP-171 I). 430645 Capital Outlay - Replacement Funds 937 Sand Filters Maintenance and Replacement - Carryover $100,000 This project involves replacement of eroded away and displaced sand, and the replacement and rehabilitation of the filter units in order to improve functionality. After 24 years of service the sand filters are worn, cracked, and no longer operate at optimum capacities. Engineering support will be required for rehabilitation which will be determined once the filters are inspected (WWTP-1608). 940 Machinery & Equipment Replacement Fund - $97,000 $12,000 - Secondary Clarifier Scum Pump Replacement $85,000 - Miniature Front End Loader Laboratory Operations: 222 Lab Supplies - $16,500 Increased $2,000 to meet actual costs. The increase in costs are due to the increase in supply costs for laboratory analysis and continuing replacement of older glassware. 349 Lab Services/Permit & Pretreatment Testing - $30,000 Pretreatment Program: The City of Kalispell was issued a wastewater discharge permit from the Department of Environmental Quality in 2015 The permit mandates increased sampling parameters and analysis from the treatment facility influent and effluent for the presence of toxic pollutants as a part of the pretreatment program. 19 STORM SEWER ACCOUNT # 5349-453 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: The purpose of this department is to provide for a means of storm water conveyance to designated storm water management areas and outfalls, thus reducing the localized and undesirable occurrence of storm water ponding. Responsibilities also include implementation of the Storm Water Management Program to minimize pollutant run off to waterbodies in accordance with State and Federal Regulations. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (7.70 FTE) .10 Public Works Director .25 Senior Civil Engineer (City Engineer) .15 Budget Resource Manager .25 Construction Manager .10 Administrative Coordinator .20 Project Manager (Engineer II) .05 Road and Fleet Superintendent .20 Assessment Coordinator 1.0 Environmental Specialist .60 Assistant Civil Engineer (Engineer II) .25 Engineering Tech/GIS/IT Support .20 Administrative Assistant .50 Storm/Sewer Maintenance Supervisor 3.0 Storm Maintenance .25 Special Street Maintenance Operator .20 General Laborer .40 Utility Management Superintendent GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: 1. To maintain and operate the storm water collection, detention, and treatment facilities for the conveyance of storm water. 2. Implement requirements of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Discharge Permit (MS4). INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FYI budget for Storm Sewer provides continuation of capital projects to improve conveyance of a deteriorated system, improve water quality, and improve the function of a regional detention facility. The budget also provides regional facility development to service future growth in the north and west areas of Kalispell, and supports new programs for the MS4 Permit. A new pipeline inspection camera system will improve the city's inspection efficiency by allowing videoing for more ranges of pipe sizes. STORM SEWER FUND: 5 349-453-430246 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating 10120 Cash, Impact Fees 10122 Cash, Capital Reserve 10127 Cash, Emergency Reserve 10190 Cash, Designated for Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects Total Cash REVENUES 343370 Storm Assessments -billed (10100) Assessments -designated for equipment (10190) Assessments -designated for capital projects (10193) Bonded Debt 334040 Petro Tank/Monitory Reimbursement (10100) 343035 Permit fees & other Charges for Service (10100) 363040 Penalty & Interest (10100) 371010 Interest ( 10 100) 343033 Impact Fees (10120) Impact Fee 5%Admin (10100) Total Revenue Total Available ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $1,448,231 $1,215,022 $1,215,022 $1,434,940 $1,337,938 $1,821,099 $1,821,099 $2,050,556 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $131,186 $171,186 $171,186 $152,888 $115,844 $50,000 $50,000 $428,391 $3,198,199 $3,422,307 $3,422,307 $4,231,775 $774,799 $811,739 $834,775 $810,000 $40,000 $50,000 $50,000 $75,000 $50,000 $413,261 $413,261 $505,000 $0 $99,213 $71,914 $0 $4,136 $2,500 $1,533 $1,500 $3,650 $1,000 $3,217 $1,000 $1,852 $1,200 $2,534 $1,500 $29,639 $18,000 $39,936 $25,000 $468,836 $237,500 $282,873 $190,000 $24,676 $12,500 $14,856 $10,000 $1,397,588 $1,646,913 $1,714,899 $1,619,000 $4,595,787 $5,069,220 $5,137,206 $5,850,775 EXPENSES EXPENSES FROM RATES (10100) $1,173,480 $1,440,386 $669,107 $1,562,362 Capital Outlay -impact fee (10120) $0 $230,000 $67,664 $1,466,000 Capital Equipment -replacement (10190) $0 $135,400 $68,298 $93,000 Capital Projects (10193) $0 $203,525 $34,870 $640,700 Capital Outlay - Bonded Debt $0 $99,213 $71,914 $0 Depreciation (non -cash expense) $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 Total Expenses $1,458,480 $2,393,524 $1,196,853 $4,047,062 add back depreciation/other $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating 10120 Cash, Impact Fees 10122 Cash, Capital Reserve (target $140,000) 10127 Cash, Emergency Reserve (target $25,000) 10190 Cash, Designated Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects $1,215,022 $621,575 $1,434,940 $728,000 $1,821,099 $1,828,599 $2,050,556 $774,556 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $171,186 $85,786 $152,888 $134,888 $50,000 $259,736 $428,391 $292,691 $3,422,307 $2,960,696 $4,231,775 $2,095,135 20 STORM SEWER FUND: 5349-45 3-430246 EXPENSE DETAIL Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages 121 Overtime 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement Subtotal Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies/Equip/Computer/GIS 218 Equipment (non capital)/ Safety Equip & Supplies 229 Other Supplies/Consumable Tools 231 Gas & Oil 345 Telephone & Communication 353 Auditing 354 Contract Services 356 Stormwater Reg Compliance Program/Permit 357 Impact Fee Update 358 Consultants 359 ConsultantsfrMDL / Permit 360 Repair & Maint Services 362 Groundwater Monitoring 371 Curb & Gutter 373 Dues & Training 388 Medical Services 410 Construction Materials 510 Liability Ins. ($6,824; $5,000 uninsured loss) 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech Transfer 530 Lease PaymentsBNSF 532 Office Rent Subtotal Debt Service 610/620 Principal, Interest, Fiscal Fees ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 6.20 7.20 7.20 7.70 $337,023 $408,007 $380,479 $451,922 $1,353 $4,000 $893 $4,000 $74,142 $98,404 $78,609 $97,880 $25,245 $30,228 $28,810 $33,856 $437,763 $540,639 $488,791 $587,658 $3,436 $12,100 $10,516 $16,100 $2,932 $6,550 $532 $6,550 $280 $2,200 $2,108 $2,200 $7,094 $11,500 $7,944 $11,500 $861 $900 $1,039 $1,000 $1,150 $1,150 $1,150 $1,150 $6,861 $6,000 $6,857 $7,000 $24,243 $35,000 $24,420 $135,000 $29,942 $15,000 $10,192 $0 $5,111 $7,000 $7,627 $10,000 $1,032 $15,000 $8,812 $15,000 $1,294 $2,500 $2,200 $2,500 $2,150 $5,000 $1,933 $4,000 $0 $7,000 $364 $7,000 $3,933 $5,500 $3,767 $5,500 $0 $100 $0 $100 $0 $10,000 $2,589 $10,000 $4,842 $9,000 $3,576 $11,824 $9,180 $8,575 $8,575 $10,133 $39,752 $44,350 $44,350 $42,058 $16,684 $13,000 $16,684 $19,118 $4,790 $5,900 $4,587 $6,000 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $171,989 $229,747 $176,244 $330,155 $0 $30,000 $4,072 $4,549 21 STORM SEWER FUND: 5349-453-430246 EXPENSE DETAIL 430246 Capital Outlay: from operating (10100) 951 2 Mi. Dr. Drainage Impr (carryover) 955 Sylvan Dr Repair Phase 2 (carry) Subtotal 430247 Capital Outlay: from Capital Projects (10193) 921 Sand/Cold Mix Storage Shed 952 Storm Drain Correction Funds (carry & new appropriation) 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration (Carry) 954 North Main Street Stormwater Project 968 4th Ave East Replace - Non Bonded Portion Capital Outlay: Bonded 969 4th Ave East Replace 430248 Capital Outlay: Impact Fee $ (10120) 959 Regional Facilities & Piping Design 960 Stormwater Facility Upsizing Subtotal 430249 Capital Outlay: from Replacement $ (10190) 840 Machinery & Equipment-MACI Match (Carry) 940 Machinery & Equipment Subtotal 510400 831 Depreciation: Total ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $250,000 $0 $250,000 $501,380 $390,000 $0 $390,000 $501,380 $640,000 $0 $640,000 $34,378 $15,325 $14,997 $0 $27,970 $100,000 $0 $200,000 $0 $38,200 $0 $188,200 $0 $0 $0 $252,500 $0 $50,000 $19,873 $0 $62,348 $203,525 $34,870 $640,700 $0 $99,213 $71,914 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,236,000 $0 $230,000 $67,664 $230,000 $0 $230,000 $67,664 $1,466,000 $0 $43,000 $0 $43,000 $0 $92,400 $68,298 $50,000 $0 $135,400 $68,298 $93,000 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $1,458,480 $2,393,524 $1,196,853 $4,047,062 22 STORM SEWER FUND: 5 349-45 3 -43 0246 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: STORM SEWER FUND 110 Personnel Services - Includes an additional .50 FTE Addition of one full-time Sewer/Storm operator. Salary split between Sewer and Storm fund. 356 Stormwater Regulatory Compliance Program/Permit Fees - $135,000 The City of Kalispell needs to comply with regulations of MDEQ's General Permit for Small MS4s. The Permit requires the City to develop and implement a stormwater management program that includes a program for post -construction stormwater management controls. Developing a program to inspect and maintain post -construction stormwater management controls, both public and private, that will be feasible with the City of Kalispell's resources, requires utilizing an asset based management and permitting software (Cityworks). To properly set up the software and public interface, the City needs to contract a company with the appropriate skill set. Developing a post -construction stormwater management program that can be accessed online will keep the City in compliance with their MS4 General Permit and will minimize City workload required with maintaining the program. 430246 Capital Outlay: from Rates (10100) 951 Two Mile Drive Drainage Improvement from Hawthorn to Meridian - Carryover $250,000 This project replaces approximately 360' of varying sized culverts and 750' of ditch restoration along 2 Mile Dr. The project begins at a storm inlet in the west intersection of Hawthorn Dr. continues east in the north ROW until ditch flow is piped under 2 Mile and Glenwood. Ditch flow is resumed on the east side of Glenwood until the point of a CMP inlet at the FWP parking lot entrance. Existing culverts and drainage ditches are improperly graded and undersized. This project will provide proper conveyance of stormwater from the ROW and property to the stormwater system in Meridian, and alleviate flooding issues with residents (STX43). 430247 Capital Outlay: from Capital (10193) 952 Storm Drain Correction - Carryover $100,000 & New Appropriation $100,000 The goal of this project is to provide design and construction for areas in the City that are in need of storm drainage systems and storm drainage system upgrades. Projects include: Areas in sections of the City that have extensive ponding at the intersection caused from rain events. Improve curb and gutter flow to eliminate ponding and deterioration of pavement. 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration - Carryover $38,200 & New Appropriation $150,000 The project involves replacement of the degraded asphalt surface inside the fenced area of the City Shop Complex and the installation of a new storm water quality treatment device. The asphalt at the City Shop Complex is deteriorated beyond simple patch work and necessitates replacement. The asphalt replacement triggers storm water treatment requirements stipulated by the MS4 permit and promotes good stewardship for clean water discharges to Ashley Creek. The new appropriation accounts for the updated cost of the water quality unit. Cost shared between/Water, Sewer, Storm, Streets, & Solid Waste - Total Project Cost $341,000 23 STORM SEWER FUND: 5349-453-430246 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - con't 430247 Capital Outlay: from Capital (10193) Continued 954 North Main Street Stormwater Project - $252,500 This project extends a 12" storm sewer main 350 feet up North Main Street to serve an area prone to seasonal stormwater ponding. Runoff from the golf course tends to pond near the southeast border of the golf course property. This project will help to mitigate the ponding and provide drainage to alleviate impacts to adjacent private properties (STX-41). 955 Sylvan Drive Stormwater Repair Phase 2 -Carryover $390,000 The Sylvan Drive stormwater system services a large drainage basin in the west and northwest areas of Kalispell. The system consists of large stormwater pipes, manholes and a detention facility that discharges to the natural drainage backwater channel of the Stillwater River. This project continues from phase 1 and rehabilitates the detention facility, slope stabilization, and outfall structure to ensure compliance with the MS4 stormwater permit (STX-39). 430248 Capital Outlay: from Impact Fees (10120) 959 Regional Facilities & Piping Design - $1,236,000 Design a regional detention facility and convenance piping to prevent and eliminate flooding created from new development in the areas north of town, with potential construction starting the summer of 2019 (STX-28, STX-29, & STX53). 960 Stormwater Facility Upsizing - $230,000 $230,000 - Misc. stormwater contract main upsize, and or facility enlargements. 430249 Capital Outlay: from Equipment Replacement (10190) 840 MACI Grant Match - Carryover $43,000- operating transfer to MACI grant In FY 17, the City applied for a grant to purchase a street sweeper through the Montana Air & Congestion Initiative (MACI). In August, 2017, the City was notified we were awarded a grant for the sweeper. However, MACI is waiting on approval of a waiver before they can move forward with the purchase of the street sweepers. The City's $43,000 match from the Storm Sewer Fund will be carried to FY19. As a permitted Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), the City of Kalispell is required to develop controls in order to reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants from streets, roads, highways, municipal parking lots, maintenance and storage yards, vehicle fleet or maintenance shops with outdoor storage areas, salt/sand storage locations, and snow disposal areas operated by the permittee. The City s Street Sweeping Program enables us to meet permit requirements, and the purchase of a new street sweeper will support those efforts. 940 $50,000 Pipeline Inspection Camera System for sewer/storm. Scheduled replacement of outdated system. Cost shared with sewer - Total Cost $100,000 24 SOLID WASTE ACCOUNT # 5510-460 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: The Solid Waste Department collects and disposes of solid waste material from residential and commercial entities to provide a cleaner and healthier condition for the City of Kalispell. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (7.40 FTE) .10 Public Works Director .15 Budget Resource Manager .20 Assessment Coordinator .20 Administrative Coordinator .30 Road and Fleet Superintendent GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: .20 Administrative Assistant .15 Project Manager (Engineer II) 5 Solid Waste Operators Solid Waste Supervisor 10 General Laborer 1. Collect, handle, and transport solid waste in a safe and effective manner. 2. Provide solid waste services to the community of Kalispell in a respectable and reliable manner. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FY 19 expenditures promotes the continuation of solid waste collection and transport operations to service existing and new residential/commercial customers while maintaining a high level of service. SOLID WASTE FUND: 5 510-460-430840;430845 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash: Operating 10120 Replacement Account Total Cash REVENUES 343410 Assessments 343420 garbage collections billed (part year) 363040 Penalty & Interest 371010 Interest Earnings 343360 Misc./Sale of Asset(fy17) Total Revenue Total Available EXPENSES Total Expenses from Rates (10100) CapitalOutlay-Replacement (10120) •Depreciation/Replacement Fund Total Expenses add back transfer to replacement account ENDING CASH 10100 Operating 10120 Replacement Account Total Cash ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $849,758 $905,151 $905,151 $916,581 $117,480 $222,075 $222,075 $357,075 $967,238 $1,127,226 $1,127,226 $1,273,656 $988,273 $975,000 $993,216 $996,000 $29,002 $25,000 $23,399 $25,000 $2,811 $2,100 $2,293 $2,100 $8,504 $8,000 $11,153 $8,000 $15,800 $0 $0 $0 $1,044,390 $1,010,100 $1,030,061 $1,031,100 $2,011,628 $2,137,326 $2,157,287 $2,304,756 $838,997 $1,047,488 $868,631 $1,063,955 $45,405 $20,000 $15,000 $0 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $1,034,402 $1,217,488 $1,033,631 $1,213,955 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $905,151 $717,763 $916,581 $733,726 $222,075 $352,075 $357,075 $507,075 $1,127,226 $1,069,838 $1,273,656 $1,240,801 25 SOLID WASTE FUND: 5 510-460-430840;430845 EXPENSE DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 Personal Services- FTE's 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 110 Salaries & Wages $388,406 $409,153 $399,025 $418,051 112 Severance $0 $60,455 $0 $65,447 121 Overtime/Call Outs $5,303 $6,500 $4,849 $6,500 153 Health Insurance $88,224 $96,542 $89,741 $94,557 155 Retirement - PERD $28,977 $30,045 $31,388 $31,059 Subtotal $510,910 $602,695 $525,003 $615,614 Materials and Services: 213 Office Equip/ Computer Equip & Supplies $5,376 $9,500 $2,635 $14,500 218 Non Capital Equip - Garbage Containers $37,290 $37,500 $23,665 $37,500 229 Other Supplies/Safety Equip/Consumable Toc $3,301 $5,500 $2,353 $5,500 231 Gas and Oil $37,798 $55,000 $49,188 $55,000 341 Electricity $1,611 $2,050 $1,516 $2,050 344 Natural Gas $2,627 $4,500 $2,466 $4,500 345 Telephone $1,003 $1,250 $1,032 $1,250 354 Contract Services $12,918 $11,500 $10,206 $20,000 362 Equipment Maint & Supplies/Radios $1,517 $5,700 $979 $5,700 366 Building Maintenance $288 $4,500 $3,070 $4,500 373 Dues & Training $1,825 $3,500 $1,832 $3,500 388 Medical Services $141 $650 $144 $650 510 Property & Liability Ins. $6,799 $13,500 $8,985 $9,400 512 Uninsured Loss - Deductible $0 $4,000 $5,084 $4,000 521 Central Garage Transfer $76,104 $69,786 $69,786 $71,869 522 Administrative Transfer $37,311 $43,247 $43,247 $38,199 528 Information Tech. Transfer $12,513 $12,513 $12,513 $14,339 532 Office Rent $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 Subtotal $244,844 $290,618 $245,123 $298,879 430845 Wash Bay/Materials & Services: 224 Janitorial Supplies $285 $300 $362 $500 341 Electricity $1,920 $3,500 $1,834 $3,500 342 Water $698 $2,000 $529 $2,000 344 Natural Gas $4,600 $6,000 $4,758 $6,000 360 Repair/Maint ServicesBuilding Maint $247 $23,500 $10,591 $18,909 Subtotal $7,750 $35,300 $18,074 $30,909 26 SOLID WASTE FUND: 5 510-460-430840;430845 430840 Capital Outlay: 820 Alley Paving - transfer to Gas Tax 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration Subtotal EXPENSE DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $35,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $494 $38,200 $0 $38,200 $35,494 $78,200 $40,000 $78,200 430840 Capital Outlay: Replacement Funds (10120) 944 Refurbish Garbage Truck Floor $45,405 $20,000 $15,000 $0 Subtotal $45,405 $20,000 $15,000 $0 600 Debt Service - Garbage Truck $39,999 $40,675 $40,431 $40,353 831 Depreciation (fund replacement account $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Total $1,034,402 $1,217,488 $1,033,631 $1,213,955 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: Solid Waste 213 Office Equip., Computer Equip., and Supplies - $14,500 Increased for monthly data plan for GPS vehicle Tracking and to meet the computer replacement schedule. 218 Non -Capital Equipment - $37,500: Garbage Containers. 354 Contract Services - 20,000: Increased to meet actuals and for plan review costs. 366 Building Maintenance - $4,500: $2,000 to repair a damaged section of security fence at shop complex. Cost shared with Sewer, Water, Street, Parks. Total Cost $10,000. Capital Outlay: 820 Alley Paving - $40,000 Pave approximately six alleys and perform maintenance on existing paved alleys. Paved alleys enable garbage trucks better access to containers, improving operation efficiency, and the alleys are easier to maintain in the winter and summer months. 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration - Carryover $38,200 The project involves replacement of the degraded asphalt surface inside the fenced area of the City Shop Complex and the installation of a new storm water quality treatment device. The asphalt at the City Shop Complex is deteriorated beyond simple patch work and necessitates replacement. The asphalt replacement triggers storm water treatment requirements stipulated by the MS4 permit and promotes good stewardship for clean water discharges to Ashley Creek. Cost shared between/Water, Sewer, Storm, Streets, & Solid Waste - Total Project Cost $341,000. 27