09. Debt Service Funds & Capital Project FundsDEBT SERVICE FUNDS Page Fund 1 various Debt Service Funds $ 2,097,039 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 2 4188 Tiger Rail / Trail Construction $ 3,352,632 3 4290 Sidewalk & Curb Construction $ 25,000 $ 3,377,632 RATE FUND PROGRAM OF SERVICES DEBT SERVICE FUNDS CASH REVENUE EXP. 7/1/2018 ANTICIPATED PROJECTIO CASH 6/30/2019 3.83% 2005 AIRPORT TIF (Fund 3185) $2,000,000 15 yr $360,304 $600,500 $780,226 $180,578 4.85% NEW CITY HALL (Fund 3170) $12,434 $90,000 $89,611 $12,823 1.59% 2012 G. O. BOND $4,145,000 10 yr $30,138 $503,000 $502,463 $30,675 4% V 2012 WESTSIDE TIF (Fund 3188) $ 500,000 25 yr $490,011 $360,000 $366,027 $483,984 Bond Totals $892,887 $1,553,500 $1,738,327 $708,060 3.25% 2010 S&C $ 942 $12 $122 $134 $0 3.00% 2011 S&C $ 5,792 $82 $770 $767 $85 3.25% 2012 S&C $ 3,982 S75 $550 $546 $79 3.25% 2013 S&C $17,472 $189 $2,490 $2,468 $211 3,25% 2014S&C $7,845 $164 $1,152 $1,140 $176 3.50% 2015 S&C $9,272 $110 $1,437 $1,402 $145 3.75% 2016 S&C $9,792 $73 $1,588 $1,545 $116 3.75% 2017 S&C $ 4288 $0 $700 $697 $3 S& C Totals $705 $8,809 $8,699 $815 3500 DEBT SERVICE REVOLVING FUND $65,115 $1,500 $0 $66,615 5.60% 2001 SID 343-SunnyviewKRMC $1,518,500 20yr $4,598 $13,000 $15,825 $1,773 5.27% 2006 SID 344 - Old School Station $4,520,000 20 yr $259,611 $245,000 $316,708 $187,903 SID 344 - 3500 BOND RESERVE $226,000 $0 $0 $226,000 3.50% 2013 SID 345 -The "Willows" $ 228,000 15 yr $16,627 $21,485 $17,480 $20,632 SID Totals $571,951 $280,985 $350,013 $502,923 Total $1,465,543 $1,843,294 $2,097,039 $1,211,798 For a comprehensive list of the City of Kalispell debt, see page 14 of the Exhibits section. i TIGER RAIL/TRAIL CONSTRUCTION FUND FUND: 4188 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash, Capital Project REVENUE 381030 Bond Proceeds Total Revenue TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 480-470440 354 Cost of Issuance 820 Transfer to Debt Service 9XX RAIL/TRAIL PROJECT 930 TRAIL MATCH 935 CITY MATCH - RAIL PARK Total Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH 10100 Debt Service Cash amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $0 $0 $3,352,632 $0 $4,973,291 $4,973,291 $0 $0 $4,973,291 $4,973,291 $0 $0 $4,973,291 $4,973,291 $3,352,632 $0 $60,000 $57,141 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $904,670 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,352,632 $0 $100,000 $94,891 $0 $0 $3,273,291 $563,957 $0 $0 $4,433,291 $1,620,659 $3,352,632 $0 $4,433,291 $1,620,659 $3,352,632 $0 $540,000 $3,352,632 $0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 2 SIDEWALK & CURB CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT # 4290-410 PURPOSE OF THIS FUND: This program is a means of encouraging the replacement of deteriorating sidewalks in order to maintain a safe pedestrian network. GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: 1. Provide the means for residents to participate in a cost sharing program for sidewalk improvements. 2. Provide the City and its residents access to competitive bids for sidewalk replacement. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES: The FY 19 budget represents a plan to continue the 50/50 curb and sidewalk program to encourage the replacement of deteriorating curbing and sidewalks to create a more aesthetically pleasing and functional pedestrian community. SIDEWALK & CURB CONSTRUCTION FUND: 4290-410-430234-937 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash: REVENUES 381004 Proceeds S & C Warrants Total Revenue Total Available 937 Sidewalk Construction Costs ENDING CASH 10100 Cash: ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $0 $o $o $6,310 $25,000 $4,288 $25,000 $6,310 $25,000 $4,288 $25,000 $6,310 $25,000 $4,288 $25,000 $6,310 $25,000 $4,288 $25,000 $0 $o $0 $0 3