02-19-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, February 19, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Jeff Clawson, Building Official Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Sean Conrad, Senior Planner P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Guests: James Freyholtz, MDT. Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Performance Bond Reminders: None. Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Susie Turner, Stormwater Engineer Dan Diehl, Acting Fire Chief Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary OLD BUSINESS: 2271st Street West: Susie Turner stated a letter approving the site plan for the "Ice Cream Shop" has been sent out. Johnson asked about the sidewalk repair issue and Turner said that work was included on the site plan. Sorensen asked for two copies of the approved plan. The Site Review Committee approved the project. WalMart: Burnham said Public Works received an updated set of plans Friday and it appears all issues are resolved except the access issues. Burnham said there are some serious parking conflicts with the vacant parcel and Public Works will require a letter from the developer resolving those parking issues. He added Pac Land has indicated that WalMart does not want to change the access and there was discussion on whether or not the city can require the changes. Conrad pointed out the zoning regulations gives the city authority to require any modification of any new structures, parking and landscaping of the site especially to buffer adjacent uses from the possible detrimental affects of the proposed development. And further to require new development to provide limited controlled access onto a public street by means of traffic signals, traffic controls and turning islands, landscaping, or any other means necessary to insure the viability, safety, and integrity of the public street as a true corridor. James Freyholtz from MDT asked if the proposed access would have any influence on Hutton Ranch Road and Burnham said the city believes it will. Burnham reviewed the access points and the recommended changes the city has proposed. Freyholtz stated in order to see what the impacts will be to Hutton Ranch Road MDT supports the need for a traffic analysis or circulation plan on this project. Freyholtz indicated he will send a letter to the city. Public Works will then forward that recommendation and their opposition to the proposed access plan to Pac Land. Public Works will also approve the demolition permit but not approve the site improvements until the access issues are resolved. Further discussion was held. West Evergreen Well Project: Turner and Johnson did a site inspection and didn't see any issues. Turner indicated since the property is only partly in the city it would make it more difficult to determine impact fees however, she concluded, the fees will be based on square footage of impervious surface. Johnson suggested that the city should require that the property outside the city limits be annexed. After further discussion the committee decided that annexation was not required and the committee approved the project. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Hockaday Zone Change & PUD: Conrad briefly reviewed the zone change and PUD for the Hockaday Museum expansion. Initially they only intend to remove the existing houses and create a parking area and landscaped area south of the current building. The long range plans are for a major expansion of the building and it is evident there will not be enough room for the required amount of parking spaces for an expansion of that size. Turner noted they will need to treat the water coming off the parking lot and could add landscaping that would accomplish that. Conrad said they will have to come back through site review if the zoning and PUD is approved and if and when they get funding for the expansion. OTHER REPORTS: 911 Center: Sorensen presented a site plan for the 911 Center and noted the site review materials will be coming to the committee soon. Castles asked if they have taken the plat requirements and made sure there is not a negative impact on the well. Conrad said he would forward this information on to Steve Herzog of CTA for review. Castles noted there are trees indicated where the city's future well house will be located. Castles also said he didn't know whether the city could allow them to use the irrigation well if it is within the well head protection zone and Burnham said the city controls that. Johnson asked where their emergency generator will be located because the city will be putting in another generator and there may be some chance to consolidate them. Conrad said the final plat for this property should be coming in soon because they are hoping to get it before council on March 16th. Conrad told them no permits will be issued until final plat is approved. Diehl reported Glacier Discount is moving into the former Flathead Industries building and asked if a permit was required. Clawson noted it is a retail operation moving into a retail operation and no major modifications were proposed. However, Clawson added, if they do build the offices they had mentioned they were told a permit would be required. Diehl also noted Habitat for Humanity is moving into the building near Quizno's and Elkins said he asked them to contact the Fire Department, which they did. Freyholtz noted the following changes in personnel at MDT: Gary Kalberg, District Construction Engineer has retired and has been replaced with Ed Toaves; and Ray Harbin, District R/W Supervisor also retired and has been replaced by Jean Crowe, formerly of DNRC. Johnson asked if there is anything Public Works should be aware of with Ashley Heights and Conrad said the deficiency letter was mailed today and he emailed copies to Johnson and Castles. The major issue is they have to deal with MDT about the sound wall. Freyholtz said the agreement with the city is being processed for setting aside the money from the developer for the sound walls and then MDT would build and maintain them. There was further discussion regarding the sound walls and Diehl noted there is a meeting set up next week, 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday to discuss all sound walls in the Lower Level Conference Room. Freyholtz said on Wednesday there is going to be a bypass plan -in - hand review and other meetings going on with Stelling. Castles noted Public Works has boulevard/sidewalk issues in relation to the bypass. Burnham asked why all subdivisions aren't approved requiring landscaping instead of sound walls and Conrad said they used to be approved with either one but now the city is recommending a berm landscape because it is more aesthetically appealing. Conrad talked to Hubert Turner regarding their revisions to Willow Creek and Turner didn't give the city a specific time of when those revisions will be submitted but he is aware that they will need to resubmit. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.