02-12-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, February 12, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Jeff Clawson, Building Official Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Sean Conrad, Senior Planner P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Guests: James Freyholtz, MDT. Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary Performance Bond Reminders: Johnson said they are still working with Mike Fraser on Fox Trotter Meadows. He has been notified that the path has to be built by July and he is submitting the paperwork. Sorensen asked Fincher if he had seen the letter of credit that came in for 4 CAVS on landscaping and Fincher had not seen it. Sorensen said it is $42,000.00 for landscaping and rather than having them submit a separate bond they need to put in handicap signage and parking bumpers, and the bike rack is there but isn't installed. Johnson said Public Works had tentatively approved the work but indicated they wanted to recheck the work when the weather improves. Sorensen said he told them the same thing. OLD BUSINESS: 2271st Street West — Elkins said there are a few items left to address and Johnson said the drainage issues are still not resolved. The committee agreed this project should stay on the site review committee agenda until the issues are resolved. WalMart — Burnham said they are coming in with some stormwater treatment facilities but there are still issues out there including the entrance road alignment. Sorensen said they were going to submit revised drawings but no one has seen any. Sorensen added they plan to include the lighting information in the revised packet and are trying to start the utilities work in March. Burnham said if the issues are resolved they could be on track. The sidewalk issue is being discussion with MDT and it looks like there will be sufficient R/W there and working it out with WalMart so when Hutton Ranch Road expands to the 5 lanes with a median there will be enough room for a boulevard except on the west end of the property. Burnham told MDT that they need to get additional R/W or the city would be satisfied with a public easement to allow the sidewalk on WalMart's property. West Evergreen Well Project — Sorensen explained that half of the property is in the city and half is in the county. Sorensen reviewed the site plan for the committee and noted they received a floodplain permit from the county because 99.5% was in the county and the city signed off on the floodplain permit. Burnham said they will review the drainage on the site as if the project was entirely within the city limits. Burnham said Susie Turner had some comments on stormwater and they had other minor comments including the new generator noting they need to be at 70 decibels @ 20 feet. Johnson said the drains are close to the wells but DEQ will have to make the call on whether or not the drains will affect the well protection zone. Sorensen said the HOA planned to do some landscaping at this entrance and the HOA Architectural Review Board is reviewing the project too. There was discussion on whether the city will require sidewalks and it was decided the since there are no other sidewalks in this area of Village Greens sidewalks would not be required. Glacier Bank Drive-Thru — Sorensen noted they will be required to adjust the handicap parking spot to make it van accessible. Almost the entire site is developed as is but they will be installing a fence for security. Johnson said he didn't see any problems with it but he was confused that they were moving the facilities inside around and it appeared they were adding a floor drain. The committee approved this project. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Conrad briefly reviewed the Pre -Release Center proposed for 2282 Highway 93 South. They have applied for a zone change and a conditional use permit. There is an existing facility that they are planning an addition to on the west end of the building. Public Works said the frontage road will have to be improved to city standards with curb and gutter which would eliminate the areas currently on the east side and north side of the building used for parking. Conrad said he would look at the Penco waiver file to see what condition was put on their property regarding the frontage road. Castles noted impact fees will be required for the addition of the bathroom and kitchen facilities and the water meter will have to be upgraded because a separate meter will not be allowed for the addition because it is considered one building. Conrad made a note of that. Sorensen said there has been a lot of discussion about the frontage road and at one point it was tied to Lot 3 of Daley Field subdivision. Johnson suggested the Fire Department look at the site for access. Clawson added the building will need to be sprinkled and the Fire Department will also have to check the location of the hydrant. Calaway Apartments: Conrad reviewed the revised site plans for the Calaway Apartments on Meridian Road. Conrad pointed out some of the units were moved to create more usable green space between the buildings and parking lots. Conrad described the location of boulevard trees for Parks and the future connection north that would eventually connect to the light on Meridian Road and Three Mile Drive. Conrad said he needed to talk to the Fire Department because they will probably have some concerns especially since the neighbors to the south do not want a connection road and there does not appear to be a turnaround for emergency vehicles. Sorensen asked if the 12-plex buildings were moved further from the highway and Conrad said no and in the cross-section drawings those buildings are 4 stories and appear to rise approximately 20 feet above the level of the highway driving grade. The buildings also exceed the 40 ft maximum height for this zone by a few feet. Sorensen added there is 260 feet from one end to the other of the 12-plex buildings and that is one of the prime views coming into town from the north. Further discussion was held regarding the 12-plex units. Conrad said the city rarely sees any kind of development on hillsides and with the conditional use process the planning board and council may have issues with the height of the 12-plex buildings. Castles suggested moving the entrance Castles suggested moving the entrance road for the 8-plex/6-plex units to the east so it doesn't interfere with the intersection and future connection to the north. In addition, Burnham also asked that the future connection to the north be clearly drawn on the site plan to prevent the same problem that they have encountered with this development that the existing neighbors don't want the connection and the traffic coming through their neighborhood. Freyholtz from MDT reported A-Z Engineering talked to them regarding the general study that was done for the warrants on the signals on Meridian and Conrad asked if that would be good enough for Public Works. Castles added since this development will generate 300+ trips per day they will require a traffic impact study (TIS) and Castles had told A-Z Engineering they could also utilize or adopt parts of the MDT study that was done for Meridian Road. Conrad said he would contact their engineer. Conrad will include a condition that prior to getting a building permit they come in with a revised plan that shows all of the issues/conditions discussed by the committee and also require a detailed landscaping plan. Ashley Heights: Conrad reviewed the final plat application for Ashley Heights and he said a letter will be going out to Hubert Turner. Conrad said an SIA has been submitted which noted the work will be done by October 2009 and the letter of credit is extended 2 months to December. Burnham said their standards allow for work to be completed by October 16th and after that the letter of credit has to be extended to June of 2010. Castles said if the work is completed before October 16th the letter of credit would be returned. Conrad will contact Turner. Castles also indicated the 10 foot road reserve indicated near the portion that is labeled "Not a part" needs to be changed to a R/W. In addition there is a 60 foot road utility easement set up where it abuts the proposed R/W but if you add the numbers together it is only 47.19 feet. Sunnyside Drive is considered a 60 foot deeded County road and Johnson said the Turner's need to give the city a deed for their portion of Sunnyside Drive before the final plat is approved. Johnson explained further. Conrad said their sound mitigation plan was discussed a while back and they were told that they could not show the sound wall easement on individual lots and that it had to be in the common area. Conrad will discuss the park issues with Fincher after the meeting. The final plat for Timberwolf Center Phase IB/E911 Center is expected soon. Castles said the well head protection zone needs to be clearly identified on the final plat. Conrad said he saw a copy of the final plat and the protection zone is indicated. Conrad noted he would forward the plat to Public Works for review when it comes in. Burnham said they have to submit plans to DEQ for their water line extension and as it stands right now they do not have sewer capacity. OTHER REPORTS: Clawson said the E911 Center drawings are expected March 10th Johnson noted the Turners have graded a road in Willow Creek all along the barbwire fence and are getting ready to haul out dirt. Burnham added the road follows the revised plan submitted recently and not the plan they have preliminary plat approval for. Johnson said they are also pulling out culverts, which he thought were supposed to remain and Sorensen added they are working with the County on floodplain issues. Burnham said Glacier Town Center came in with sanitary sewer plans to get approval and try to lock up capacity at the Grandview Lift Station and there is not sufficient capacity to serve their entire phase phase 1. Burnham said they have asked to construct all of the sewer improvements for phase 1 but with the decreased capacity they would only have approval from Public Works and DEQ to build a portion of that first phase. What Public Works plans to tell them is Glacier Town Center has to submit an amended plat that shows what can be served with the capacity that is available. Conrad felt that was appropriate as the staff would need to see what lots they want to plat based on the capacity, showing the roads and improvements to update the package that was approved by council. Burnham added they want to scale back the connection of Rose Crossing and Reserve Drive, the parks, and other portions of phase 1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.