01-09-19 Street Tree Commission MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD January 9, 2019 Present: Members: Andrea Davidson, Judy Rosenfeld -Cox, Terry Richmond and Martin Rippens Staff: Fred Bicha, Josh Keene and Lisa Simmer Guests: Ali Ulwelling Public Comments There were not members of the public present. Approve Minutes Martin made a motion to approve the December 2018 minutes as written, Andrea seconded and all members voted in favor. Current Business Fred had on display a wooden tree bank made and gifted to the department by Dave Jones. Members expressed their appreciation for the gift and deposited coins into it. Members discussed where the bank might be used to collect donations towards tree purchases. Arbor Day 2019 Brainstorming Fred led the discussion regarding topics and tasks for Arbor Day 2019. Fred provided the close out session comments from last year and members review and discussed them. • Volunteers — Martin was advised that in the past there have been 12 to 20 volunteers. Fred said he would like to see if new volunteers could be added to the event from local businesses, suggesting banks and other businesses. Fred suggested that maybe a letter could be mailed seeking volunteers. • Budget — Fred provided budget printouts and members discussed sponsorships and expenses based on past years. The need to pay for busing students was mentioned as a real possibility once again this year. Terry said he'd attempt to raise additional funds or find a sponsor for busing. • Food — it was decided that environmental groups would be asked if they are staying for lunch this year to help determine more accurate food needs. • Ceremony — moving to the beginning of the event was discussed. Fred asked for input if anyone had any ideas on how to make the ceremony more relevant to the kids. • Kids — Fred told members that Bette will not be attending meetings, however is already helping with school contacts and behind the scenes. • Environmental stations — Fred will work with Tony on the stations. • Sponsors — Terry will handle sponsorships including the aforementioned additional need for possible funding for busing. Terry asked that members let him know if there are any sponsors they think of that they would like him to contact. • Logistics — Fred explained to Josh logistics would include and coordinating tree planting the pre -digging of the tree holes for classroom plantings. • T-shirts — Members voted on their favorite t-shirt logo. Fred said he would count votes and let the group know who the winner is via email. Engage citizens in volunteering for tree maintenance; develop list to mail letter to - Andrea Andrea said she's made some recent updates to the letter and will get a list together of people to send it to. Misc. Business Judy asked Fred about his correspondence with the master gardeners who are redoing one of the beds in Lawrence Park. Fred told Judy that the weed mat has been purchased. Fred said crews could pull out the overgrown junipers. Judy said she would ask the master gardeners if they would be interested in planting trees on Arbor Day. Arborist Update Josh provided a briefing of the work the crews have recently completed, noting subdivisions and 3rd Ave West having been recently completed. Josh noted crews are now working on 2nd Ave W, and making good progress. Josh said crews are still working in Silverbrook subdivision where unfortunately a number of trees have been improperly pruned by Silverbrook maintenance crews and now needed removal. Josh said crews are also working in Buffalo Stage with a rented lift which has proved to greatly increase their ability to prune medium sized trees efficiently. Josh said there have been some challenges with homeowners because trees haven't been worked on in so long and the work they are doing seems like substantial pruning and removals to homeowners. Josh said that he and crews are feeling good about how much work they are accomplishing in a short period of time. Fred noted Phase I of the Woodland Park hillside has been done and Phase II will include the removal of approximately 20 dead Doug Fir trees that apparently have been infested with some type of bark beetle, which is visible by the red tops of the trees. Fred informed the group that Chad just gave the approval for Phase II which should be completed before spring. Fred said he thinks incorporating a planting of seedlings on the hillside during the Arbor Day celebration would work well. The group went around the table and added the following: Lisa — Ali has approved the submittal of the Tree City USA re -certification and growth award and sent it forward. Ali — has tackled the Tree City USA system for re-certs and growth awards. Ali also commented she had attended the Whitefish Tree Board meeting. Ali said she would like to discuss the media aspect of Arbor Day more as she would like to work on a series of PSA's/articles highlighting various aspects of the board and Kalispell's forestry programs for use in media, leading up to Arbor Day. Martin —just spent three weeks in California and visited a property he took care of for many years and viewed major wind damage to historic trees. Judy —just came back from Costa Rica and was amazed the jungle and trees there. Andrea — noted that Rankin Elementary being new would not have any Arbor Day trees, however Fred explained they have done a major landscaping project, including tree planting. Terry — Just back from Las Vegas where he didn't see any trees except steel cell towers made to look like trees. There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 5:04 pm. Per the November 2018 meeting, board members agreed to include this statement in all minutes: "if you have any questions please contact us". Approved unanimously at the February 13, 2019 meeting.