02-01-19 City Manager Report1 City of Kalispell OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Information Memorandum 2/1/2019 1. Public Works Yearly Production Water and Wastewater The City records daily, monthly, and annual production and treatment quantities for water and wastewater flows. In 2018 1,482 million gallons (MG) of water was produced with an average production per day of 4.05 MG. On the flip side, 1,042 MG of wastewater was treated, with a daily average of 2.86 MGD. As a comparison, below is a table with past annual production and treatment quantities. Yearly Water Production and Wastewater Treatment Summary Year Water Production (MG) Wastewater Treatment (MG) 2018 1,482 1,042 2017 1,526 1,108 2016 1,356 1,013 2015 1,490 992 2014 1,230 1,043 2013 1,274 919 2012 1,263 935 2011 1,281 1,096 2010 1,242 957 2009 1,436 960 2008 1,367 1,011 2007 1,474 1,017 New Street Vacuum Sweeper The City Street Division has received and placed into operation a new 2018 vacuum sweeper. In 2016, the City applied for and was awarded funding for a 2018 sweeper through the Montana Air and Congestion Initiative (MACI) Grant program. The program provides 86.58% of the funding. The remaining 2 13.42% is provided as a match requirement. MACI is a grant provided through the Montana Department of Transportation and provides funds for equipment purchases which are utilized to benefit air quality in the State. Studies have shown the use of equipment that reduces particulate matter to be an effective means of improving air quality. MACI has a very specific list of equipment that qualifies, such as sweepers, flush trucks, and in some cases deicing equipment. The total cost of the sweeper we received (2019 Freightliner) was $238,658.79 and the City’s match was $32,028.01. The match is 13.42% of the sweeper cost plus indirect costs. Awards are based on factors such as available funding, asset management of existing equipment, stated need, and the total number of applicants. 2. Parks and Recreation Department Park staff have continued to clear the Woodland Park pond following snow events. Staff were able to flood the pond recently as well. The warming house is open (as long as the pond is skateable) and the new heater installed last year is working well. A forestry contractor has now removed roughly 30 large Douglas fir trees from the Woodland Park hillside that were infested with a bark beetle. By removing these infested trees it will hopefully allow the remaining Douglas fir trees to survive. Our Forestry staff is currently pruning on 2nd Avenue West, Buffalo Stage, and Silverbrook subdivisions. With the milder winter, we are augmenting them with our parks crew; trying to get to as many trees this winter as we can. Three Park staff are attending the Association of Montana Turf, Ornamental, Pest Professions conference January 28 and 29. This conference focuses its curriculum on irrigation and turf pest management. Kalispell Parks and Recreation will be hosting our annual Valentine's Dance on Saturday, February 16 from 7pm-9pm at the Linderman Education Center Gym. Our theme this year is “Giving Love to Others” and we are encouraging attendees to bring some new or used youth clothing to donate to our partner, the HEART Locker, which supports local students in need. We have several additional sponsors this year including Park Side Credit Union, Rotary, Blacktail Mountain Ski Area, Performance Real Estate, Montana Coffee Traders, and Kalispell Public Schools. With this increased sponsorship and donations, attendees will have a chance for free raffle items such as various gift baskets and free adult lift passes. Our winter youth sports leagues start in February. Kalispell Kickers (indoor soccer for K thru 4th grade) starts on Saturday, February 2, at Stillwater Christian School. Our Little 3 Squirts Basketball league for 4-5 year olds starts the following Saturday, February 9, at Hedges Elementary School. 3. Community Development As a USEPA Brownfields grantee, the City of Kalispell has been provided an economic analysis report through Kansas State University’s Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) program. The report, Retail Business Opportunities and Absorption Analysis provides an analysis of local commercial and retail conditions by reviewing the existing business mix, retail capture and leakage, and impacts of tourism and regional population growth. The report is available on the Community and Economic Development website at: https://www.kalispell.com/164/Community-Development 4. Building Department The Building Department has received applications for 4 new single family residences and a commercial permit valued at $125,000 to remodel the property at 324 Main Street to house the proposed Giro Pizza Restaurant. In addition to building inspections, staff performed 14 fire-life-safety inspections or re-inspections; finishing Main Street. They also conducted 5 short-term rental inspections. 5. Planning Department The Planning Office was notified that our request for $150,000 in matching funds to update our 2006 Kalispell Area Transportation plan was approved by MDT. Public Works had budgeted $100,000 as matching funds for this endeavor. This update will take between 12-15 months to complete. The first steps will involve working with MDT to develop a formal scope of work and then begin the process of soliciting a professional firm to assist the city. The planning board will meet on Tuesday, February 12 and hear a request from Husky Partners, LLC for a conditional use permit to construct 120 multi-family units on approximately 4.2 acres of land north of the Gateway Community Center. The project will include 5 buildings, each being a three-story, 24-unit complex as well as a club house. The project is bordered on the north by Two Mile Drive, the east by Glenwood, the south by the Gateway Community Center and the west by Financial Drive. The board will also hold a hearing and consider approximately a dozen zoning text amendments as recommended by the staff. The majority of the amendments are considered housekeeping items and include such issues as allowing airport hangers in the I-1 Industrial zone, eliminating the need for architectural review committee review of wall signs, setting terms for architectural review committee members, increasing the height of multi-family apartment buildings from 40 to 45 feet to allow better roof design, etc. In addition, staff is proposing entrance corridor design standards to be employed along our major highways coming into Kalispell mimicking the design features already 4 incorporated in most of our recent PUD projects such as Kalispell North Town Center, Silverbrook or Spring Prairie and Hutton Ranch. 6. Police Department Colton Bagnoli attended the Montana Law Enforcement Academy Leadership and Management Phase I and II. The course is designed to assist the new supervisor to understand the application of today’s leadership literature to the world in which they work. Attendees are introduced to the elements of leadership, the differences between leadership and management, and how to develop them within their supervisory role. SRO Michelle O’Neil is currently recruiting participants for the Law Enforcement Penguin Plunge on February 2, 2019 at 11:00 am at Whitefish City Beach. The Penguin Plunge takes place in conjunction with the Whitefish Winter Carnival so that plungers and spectators can enjoy the festivities of the day. This year the Penguin Plunge is celebrating 20 years of Freezin' for a Reason! The Plunge raises funds for Special Olympics Montana. Investigations Captain Doug Overman was promoted to Chief of Police on January 21, 2019. Chief Overman’s promotion sets in motion the hiring of a new Investigations Captain, Sergeant, and a new officer. Volunteer Bob Macek has been tasked with updating the KPD stolen property list that is published via website twice each week. He also actively monitors for stolen property using Leads Online, dedicating time to assisting Officers with investigations. Bob has recently helped recover a stolen rifle, plasma cutter, and two stolen cellular phones. In cooperation with City Clerk and Communications Manager, Aimee Brunckhorst, the Detective Division has been able to use City of Kalispell social media to develop leads on several cases. The KPD hopes to continue and develop the use of social media in aiding investigations.