12-12-18 Street Tree Commission MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD December 12, 2018 Present: Members: Tony Nelson, Andrea Davidson, Judy Rosenfeld -Cox, Terry Richmond and Martin Rippens Staff: Fred Bicha, Josh Keene and Lisa Simmer Guests: Scott Amdahl, Sandy Sallee, Ali Ulwelling Public Comments Scott Amdahl introduced himself through the assistance of his interpreter Sandy Sallee. Scott provided a brief background of himself, explaining he has both a forestry degree and landscape architecture degree. Scott said he has always been interested in urban forestry, tree species and came to the meeting to listen, learn more and be a part of forestry discussions. Approve Minutes Martin made a motion to approve the November 2018 minutes as written, Judy seconded and all members voted in favor. Current Business 2019 Work Plan The group reviewed the draft 2019 Kalispell Urban Forest Committee work plan Fred compiled from the November meeting. Minor edits were made based on discussion. Members asked for and received a recap from Fred of the participation in the Christmas parade. Members decided to add the Christmas parade and distribution of 50150 cost share flyers to the plan, as everyone agreed after participating this year it is a good way to promote urban forestry. The possibility of having the forestry trucks and distribution of 50150 cost share flyers at the St. Patrick's Day parade was discussed, but was not decided on. Arbor Day 2019 Brainstorming Fred noted he has not received logo ideas from the school yet, however when he does he will email them out for voting for favorites. Fred provided an overview of the event for members and guests that had not been to the Arbor Day celebration. Members reviewed and assigned the list of tasks associated with the event. Fred suggested the group think about and discuss at next meetings the possibility of changing the order of the agenda and in particular the timing of the formal ceremony. Ali and Tony were asked to check into the seedlings for students, as Dave and Rick of DNRC used to handle this. Tony said he would check with Dave to see if he wants to volunteer for Arbor Day. Misc. Business Arborist Update Josh stated that beginning December 3, parks personnel joined the forestry staff resulting in two forestry crews of six full time staff for 12 weeks. Josh explained one crew is working on large trees on 3rd Ave W and the other crew working on small trees in Silverbrook estates. Josh said starting next week the crew would be renting a smaller boom to address medium trees. Andrea suggested the board send a note of appreciation to the crews, to which members agreed. Misc. Fred noted that edits were still being made to the draft ordinance and it has not been scheduled for a second workshop yet. Fred told members he would email them the draft ordinance as soon as he receives the final revision. Fred provide an update on the forestry contracting, noting that the 1" Ave East contract had just finished and that the W.N. contract will finish in the next few days. Fred said he was reviewing numbers and the city is at approximately 2500 trees in last year that have been addressed through contracting and in-house. Scott asked if there were any American Elm trees left, to which Fred replied 12 live American Elms are still standing on city property, however all dead American Elms have now been removed. Scott asked if city staff are aware of the new hybrid elms. Fred replied that we are and have been planting some including the Discovery Elm which is available through the cost share program. Fred stated Princeton, Lewis and Clark elms have also been planted on Arbor Day and that there are a lot of cultivars available now that are highly resistant (DED) but there is not a 100% guarantee. Lisa made Ali aware that she had submitted the online Tree City USA and Growth Award re - certifications. There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm. Per the November meeting, board members agreed to include this statement in all minutes: "if you have any questions please contact us". Approved unanimously at the January 9, 2018 meeting.