04-18-18 Urban Renewal Agency MinutesCITY City of Kalispell � Post Office Box 1997 -Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 MONTANA Meeting Summary URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY BOARD APRIL 1812018 — 4 P.M. CITY HALL — FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Chairman Marc Rold Tom Jentz, Planning Director Jeff Zauner Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Matt Venturini Krista Lammers, Community & Economic Development David Girardot Mike Brodie, WGM Group Brad Wright, Core Area Property Owner Jenna McCrorie, Glacier High School Student Abigail Roston, Glacier High School Student Harrison Rennie, Glacier High School Student Chairman Rold called the meeting to order and welcomed the public, Board and city staff. PUBLIC COMMENT Brad Wright emails dated 04-04-2018 and 04-05-2018 distributed to committee, per Mr. Wright's request. APPROVAL OF MEETING SUMMARY Passed unanimously. BOARD APPOINTMENTS Marc Rold and Jeff Zauner were reappointed by City Council to the Urban Renewal Board. TIF & TEDD UPDATES Annexation of 3.38-acres into the city limits with an initial zoning designation of 1-2/PUD upon annexation, including an amendment of the Glacier Rail Park TEDD boundary to include the 3.38-acres, and preliminary plat request for a seven (7)-lot subdivision of the Glacier Rail Park property was recommended to City Council. Matt moved, David second. Passed unanimously. Six firms applied for the Kalispell Trail and Complete Street contract. Alta Planning & Design paired with KLJ Engineering were selected, contract negotiations are nearly complete. The consultants will host a Kalispell Trail and Complete Street "Deep Dive" week, June 4t" — 8t". This will include opportunities to meet and discuss the project and provide comment on the trail design and complete street connection. The Kalispell Trail Crew, a committee of approximately 24 members, including David Girardot as representative for the Urban Renewal Agency Board, was formed to assist in developing a vision for the Kalispell Trail, to provide perspective on the development and design of the trail and serve as ambassadors in the community from concept through construction of the Kalispell Trail. This group will have the opportunity during the Deep Dive Week events to meet and discuss trail vision and design with the consultant team. Mike Brodie of WGM explained that WGM conducted traffic counts in the South Kalispell Traffic Impact Study project area last week and will begin initial concept design soon. Public meetings and design charrettes will likely be held in late June. The Airport Users group signed an MOU with the City, and will look to access approximately $1.1 Million for new improvements. This leaves approximately $1.2 Million for the South Kalispell traffic improvements and must be spent on or before June 30, 2020. BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM UPDATES The City is working with the regional EPA office to gain approval to conduct Phase II ESAs on the three CHS sites. The next in priority for assessment grant dollars will be the BNSF corridor for Phase I ESA. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING The Board next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 16t" at 4 p.m. ADJOURNED Chairman Rold adjourned the meeting.