12-09-98 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes from December 9, 1998 Meeting
The meeting began at 4 : oo p.m. Present were Kathy Kuhlin, Craig Kerzman, and P . J. Sorensen
(staff; and Gib Bissell, Fred Leistiko, Torn Reynolds, Art Thompson, and Tom weaver.
Gib gave an update on the Air Show. He is trying to get the Blue Angels to come and is waiting to
hear back from them. Fred went to the local office of Morrison-Maierle to inquire into the Master
Plan. Terry Richmond told hire they have sent Phase I of the Master Plan to the F. A. A.. and the State
Aeronautics Board. They both responded with some suggested changes. Morrison-Maierle complied
and have sent back Phase I to both agencies. They are now waiting for responses.
Discussion was held regarding timely completion of the Master Plan by Morrison-Maierle. It was
suggested that a letter be sent to the Airport Authority with a copy to Morrison-Maierle, the FAA,
and the State. Art moved for the board to write a letter. It was seconded and all were in favor. Tom
Weaver and Fred will write a letter to the Council in this regard, siting Section v, Paragraph 5.3 of
the Master Plan Contract, "Payment to Engineers". The engineers have been paid $45,222 already.
Tom weaver moved to go ahead with the letter. Gib seconded the motion, and all were in favor. we
need to find a copy of the Notice to Proceed, which will provide us with the time schedule for the
Master Plan. Kathy will call Terry or Tony at Morrison-Maierle.
The draft zoning ordinance was discussed. It was agreed that Art would write a memo to Glen
requesting the presentation and passage of this zoning ordinance by the City Council/Airport
Art spoke with Paul Polzin, Director of the Bureau of Economic Research of the University of
Montana, regarding the economic impact of a B-2 airport. He may be willing to do this study for a
smaller fee than Morrison-Maierle and more thoroughly. A copy of the ALPA booklet should be
provided to Paul. The board agrees that Art should pursue this possible opportunity.
Art will ask Gary rates whether economic impact is included in the Master Plan or not.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, January 6 h, 1999 at 4:00 p.m.