03-16-98 Airport Minutes Joint MeetingNT BY: 9-11-98 10:27 CITY OF 4LISFELL� 406752 304;# 111) 2 A OINT MEETING OF THE KAII S PELL AIRPORT AUTHORITY AND AIRPORT i SORB BOARD WAS"LD AT 9 4 0 P * # M NMY F NCH 16 , 1998, IN THE BTCIL CHA ME■ S AT CITY HALL IN KALI PELL t MOTANA , MAYOR BILL CXNM8X1 FREE IDED ii COUNCIL ERRS JIM A'TKIN BODY o NORBERT DONAMURl JO#N ORAVAS, DALE r DUA21E DSO, CIARY NYSE., DOUG SCARFF, R� VAN ATTA AND CITY ATT R Z GLEN E A R A> X TY �AGBR C W =E 2EPPS wEME PRESS. ADVISORY BCQRD MEMBERS GIB EIS ELL, JIM, LYNCH AND ART TliOMPOO' WERE ALSO PRESENT ma l o ' Boharski called the meeting to order. f IY� DoAahue moved By w Lathe ws as presented to gave the Kal-ispell City Airport Authority be adopted a The motion was selNP••tll/ade by Haar'!11' i i Atiinson moved to amend the BY -Laws,, Article Vl,, Paragraoh 4a by Ch J iag "except the Chaim which shall vote only to make or br ad a tie vote, to "except the chairman who steep vote only to br ak a tie vote," The motion was seconded by Haarr, , Th motion for the amendment carried una.n�ousl y upon vote. Tho motion to adopt the By w maws Carried unanimously , upon vote 5 ■ * 1 ' i ■i r pps explained the City has completed the independent review co tract which had a dl f f erent.1al of 12%, and it has to be less than 10% Further discussion with the VAA revealed the sub cohsul tant fee for the radio tower can be rmoved from the equation alonq with the cost for the D13E Plan which then reduces the cost by $1 291. with the r educ ti oas , he said the City is looking at a t al contract a nount of 169 , 000 instead. of 173 , 000 which is a 9 551,00 adjustment. After th i' s adjustment, the di f f arent i al is 8 . % which is within the window we can work era, th . Krepps said. Phase 14s $46,409.00. Phase T will deter irie whether a canhave a E -1 or 2 rad A e said to move alie8id, ap rOva I heP.Ctcl for $4� , 409 , 00 for Phase I and $81 , 400 ■< 00 for Phase II, Phase Ll may or i may he completed depending on the first phase study ream is La*son moved the Kalispell. Airport Authority authorize the City agar to sign the contract with morrisonamaierle. The motion was se0o a ed by Scarf f . i i Thlore was discussion. i Ny�to l asked when the Council might possibly have a .1 the in ormation on Phase I. Krlpps said optimistically 9 months, realistically more like 12 to 1 5 1 mo n th o_ motion carried unanimously upon vote, i Ny tul moved the KaliSPell Airport Authority direct City Staff to SENT BY; 9-11- 98 i 10 : 2 8 CITY OF AL I SPELL.-, 4 0675 2 304 ; 9 `� / 2 a 1 I 3 I ,pr ceed i=nediat ely with the necessary Ordinance or Resolution to Cr ate the Runway Protection Zone and object Free yeas with the PO ential of an emergency Ordinance being adopted by the Count i l Thl ono t i on wag onded b Haa rr Th ` motion carried unanimously upon vote. iia4trr moved to adj our.. The motion was seconded. i I AA. t inn was adjourned at 10 : 5 p . m l, WMI -B6vs 'I Wm, E. Boax`gki, Mayor I E ATT E S T IF f f I a 1 I f white Clerk of council