Thursday, December 11, 2008
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Sean Conrad, Senior Planner
Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Guests: None.
Hear the Public: No one wished to speak.
Performance Bond Reminders: None.
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Dan Diehl, Acting Fire Chief
Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary
OLD BUSINESS: 227 1st Street West: Sorensen said they met with the developer of the Ice
Cream/Coffee shop to discuss the issues raised by the committee. He added they do not appear to
be in a rush to open.
Super 1/Tidyman's Parking Lot Renovation: Diehl said D.C. Haas is working with the
developer on the road access issue and they may have to take out some of the landscaping to meet
the inside turning radius.
Cornerstone Church PUD — 1970 Hwy 93 N (preliminary review): Conrad said he forwarded
the committee's comments to TD & H and he has not yet received a response.
NEW BUSINESS: Certificate of Occupancy Program: Jentz said he would forward the
comments he has received on the Certificate of Occupancy program to the city manager and hopefully
a work session will be held with council this month.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Conrad reported the Siderius Annexation and Yoga/Jiu Jitsu
School CUP are on the next planning board agenda. In addition, we received the application for
Silverbrook Estates, Phase 2 and when the remaining application books are received he will distribute
them to the staff.
OTHER REPORTS: Sorensen reported the Architecture Review Committee has finished their
review of the WalMart project. He will email the site plans for site review next Thursday and will
send Parks the landscaping plan.
Diehl noted there appears to be a lot of construction still going on in the city which seems
encouraging. Jentz noted the permits are coming in at the level received in 2002.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.