Ordinance 849 - 72 Hour Holding Period for Licensed DogsORDINANCE NO. 849 385 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 4-19, KALISPELL CITY CODE, TO PROVIDE FOR 72 HOUR HOLDING PERIOD AFTER NOTICE TO OWNER FOR LICENSED DOGS FOUND RUNNING AT LARGE AND IMPOUNDED; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING IMMEDIATE EFFECT OF ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION 1. Section 4-19, Kalispell City Code, is hereby amended to provide as follows: It shall be the duty of all policemen and the poundmaster to seize and impound any dog found to be running at large in violation of this article. The owner of every licensed dog so seized shall be notified, by the police department, in writing, of the seizure, within forty-eight hours thereafter. Notice shall be deemed sufficient when it identifies the dog by license number, states the date and place of seizure, is placed in a sealed envelope addresser'. to the owner of the dog at his residence as appears on the application for the current license and is deposited in the United States mail with postage prepaid. Every licensed dog so seized shall be retained in the pound for seventy two (72) hours after notice is mailed to the owner of the dog. SECTION 2. An emergency is hereby proclaimed of immediate for the health and safety of the City of Kalispell and this shall be effective immediately upon passage and approval. necessity Ordinance D.$Y'% HE CITY COUNCIL O THE C TY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND VED Y THE MAYOR THIS 15th D OF DECEMM 1975. Norma E. Happ, Mayo I, Geor" Beard y Cler of t of Kalis ell, Monta , do ertify that on the day of / 19 I posted copy of a fore oing o- In o In my ffice, an a ame rema ed ost d for a pe iod of fi days, and th ,fo 0go1 Is a true and correct copy of the ordi nce as pa ed by the ity C cil. ,