Ordinance 725 - Creates City-County Planning Board188
AN CAD1NANM; icl.:..a.l.=: 1:, .,.:ii T:14 il/1li;T14\. ,.... ........,,
i�Jwi.;.. ....i. CI'S']-UC -JiT ' I'i UIN'a NG i30A. D ii 111 11ti: TQ ..I:D
T1:IE PsiCr1 i Ji" Ti'1i" 11, iT R 33, R `v':JLl0 .. J
.IONTAYUI, 1947, AS l'li ;.'J ', CILIPTER 247 Or T;IE i 7S Or `1_ 7..T'1'-
1�:TTi? LEG I JLfi. L. r' iIJJ�'P111. �•I' TIE Ji.+Tu opJU'�xa..:: �,, TnF^y .:.L :..;
<4...:. 'J..., CUAHi:u' 10' U-•
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TIC••'1C:'. -'- i['J l.I:: ... :i5 T?Ii:R: 'vF•' DEF I „-. .-,lrr- CWi::: ULi L\J, ual\ i3Lli alUiVJ 1 O , { 11' _L J
J-_J)3* a_` _.a Jn1u La(r:.a...- D�[1uu ii .?1-'. ..ixl COuJ:;IL v, ....Ll J..—.:,L, a4iD
:L: Lv J OFc ..V_nII uJIJ.YuiJ �r .LJ�l Ylut'Lu uV Var.1, aaai.. a-r a...1Ll.. ao l.a\ui Cl.r Y.0
-6f3 IF T:I:: l:- Vr 11ti.1:a.. L1.L, Jaa.Ll -ils
iLi.: . r::JWLIJ:., .,iL �.-. ••uJY Vuilli Ji: Y'V L.; 11�D lrfi\TJ Y.I' w.u'I ....,J 1. .aX.a Lr a
.,a. I-- ✓ttiu:\l.v[;:/ vy T:i.: "IT i:0'U_` 1L C: ..a. CITY C_
JF _-CAR—;
is acre'Dy _ram„__..
a _cmbi.x �:!
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.:n•t ::.^.•t;`r t?'. l:
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as a.;.endod, C!,�iptc:r 1" ° la.;s
of th. Jtatr: Of i:onta:;;:, 19671
1.,:iispoll _. - -Count;• lan..1 � a:.rd".
.;ccti oa 2. :;GAi,u :ii;:ii??I-. .?'... ..al ispeil ..: ty- Iar ni:l,,
a 1 n i t o o) nemb 12 u u 11 h
rl - - CT _ ' .>t:.t o1 1'10 r'.J"id .'.."id It CO « , «t-. -act.,
:",, o` uch _..,.aa. _J .,,.al_ -.. f. 1__ .icmber_ _. y .:e
carp:_ of Count- Yjay be employe' `L' "I lie
«i . .•vMt
:�_ '3rar:.:.,emt.' sh�11 _«, ..c._. �l
shall be app oir.tcd by t`:_ City Cc.in:.:l. o1 - it and
...'_o may be employed "sy on I:n]d ;uollc ,>,`flce is `.`.-U
hY'o v_` suet :renb�Ss hal'_ be "citizc-- t,ne fibers"` whr, ;,hail ar::rintod ' y
the 3card of County Corunissionars of Flathead County, "�oi:Y:%f ;tho nay
reside in the area, if any, outside t';,� City Limits of
whic'n tht planning 3oard has jarisdictior.. Two of SUCII m a'' _llbC
"citizen members" w'-:n shr.11 `ao appointed by the ieryor ^f '_.- __ of
i.a 115,:,Cil. The nl.'..«-?i :IiCm _'.r o?3a11 beselected :iy t?:e ci C'ti`" °� "U£f i Ce-
and ''Citizen" men;L.r7 „-i.th `. consent and approval of 9oe: __ co-unty
Cortaissioners ar:? tlrc City Lr�uncIl c_` Y.alispell.
5ectiuu 3. _....=J Terms of the merr,berc ,ch:. are
of the City of i'-cli 11 an, the: County of rlatbo-ad shall I, co�estensivo
With their respective ttrms of office to which they hav,. b_,c.::•_lcctcd or
appointed. Th_: t.,rms of the other member shall be two (Z) ye_-rs, except
for the term of *he r rst iaeinbers appointed whic% ?;L i. ' b
..,y agree-
_nt and rule of the governing bodies represented on ucard for a
period of time of one (1) or two (2) years in order to )rjt*'1� for terms
,aiti a ainimum nir,;:b r of terms expiring in any sin lc ar; rrcvided,
hot;L er, dlly Ci tl Le:: appointed pol ntc:d may be removed fZ0`f. officL ',y a .,;.jorlty
vc''a of «_he gov+r'- ng body of the govern:.ental unit .. c:;c;t et by such
appo1n t Ce. Nothln8 h.�rein contained shall pru,.cnt the c- ;, :tmcrt of
a member +;hose term :-as expired. -
Section 4. vACANCILS: `vacancies occurriao ou theh-ard cf official
;i LM'Oc'rs and ?,y death or resignation of --itizen members, s%t I'_ ..._ f',.11ed
Uy tho govcrninC bodies having appointed them for the une.:•s;ircd tern:.
Vacancies occurrinZ in citizen members on the board -.. .. c:nd of a
term shall be fillc-d alternately by the Mayor and t!te r Lr<'- of Cou my
Commissboners, eo:rarencing with the I:ay'or.
Je.. ..10R 5. qU1..`.. r,..,T1 G'\S 07
d,... The Citizen r+::mbers
of the City -County Manning Zo'rd
„ha'_1 bo resident frcehc,iders in t:-_
area over which thee
jurisdiction, ho;c',er,
`hat at least two I) of s.;c`, "ovhv_;,
_hn11 bw resident freeholders ...
We area., if an^, -... My
1 " i. is over which Lourd
..,. _'e y
_1... 11annin6
has jurisdiLt;on.
section r,
cit.zcr up,.v .,t-Cc:
may he remove& fro., offl�-•c. h, a rolDrIty
.oto of the ;over:..ing hoVy of
the govcrrwcntal _ .IQ r,.i i..._ W
of t
Section 7 .L...7 NQ;
y. v4_.y�ri
c. _.... _
rl - fin t'' for t'...i.'.U_
regular weetin6s, Lot rh,ll ynkt
- - 1'.. .st once it the munthi of
.ianuary, April, duly and CV_e"_.
Section S. .)^u.. \1. :L.um..va;
5;eu..u.. '. etInj- of tya P.a"a
Board may b. caliK "I --r i','...__..-..._
or by two (5. v&bl.r., Lpla rMul
regUCSt `.O IhO my. W
- Old M at:
:LW.. - ..
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WaSt WO (2) dnyl a".VaCL Z a
l :e ti. a wrltirca no0
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n.:a ].a u
ritton not!: OF ape u ....M
,1 7r ni)t r1qJrW if _.L IOU f
the Special L <'i-:;_ - .. ... _.r17Z
... tL�0007 , 1.406, .r if all
_: nber _ re yruEW .... a'
Section n. J?'.,... =,_...L.._
,.,.,. .. �Q.1"Y or 1e `:rn 0.11
COSSt ,"tie .. 'i' n"...:; no _c . a"
-... 71..1... u.... .. !a 07ricial,
1-Cperl 1-11 1'"_., . _010S.
.«Cr "hbl., 'J.,, ..._ ", ;a-__ _. .,
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,�;'.. �., „^,.: _. __..art i.,.li :-..-.t•i.
tho i. y M .ct �.. i1, .�. _-rth-
_, '+_. 'h_ ahs., c, :r W.chil't,.
f too -resident.
J(.'(:L:J- 11f
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.i:_ ...`. 1.0.. ....... '.. y •W
such c i•_r__w: an are _...... . 1 7:7
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-,a .,..: 4y :n,%c .... - , on..
pecl::al ru t:.o rary sc . ic_ra'i',
4np lrcfo. ionals'<'i:`-:
c• „n 12. D W r
_i `iw._ a... r,_ 1 .i . _ r, L➢,t_
f3: cal year, ,'.1_`: ;:: ` ' WW. ',
'_' _ a,r . ..,ard n7 Ia '=y
l ... . in ... ...,, ....e .,.:...a l: of 1: .. .-poi:ZY
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Of Tf 11,
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a-'. es re;r ° re\i "_ IL' ", I,
.lection 17. 12, Wrlinanco lov UnP
Ordinances an' au:«c;; in coaflic` hvrwwl jhy of
Kalispell are r. , r , waIM.
Ny of . QVZ ;a, 1965.
George Beardslee
City Clr-0
1, Gcor, Wardslec, City Clark of thn City of Kal spell, .uLuna,
... hereby certify that on the Hh. day Of :dovemaer, 175 i posted
cep, of the forc&Wng ordinance: in .ay office and the sameremainec.
n i..a for a per J' of five i+ayG ,n�� "I.o to" -Jin" i 1 `u6 andcn rQct copy ,f the oruluancc passed br th MY 1, s.a._.