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Leistiko to Council/City Airport Questions
W111004WE93 FROM: SUBJECT: MEETING DATE: City of Kalispell Fred A. Leistiko, Airport Manager Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 599 3-1997 Telephone 40) 250-3065 Fax - (40 ) 75 -775 The Honorable Mayor Pamela B. Kennedy and City Council Fred A. Leistiko, City Airport Manager Kalispell City Airport September 22, 2008 - Follow-up Information BACKGROUND: Recently several questions have arisen about the operations at the Kalispell City Airport. The following questions were included in the request for information. who approved the EA? who approved the .ALP? When did all this happen? Give the council a list of aircraft (BII) that could use the airport. RECOMMENDATION: None FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Respectfully submitted, Fred A. Leistik City Airport Manager Done As suggested by the Council BACKGROUND The Master Plan Study was completed in August, 1999. That study was given to the City Council for their review and selection of which Alternative they wanted to accept for the configuration of the Airport. The council accepted the Master Plan Study and accepted ALT-2 as the configuration. i?s5: + - / & The next step was to have an Environmental Assessment done on this option. The Council does not approve the EA, it is sent to the requesting authority for approval. The FAA gave the EA a status of FONSI. (Finding of no significant impact). And with that finding the FAA approved certain actions to tale place. one of these actions was the construction of a 4,700' by 75" wide runway, The next step was to draw up an Airport Layout Plan, (ALP) for review and approval by the FAA. This document was completed in 2003, It was signed by the City Manager and sent to the FAA for approval. The FAA approved the ALP in 2003. The FAA, along with the Engineers warping on the project and the Airport Manager are aware that the EA will need to be updated before the airport is built. Since we did not know how long the mitigation process would tale, we completed an EA early on to make sure we did not have any significant drawbacks. we plan to update the EA as soon as we have the KGEZ towers mitigated. Also enclosed is the list of possible aircraft that would use the Kalispell City Airport. From the list you can see that all Al and All aircraft can use the new runway. All BI and a lot of the BII aircraft will meet the criteria for the use of the new runway. Disregards all AIII and BIII aircraft. RESOLUTION NO* 4 518 A RESOLUTION ADOPTIMO THE AIRPORT MASTER PL" STUDY ,AS SUBMITTED AND AMENDED AND IDENTIFYING ALTERNATE NUMBER TWO, 5 DEGREE REALIGNMENT, AS THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE* WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell has completed Phase I and Phase zI of the .Airport Master Plan Study dated August, 1999, and WHEREAS, public meetings were held. on September 29, 1995, January 27, 1999 and June 15, 1999 where results of the study were presented, and. WHEREAS, a formal public hearing was held. on October 4, 1999 before the Kalispell City Council and public comment was solicited, and WHEREAS, the results of the study identified, alternate 2, Five 5) Degree Realignment, B- I I , with full FAA participation, as the preferred alternative and alternate ,j $1 Million, B- I, as the other viable alternative. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KAL I S PELL , MONTANA , AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. That the City Council hereby approves the findings of the .airport Master Plan Study dated, August, 1999, and amended Octoher, , 1999. SECTION II. That the City Council hereby identifies Alternate 2, Fire (5) Degree Realignment, B- I I , as the preferred alternative, noting however, that the issue of the radio touters must be resolved with the FAA and perhaps MDOT before the project can proceed. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, THIS 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1999. WM1'E al ft&f h. Wm. E. Boharski mayor Attest: e 4sa White City clerk UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION HELENA AIRPORTS DISTRICT OFFICE :..:.:..... : AIRPORT NAME AND LOCATION: Kalispell City Airport Kalispell, Montana PROPOSED FEDERAL ACTION: Environmental, approval for the following development items at the Kalispell City Airport, Kalispell, Montana. a. Acquire land adjoining the existing airport (approximately 72 acres) b. Construct staged development of 4,700' by 75' -amide runway (14/32 orientation) - c. Construct tie doom apron, parallel taxiway and connector taxiways, hangar access taxi lanes d. Install medium intensity runway lighting system, beacon., wind cone, segmented circle, Precision Approach lndi c ator (PAPI), and Runway End Identifier Lights (REELs). e. Construct perimeter fencing and airport access road. f Removal or relocation. of AM radio towers located south of the airport. ENVIRIMPACTS AND REASONS FOR FONSI: The environmental impacts related to the proposed actions are described in the referenced Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Kalispell City Airport, Kalispell, Montana. No significant impacts on the quality of the environment were identified as a result of the proposed action. The draft EA was coordinated With affected state, local and federal agencies. Comments received from this coordination are documented in the final EA. 999 Section S. Usting Snmfl AJrp(SI units) AC 150300-13 Append 13 Airport App ch Tail Maximum Reference Speed. Wingspan Length Height Takeoff Aircraft Code Knots Meters Meters Meters Kg Be i�. ch Baron. B55 A-1 90 11.5 8.5 2.8 2', 31.3 Beech Baron. E55 A_1 88 11..5 8.8 2.8 21,404 Beech Bonanza A36 A-1 72 10.2 8.4 2.6 11656 Beech Bonanza B36TC A-1 75 11.5 8.4 2.6 1, 746 Beech. Bonanza E33A A.*I 70 10.2 8.1 2.5 10 542 Beech Bonanza V35B A -I 70 10.2 8.0 2.0 13,542 Beech Duchess 76 AMI 76 1.1..6 8.8 2.9 11769 Beech S terra 200 - B24R A-1 70 10.0 7.8 2.5 1 s 247 Beech Skipper 77 .w 1 63 9.1 7.3 2.1. 760 Beaech undoes er 180 - C23 A-1 68 10,0 7.8 2.5 10111 11 Cessna- 150 .-1 55 10.0 7.3 2.4 726 Cessna-177 Cardinal. A-1 6. 10.8 8.3 2.6 1,134 DHC - 2 Beaver A-1 50 14.6 9.2 2.7 27313 Embra.er-820 Navajo Chief A-�1 74 1 2,4 10.5 4.0 3,175 Lapan XT-400 -1 75 14.6 10.2 4.3 2,520 Le.irf n 2100 A-1 86 12.0 12.4 3.7 3, 35 7 Mitsubishi Marquise MU- 2N A-- I 88 11.9 12.0 4.2 5 , 2 54 Mitsubishi MU - 2F A-"1 97 1.1.! 9 10.1. 3.9 42749 "Sol.�.ts.ire 1 fr�.i. trenaYia .�1. . 68B Victor A-173 12.0 10.9 3.6 .Les, 850 #i,g i P-166 P6rtofino A. -I 82 1 ll g 5 0 4 300 .ANTI ustl.er ► 00 B_1 98 8.5 1.0.6 3.0 21722 Beach. Airliner C99 B-I 107 14. o 13.6 4.4 5 ,1.26 Beech Baron 58 B-I 96 11.5 9.1. 3.0 2, 49S Beech Baron 58P B-1 101 '11., 5 9.1. 2.8 23812 Beech Baron 58TC B-1 101 1.1..5 9.1 2.8 21,812 Beech Duke B60 B_1 98 11,9 10.3 3.7 31,073 Beech King Air B1.00 B-1 ill 14.0 12.2 4. 5, 352 Beech King Air F90 B-1 108 14.0 12.1 4.6 4, 967 Cessna Citation I B-1 108 14.4 13.3 4.4 51375 ti/essfia--402 Businessl finer B-I 95 12,1 11.0 3.5 29,858 Cessna.-404 Titan B-I 92 14.1. 12.0 4.0 3,810 Cessna. -414 Chancellor B-I 94 1.3.4 1111 3.5 31078 Cessna -421 Golden Eagle B-1 96 12.7 11.0 3.5 3; 379 kinb .aer-121 Xi igu B-I 92 14.4 12.3 4.8 51,670 Emhrait- 326 Xavante B-I 102 10.9 10.6 3.7 52216 F46i3et ST- 600--8 B-I 97 9.6 9.7 3.1. 21064 Ham.l.ton Westwind .II STD B-1 96 14.0 13.7 2.8 51668 Hltsubi. shy. MU--2G B-I 1.19 11.9 12.0 4.2 41899 Piper -31.- 31C Naval c B-1 100 12.4 10.0 4.0 2 m 81.2 Piker. . 40OIS . Cha�enne B-I 1.10 14.5 1.3.2 5.2 52466 P"er * . 60 402P A.eros tar -� I 94 11.2 10.6 3,7 2,722 Rockwell 690,t , Turbo Comdr. B-I 97 14.2 1.3.5 4.5 4,1672 gweariugen, Heirlin 3B B-I 105 14.1 12.9 5.1 5 R 67C Swearingen. Metro B-1 11.2 14.1 1.8.1 5,.1 5,,670 Y21:-air Tom.-kho 1.8 B-1 100 14.0 11. 4 2.3 4 L63 A�ro6am Skyl.iner -lI 88 16.5 16.6 5.o 5, i �Anto'l.Z+t-V AN-�14 • . F A-�ii 52 22.0. 11.. 3 4.6 3 2 450 '[, �, fj� A - II r r ■ }'r� i 1� A -II 87 15.1 10.7 2.9 4a218 269 AC 150/53 13 Append 13 Airport Appch Tail Maxi Refereuce Speed. Wingspan Length Height Takeoff Aircraft Code Knots Meters Meters Meters Kg DHC-6-300 Twin fitter -11 75 1.9.8 1.5.8 5.9 53,670 DH.104 Dove 8 A-1I 84 17.4 11..9 4,1 43,060 Dormer DO 28D~2 A -II 74 1.5.5 11.,4 3.9 41,017 Nomad N 22B A- I I 69 16.5 12.6 5.5 41,060 Nomad N 24A A -II 73 16.5 14.4 5.5 4z264 Pilatus PC-6 Porter A-11 57 1.5.1 11.4 3.2 2,200 PZL-A'-- 2 A - II 54 18.2 12.8 . 0 5 , 5OO PZL-Mw15 Belphegor -II 62 22.412.8 5.4 59654 Yunshu-11 -II 8101 o 1 D Beech King Air C90 -1. -� BII 100' 1.5.3 10.8 .5 4 , 377 �y� Beech Super King Air B200 B- II 103 16.6 1.3.4 4.6 5 , 570 Lids,,,, na-441 Conques � B- II 100 15.0. 11.9 4.0 41502 c o�e11 840 - I I 98 15 13 1 5 4 Approach speeds estimated. Simon 6, Usting 1 e (SI units) Airport Appeh Tail Maxi Reference Speed Wingspan Length Height Takeoff Aircraft Code Knots Meters Meters Meters Kg Aerospatiale SN 601 Cory_ B-I 118 12.9 13.8 4.2 61600 Dassault FAL--10 B.-I 104 1.3.1 1.3.9 4.6 81500 Gates Learjet 28/29 B-- I 120 1.3.3 14.5 3.7 61804 Mitsubishi Diamond HO- 300 B-I 100 1.3.3 14.8 4.2 7 J35 Piaggi o PD - 808 B -1: 117 13.2 12.9 4.8 8 $ 301. Rockwell Sabre 40 B-1 120 13.6 13.4 4.9 81459 Caste. C-212-20U Avioear A -II 81. 19.0 45 1.5.2 6.3 72700 DH.1I4 Heron -1I 85 2-1.8 14-.8 4.8 6,123 Dormer LTA A --II 74 17.8 16.6 5.5 6,849 GAC -100 A-11 86 '1. 3 20.5 7.6 132109 I -.-I Arab a- 201 -11 81 20.9 13.0 5.2 6 , 804 LET 7 _ 41.D WP -- E A _ I I 81. 20.0 14.5 5.8 63,400 PZL--AN-28 A -II 85 22 1. 13 1 9 6 500 270 LA -At -6uH 9/2"9 AC I501530O-13 Apondk 13 Airport Appch Tail maxim Reference Speed 'Wingspan Length Height Takeoff Aircraft Code Knots Meters meters Meters Kg Aerospatiale NORD-262 B-11 96 21.9 19.3 6.2 10,650 Abotens AR 404 B-ii 98 20.1 16.1 5.8 8,391 .Air.metal AM-C Ill B-11 96 19.2 16.8 6.4 80450 BAD'. Jetstream 31 B-11 99 15.8 14.4 5.3 6'600 Beech Airliner 1900-C B-ii 120 16.6 17.6 4.5 7v530 - C na Citation T-1 ess B-11 108 15.8 14.4 4.6 62033 Cessna Citation III B--II 114 16.3 16.9 5.1 9.7979 Dassa�It FAL-20 B-11 107 16.3 17.2 5.3 133000 Dassault FAL-200 B-11 114 16.3 17.2 5.3 -133,903 Embraer-110 Belmdeirante B-11 92 15) 3 15.1 5.0 5,900 m4A iA-50 Guarni II B-II 101 X7 19.5 z 14.9 5.8 79121 ZYZ 41 I B-Il i A 614&m� 105 15.4 14.1 4.9 10,886 Rockwell Sabre 65 Shorts 330 B-I:. 96 22.a 17,7 4. 9. -to *. -y 387 Shorts 360 B-ii 104 22.8 21.6 7,2 113999 AIDC/CAF XC-2 A-111 86 24.9 20.1 7.7 121P474 fi6v AN-72 A - III' 89 25.8 25.8 8.2 292,937 DEC-'4 Cariboxi A -III 77 29.1 22.1 9.7 12 927 k Dash 7 - 100 -A-III 83, 28.3 24.6 8.0 19 504 D HG,:Das'h &-300 ,g A - III 90• 27.4 25.7 7.5 18 >643 ild 112.1, A-111 88 33.5 23.1 10.4 i7 216 A-111 88 28.9 23.o 7.3 19s504 iii. .-- .A -III 78 31,7 21,3. 9.3 17 237- Am Ill, 85 30.6 3 . a 38 691 MDC:~DC-3 A-111 72 29.0 19.7 7.2 11,431 Aji�flt4ilia_G-222 Ill 109 2.8 6- ,22 7 9.8 27,987 2-4..", B-III 119 23. 8.3 211 004 Onov 3 G B-11I 11,2 29.4� -2-4.4 8.3 23 151 go�;Y. 113 35.1 27,2 8.2 43 998 BA, 6't 113 26.3 26.2 84.6 33,2 838 117 26.� 23.6 8.6 40, 030 6 A', 7 B-Ill 1012 27-8 20.8 7.7 16,511 "C B 07e, 28.0 -956 340" -04 32.1' 4 4"81 2- 9. -6 221 -271 10& 24.8 8.6 22,271 581D 107 32.1 24.9 8.9 24, 117 30'- 5 34 8 11.4 56*479 D Bilf 91' 29.3 24.1 8.7 227317 271 lk I j t� p s L itss} •i•, r� !. Vl- / I zcn ' !rf • xgzj JCi �f r HOC �,1 I} 't- ��m it � -c �Cr I', ' / p oAc i zoc JJf�' o o � 1. } f :- `taoa� .r �•�� � I N j03W �!� _ $ : I �N t}) JJ •.Y� ~i "1 !';� W Q n r� i 0 rr/;i v Noo 1}1 g aw nm oa w� {{j 39 IDDrn o-Ux ti Ui 'Od X 4 ooZ ( - coo an zA 1>0 T. 'I ncc ZA �_o� �c any 3j 00 'I -n �z Ir nm ! I I -j f�.. zn x € N I Mc ,/• ..O �' �� oo, �. .Q z m= " t I 4 ova ©� f c a p m0 ' OpC > I I oqN O xp I Q� O zoc I 005 z D Y Y Opp r W (T't I v o ZU' (` I zz / J I 0 n� W v Iiiyy177� N z � ii cl �ciz fi /'fir ol Z�� j as �p 4 IV M cz VI 6 r� rTt r i m t2 /8f Do O ti G m om a C v PROJECT TITLE C©II� Q�cc�a a ass PORRINI FES. 2003 DESiGNED BY DATE N. GEARY 9� oil DRAWN BY PROJECT NO, KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT M N HP iNa, -icNA CHECKED BY FILE No.