Thursday, October 9, 2008
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
Jeff Clawson, Building Official
Sean Conrad, Senior Planner
Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director
Guests: None.
Hear the Public: No one was present to speak.
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendant
Roger Krauss, Police Department
P.J. Sorensen, Chair
Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary
Performance Bond Reminders: Fincher noted the irrigation has been completed on Stillwater Bluffs so they will
be requesting release of their bond.
Jentz reviewed the issue with Westwood Park that was discussed last week where they are requesting relief of their SIA
$51,000 bond that expires 10-31-08 for street trees, landscaping, boulevard and the grass-crete turnaround for
emergency vehicles. Johnson noted that after a site visit it appeared the turnaround area had been paved so he agreed to
contact the Fire Department to determine if the work that has been completed would be sufficient. After further
discussion Fincher agreed to contact Bill Rice to discuss the possibility of a Developer's Agreement for the landscaping,
boulevard and street tree work.
OLD BUSINESS: Bloomstone Parking Lot: Morrison-Maierle submitted a color site plan for the proposed
parking lot construction that was discussed last week for Bloomstone. After lengthy discussion the committee made the
following comments and requested additional information before the design can be approved:
Property lines need to be defined so setbacks can be verified.
The total # of parking spaces included on the drawing does not meet the # required for 64 units.
The handicapped parking spaces need to be readdressed.
Covered parking area doesn't include supports for the structure which could result in the loss of a parking spot.
If the parking area is not covered a landscape buffer needs to be included.
A list of trees & shrubs to be used for the landscaped buffers should be provided.
The type of landscaping needs to be considered to shield vehicles lights from units 15, 8, & 1
Outdoor lighting needs to be addressed/low profile 8 foot street lights were recommended by committee.
Light installation may need to take place before paving.
Roger Kraus wanted the Parks Department to know that at a recent Soccer Tournament at Kids Sports numerous people
from all over the state considered Kids Sports to be one of the finest facilities in the state.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.