09-11-08 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION
Date: September 11, 2008
Location: KPC Conference Room
All in attendance:
Chairperson Mark Pirrie, Janet Clark, Bill Goodman,
And Joel Schoknecht. John Hinchey absent
Jack Brooks — Attended from 7:45 am to 8:00 am
Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, KPC Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at: 7:32 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson
2. Minutes of July, 2008 Board Meeting:
Moved to approve by Bill Goodman, Janet Clark, seconds, Approved by all present.
3. Hearing of the Public:
No One Present
4. Financial Statement of July, & Aug 2008:
Moved to approve by Janet Clark, Bill Goodman, seconds, Approved by all present.
5. Updates from KPC:
Street Update — Jack
a) Scofflaws —Jack suggested we try to boot some of these; they are racking up large
amounts of tickets. Discussion followed. As it stands right now we cannot use the
boot without the summons process which takes too long. Mark will talk to Charlie
regarding this. We need to re -define this process with the collection agency in order
to collect for them.
KPC Office Update — Rachel
1. Tickets, Parking Permits & Meters —
1. Ticket Collections — 67% collection rate. See new reports.
2. Parking Permits — Combined report from Quickbooks & Aims
3. Meter Collections — Down
2. Notices — behind... working on getting these current.
3. Meter Project — Sold $120 this month; sold $210 so far
4. Computer system — still learning it; it will take some time
5. Office Construction — Unfinished
6. Lot Maintenance — Total to date - $9,714
1. Spring Cleaning - $1,071 labor so far; pruning in EL requested.
2. Seal Coating - $4,138
3. Sweeping & Painting - $4,505
7. Contractor Permits — Process has been changed; new forms completed.
New Business:
b) Glacier Jazz Stampede parking request — moved to approve by Bill Goodman,
Second by Janet Clark. Approved by all present.
c) Central School — Bill Goodman suggested we make a request of the city to turn the
grassy area next to Central School into a parking Lot. Janet Clark disagreed.
Discussion followed. Janet Clark moved to table this discussion.
6. Unfinished Business:
a) In -Lieu of Parking — Discussion followed.
b) City Council work session on parking — No update from City Council. Discussion
followed. We do not want to have Anne Guest come up again. We just finished the
last Peccia study.
c) Raising permit and ticket machine prices — Discussion followed. Tabled till April '09.
d) Selling more permit spaces in EL & VB lot — Discussion followed. Tabled till April '09.
e) Motorcycle permits —motorcycle permits need a different type permit; they have
nowhere to hang the current ones. We need to come up with a sticker or
something. Discussion followed. Rachel will look into this for next spring or summer.
Tabled till April '09.
f) Motorcycle parking downtown — signage etc. Discussion followed. Tabled till April
g) Snowplowing — Rachel will call Goose bay; Dick Brady; All bids need contractor's
license, insurance and references. Discussion followed. Rachel will look into this and
open up for bids.
h) Salting/shoveling — Call All Bright regarding continued services for the upcoming
season; and open for bids if we come across any others who do sidewalks.
i) Garbage cans in EL — The trash cans in the Eagles lot get used quite a bit. Up till
recently the parking commission has emptied these; Jack has stated it is not in his
job description. Should the city be doing this? Is this our responsibility? Discussion
followed. Etc. Bill Goodman made a motion to modify Jack's job description to
include emptying the garbage cans in our monitored lots, second by Janet Clark.
Approved by all present. Discussion followed. Bill modified motion to in addition to
the garbage in the cans to include garbage on the ground. Bottles, garbage we have
had complaints about etc. Second by Janet Clark.
7. Adiournment:
Adjourned at: 9:40 a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: Janet Clark, Second by Bill Goodman.
The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately
Meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents.