04-20-06 Parking Commission MinutesMONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Date: Thursday, April 20, 2006 Location: Conference Room, KPC Office All in attendance: Mark Pirrie, Chairman, Janet Clark, Richard Nelson, Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, Office Manager 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at: 7:50 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairman 2. Minutes of March 16, 2006 Board Meeting: Moved to approve Janet Clark, Richard Nelson second 3. Hearing of the Public: No One Present 4. Financial Statements of March 2006: Moved to approve Janet Clark, Richard Nelson second S. Updates KPC Office: March 2006: TICKETS: Jack wrote 486 tickets 59% collected Last year KPC wrote 366 tickets and 46% collected KPC wrote off $310 tickets this month (I have been subtracting those that are in Summons) NOTICES: On going process — Value sent out in March - $1,570 Local, $1,010 Out of town, Total value sent out for collections - $2,580 PARKING PERMITS; Parking Permit Revenue this month was $13,961.50. Permits are up this month due to Glacier Bank purchases. It will level out next month. Parking Permit Revenue last month $9,265.00 Parking Permit Revenue last year at this time was $5,693.00 CONTRACTOR PERMITS Contractor permit revenue — No Permits sold this month METERS: Meter collection was $2, 69.86. Meters were up this month Meter collection for last month was $1,505.01. Meter collection for last year at this time was $1,725.68. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: $9,065.82 1 6. Unfinished Business: A. Centre Court — work order finished all changes have been made and changes are being enforced. B. Library Work Order/Issues 1) USPS - Rachel contacted Amy, the Route Supervisor, she did go and look at the mail drop. Each receptacle gets 200 pieces of mail per day so they cannot combine the boxes. USPS does not want to move them because of the senator's office there. USPS does not want to turn them around and does not want to change their route to go down the alley way. USPS would like it to stay the way it is currently. Mail person cannot unload in the street it is a safety issue. USPS wanted to me pass along the message to the KPC, if we do change the parking then it needs to accommodate people who drive up to the boxes. 2) Rachel tried to explain to Amy that they were pulling up on yellow curb now and you have to get out of your car to use the mail slot. Mark will contact Amy regarding this issue. 3) Kim Crowley of the Library has been made aware of this. She just wants to be kept up to date. 4) KPC is going to go ahead with the work order and there should still be room for people to pull up to the USPS box. Rachel will place work order with the City for 3 — 30 minute parking places in front of the Library. The side of the Library will be a 15 minute loading zone, a bus stop (for Eagle Transit) and 2 Handicapped spaces. Rachel will also inform Kim Crowley of the work order. Moved to approve Janet Clark, Richard Nelson second C. Ed Trippets Lot — Lease is coming up August. 31. Do we want to renew for 4 or 5 years? Mark has copy of previous lease and blank lease. KPC will review the current lease and address maintenance issues that desperately need to be addressed in this lot. D. Lot Management for Karen Davidson — KPC has not heard anything. She is supposed to be talking to Charlie about this. E. Valley Bank Machine — Complaint about tickets and can't see the screen. Called Roy Whipple at Ventek. Finally heard back from Roy — He sent a part that really was not useable but Jack and I rigged it with Duct tape. It is working for now but we are going to have to have someone look and it and possibly do some welding because you cannot drill into the box sitting in it. Discussion followed. At this time we are leaving the duct tape on for an easy solution. Rachel was given permission to go and buy a new roll of duct tape. 2 F. Permit Policy for Renewal and Forms — Went over details of possible policies for permit renewal policies. Discussed suggestions by Anne Guest and how they run their renewals. Waiting list was decided too much work to start off with in the beginning as well as maintaining it. Let's go to the new system and put that on the back burner for a later time. Anne Guest will be sending us a copy of their contract for renewal. Will try and get that for next meeting. Rachel will put together a renewal policy and a renewal sign up form as well a renewal request form for next meeting. Their will be a disclaimer on our forms that says subject to change so we can work the kinks out the process. There will be a $2 renewal fee. KPC's goal is to approve these forms and start advertising our permit renewal process by way of ...announcing the details on the next permit sales day, flyers on cars in our lots and bulletin boards, our front door, news papers possibly? We will want to get the word out in the month of June so that we can begin this on July of this fiscal year. G. Postage Meter — With the approval of the permit renewal process we will be sending and receiving a lot more mail. Could we look into a postage meter for here at the office? Discussion followed. Should be something we should do. Rachel will get some details to report next meeting. H. Change of Billing Address — Mail Delivery has been changed to our box here in the building. See example. It will be delivered to the box on weekends. Put order in at the post office and talked to mail man myself and he has a key to our box from Craig. I. Problems with Quickbooks — Called Denning & Downey for their rate - Linda an accountant and an expert in Quickbooks charges $75 per hour. Sherry Ormiston said it would take an accountant and someone with more knowledge than she has. She thinks it is in the set up. Janet Clark moved to hire Denning & Downey to fix Quickbooks for the KPC Office. Richard Nelson seconds this. J. Back up information storage— We have way more information that can fit in our safe and in a fire, it's only safe till a certain temperature. Rachel recommended we store all of our important information in the City vault as well as our original computer programs that are on CD. Rachel was given permission to buy a lockable container to keep this information in at the vault so it is accessible to only KPC. Rachel will rotate the weekly copies as well as putting back up stuff once a month or as needed. K. Budget 2006 — Utilities and Snow removal — KPC will budget more for utilities since phone and internet has been added to that category and will adjust next years budget for more in Snow Removal as well as increasing the Lot Maintenance Budget. 7. New Business: A. KPC Letter to the Mayor, City Manager, and City Council Members — Requesting parking funds from the real estate sale that will reap an income of one million dollars. Bill Goodman and Janet Clark put a letter together and all board members present signed this so it could get to the Mayor and other parties. 3 B. Handicapped spot by Glacier Bank — Meredith construction was given permission for this construction by the City Fathers originally. Therefore they do not need contractor permits. This was passed due to issue with public safety. 1) Construction work on the old Conlin's building is finished and now the construction is changing to the other side of the street. There was a handicapped space on the street by Conlin's. The City wants to know if we keep this a handicapped space or use it for regular parking till the 9 mo project is done. Discussion followed. 2) Because parking is at a premium KPC decided that the handicapped needed this space more than able bodied parkers. KPC decided to just leave it as is after the project is done then it will be street scaped like the rest of the city. Rachel will let Fred Zavodny know. C. Skyline Lot — The City will finish the lighting project, Monday April 24 — 25. No notices will be needed they will just rope off the South side along the lighting area that was torn up originally to fix it. As per Fred Zavodny. D. Spring Landscaping Bids in the works — Professional clean in May — big spring clean and then upkeep in June and July. Examples of information sent out and list of candidates given to board members. Bids deadline was set as April 28, 2006. Rachel will let Mark know as soon as they come in. We would like to start this project the first week of May. E. Painting & Sweeping Bids — Examples of information sent out and list of candidates given to the board members. It was decided that we were not responsible for the striping of the Northeast diagonal spaces so this information was not included in what was sent out. We are responsible for the spaces in front of the Central School Meters and this was included. Bid deadline was set as May 5, 2006. Rachel will let Mark know as soon as they come in. We would like to start this the third week of May. F. Board Training offered by Flathead County in February 2006 — Richard Nelson did attend this meeting and brought his notes and handouts back for everyone one the board. Copies of these were distributed to all board members after the March 2006 meeting. No other KPC Board members attended. 8. Adiournment• Adjourned at: 9:10 am, Motion to Adjourn made by: Janet Clark, Richard Nelson, seconds. The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents. CA