Wessel Re: Daily InterLake Default News pageHello Michelle, Please pass this on to the Planning Board. Dear Planning Board, Thank you for your concerns about adequate public involvement on the Starling project as expressed at your meeting this past Tuesday night. I have had the same concerns on many of the larger projects being proposed in the City. Please consider establishing a standard similar to that adopted by Flathead County in the Memorandum of Understanding reached between the City, County, and Bucky Wolford. Among many other public involvement items regarding public hearing conduct, some key points are that the Planning Board determines the notification distance and billboard-type sign requirements on "large" development projects. If you are interested in specifics of the MOU, the City Attorney's office could provide you with a copy. I also think it is important that large projects are submitted electronically to the City and immediately available on the City website. I would advocate that a large project would be a residential subdivision over 50 homes, but various guidelines of varying amounts of information should be established for all types of projects. As much as I like hanging out with the City Planning Staff at their offices (especially when there's free pizza!), I too, would rather do this at my convenience, on-line, in the evenings. Now days, with most projects prepared electronically, this is not a significant burden to place on Staff or the developer to make this information available upon submission. For your reference, the Daily Interlake had a short story about this in today's paper: http://www.dailyinterlake.com/articles/2007/05/24/news/news03.txt Thank you for your consideration, Pete Wessel 121 Rainbow Drive Kalispell, MT 59901