09-18-08 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, September 18, 2008 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Jeff Clawson, Building Official Susie Turner, Storm Water Engineer Fred Zavodny Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Nicole Johnson, Planner II Frank Castles, Assistant City Engineer Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendant Charlie Harball, City Attorney Sean Conran, Senior Planner P.J. Sorensen, Chair Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary Guests: Gary Walrack, Chandler Communications and Jim Atkinson, Agency on Aging Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Performance Bond Reminders: Sorensen noted a partial release of the bond for the Amore' Salon may be granted because they completed the handicapped stall and some other items. However they still need to complete the landscaping so the entire bond cannot be released yet. OLD BUSINESS: Sorensen noted that the conversion of a dental office to an attorneys office located at 502 2°a Avenue East discussed at last week's meeting will no longer include the pergola due to setbacks. Without the expansion of the building, the project does not come in front of site review. NEW BUSINESS: Bus Shelters: Gary Walrack from Chandler Communications and Jim Atkinson from the Agency on Agency were in attendance to discuss the bus shelters proposed for 6 new locations. Harball added these shelters are not proposed to be located in the MDT right-of-way. Harball said they are developing a permit/city staff review process for any new shelters and he is looking for input from the staff. Walrack noted that Eagle Transit determines the locations of the shelters and Atkinson said the new bus routes will be starting September 29, 2008. Jentz noted his concern with the off -premise advertising that the shelters provide, especially in the main corridors along Highway 93 where other businesses were precluded from providing signage out in the greenbelt area. Planning staff has worked very hard at keeping the signage to a minimum in those area and other businesses have been told that additional off premise signage would not be allowed. Jentz also had concerns with a the installation of shelters where there is no reasonable access to get to the shelters, and the quality of work, i.e., cuts in the bike path and exposed gravel. Walrack discussed the location of 3 of the 6 shelters (near Smith's, Syke's, and along Center Street near the Center Street Quik Lube). Zavodny expressed concerns with the shelter near Smith's and suggested the location be moved south — away from the busy intersection but still close to the business. In addition Zavodny said he wouldn't be able to approve the location of the shelter on Center Street unless it was moved to the alley where the bus would stop in the alley and not on Center Street. Further discussion was held. The committee decided the permit should be reviewed and approved by Public Works before the shelter is built; a map of the proposed routes and future locations of shelters should be provided by Eagle Transit; the permits will be reviewed by Fred Zavodny who will make the decision which permits should be reviewed by the Site Review Committee; and a site plan should be included that addresses site visibility (both at intersections and at driveways), impacts to parking, and safety. In addition, staff will conduct final inspections of the shelter locations. 269 4th Avenue EN: Sorensen stated that Aure's is in the process of constructing a deck which is an expansion of a retail use. Turner is calculating the impact fees that will be required since it is a commercial business. Johnson said he would take a look at the sidewalks to see if they would be impacted. The committee agreed to approve the project. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Johnson said Timberwolf Center, Phase 1 is tentatively scheduled for city council on October 6"'. She added they are still waiting for a MOU on the water rights issue. Castles questioned if that was sufficient and Johnson noted that Jim Hansz has been involved in the discussions. Turner noted that DNRC will also be required to pay a latecomers fee for utilities, which should also be in place before the building pen -nit is issued but would not interfere with the final plat approval. Johnson also noted another final plat — Legend's Court - is also coming in for final plat. This subdivision is located on 4 h Avenue West. Conrad is working on an annexation of 81 acres south of Lower Valley Road and cast of Highway 93 South owned by the Gardner family. The annexation is scheduled for the October 14a' planning board meeting. OTHER REPORTS: None The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.