02-13-18 - Regular MeetingKALISPELL CITY
February 13,2018
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The regular nrecting ....... of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning
Commission was called v ordei at 6:00 p.rn. Boar(i members present wcrc:
Chad Graham, George Giavasis, Doug Kauffman, Rory. Young, Steve Larch
and Ronalee SkeLs. (Irristophcr Yerkes wasabsent, J`om Jentz, Jarod Nygren
,rater P.1 Sorensen represented the Kalispell Planning Department.
�PPR(J-' �A156P�IJFE
Larch moved and Skees scTonded a motion to approve the auwrtaaes crp.The...
January 9, 2018 meeting of the Kalispell City Phinning Board and Zoning
_V'Ciif 6f;i'� CLAMATWN
The inotion passed unarfirricn0y on a vote of acclarnation.
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Young recused hiineff f sront Southside Estates because he is representing the
'tl- - — T----- —,-
1111IA1-1S -—reqLICSt
- -----
fronTeam Dcvclopnim, LIA for a niaJor SUbdivision to F11-h-)wn
as Southside Estates ,- 11hase 2.The request would subdivide 9,6-acres of land
into 30 residential lots and 3 utflity lots for storm water.1"'hew residential lots are
broken up into 4 single-fainfly lots and 26 townhouse lots for a twal of 56
housing units. The sut,njcct property was recently annex Into the City of
Kafispell and is located within the City R-4 and RA-1 Zonlng Districts.
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Jarod Nygren, r<,wpresenting the Kalisl 01 Planning 13cpartment reviewed Sfaff
Report #KPP- 17-04.
Nygren reviewed the staffrc-,port and noted (fiat the apphcant has applied for a
variance front the; Kahspeh Subdivision Regrflations regarding block 1crigths.
and right-of-way exte`:nsions. Nygren went over the variance request and the
findings for the variance appnlval.
Staff reconimends that. the Kalispell City Planning Board adopt staff report
#KPP-17-04 as findings of fact and rec(nninend to file Kalispell City Council
that the prefiminary plat Southside Estates - Phase 2 fie approved, sutl,wet R) tile
conditions listed in the staff report,
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-R- , 'o, —ry Y o L],i-i l ........... .. i —rig, Y2-5014-w, ... y"9,-'3 S-r,e"j")i"e" s c"i,ii, i
asked that condition # 6 in the staff report be re -worded to state dolt the sewer
capacity analysis be cornp�eted to vcrify the existing lift station has enough
capacity, not the existing system: feels this will clarify the fact that it is only the
lift station being tested not the entire city sewer systeni,
yak es moved and Kauffman seconded a rnotion twines( flu:Kalfspelf Catty 11anning
Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report #KPP- 17-04 as findings of
fact and recommend to tire Kalispell City Council that the prefirninary plat
.&)uthside Estates - Phase 2 t)e approved subject to the conditions fisled in the
staff report..
Te'-1 tlhat-k—wo't"ji'd--he —shotl-s—ide' ("i b-y- ant I —eq (earns( -"-g" a ai g I —1t o"Tw" a y
extension to the SOLIth and (fiat they would tie; assuming nothing would harqvn
on those s,,,.AfjLr less jytlr�l (��.wussioti the 13Iiard felt there were ternaUllrlv
Kalispell City Manning Board
MiTWUNS of" the meeting ofl`cbrwary 13, 2018
P,age G 1
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obstacles with a right-of-way extension to the soud"i and agreed that ifie variance,
should be granted per the findings nientioned it) (Ile staff report.
. .........
... iid- Skees seconded ateotion to ariterid sta ff report #KP11- 17--04 to
amend condition #6 to be rc.wordccl froin its original text to read -- A Sewer
capacity analysis shall be, corripetcd on the existing sewer lift siation located at
the north entrance of Southside Estates Phase I to verify the system has enmigh
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The motion passed Unanimously on a roll call votc,
1"'he motion passed unaniniously on as m0 call vote,
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Young returned to his seat
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Chad (3raharn announcc�d Lorche's resignation anc'l presemed him with a
certificate of recognition.
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I F' I S I f STA L' G R, 0 11,1,1 1, 1 ON I F
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A requem frorn Ara Jorgenson for �inncxafion and initial zoning of a peat located
at 1373 Whitcfish Suagc Rd, altmg with the rezorting of a portion of the k'A
already wirltin the chy.The zoning request for the property is R-4 (Residential).
Ran Jew, representing the KaHspeH Nanning Department revicwed Staff
Report #KA- 17-07.
Staff reconiniends that the Kalispell catty planning Board and Zoning
( , ornmissionadopRe t Staff port #KA- 17-07 as findings of fact and recornmend to
the Kalispell ('try Council that the property, be annexed and that the zoning for the
enfire prcqvrty be R-4 (Residential),
—abo-u-t- the J-'(' i'i-1 z .... . ..... a-d" v--ised"', —tha"I" staff
recommended to the applicant that they acquire a CUP front die, couroy for lhe
group home (8 or fewer) in order to expedite the process oil their end. Once ihey
are annexed into the city. the city will then honor that CUP and the applicant
cart move forward more quickly, Jew ako nclted thal, group homeTMs cotfld not
have any requirements placed on thern any different than as singk,x-fanffly home,
thus whether the CUP was approvcd in the County or City it would resuh, in the
sarne thing.
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Kauffman moved and Giav,asis secondcd a tnotit,)n that the Kafisfwfl
planning Board and Zoning Cortirnission adopt suiff report #KA-17-07 as
findings of fact and recommend to the KalispcH City Council that the property be
annexed and that the zoning for the en ire, property be R-4 (Residentid),
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"I'lic motion passed unanirnously (,m a roH CaH vote,
il-f T�ii' N- E-S- -S ----- - --- - -- . ... .....
... T-0-6' - " - —Ar e' -q-u-e's'-t' -to' —an' n-e-x-a-1 —5acre* ' p, i i - c ('i ' " iittca 't I i c c i t' y ' 'an —dz o n- the lanai...
(,'R,OSSING,S (i,� "
R 2 Upon annexation. The property is currently within the county aru] zoned
� A -
A,V"0,1X','Vl 10N, 10,-eras 4,k
county R-1 (Suburban Residential), "I'lic property is currendy undeveloped,
11fl," 1"ERNUT
however, upon annexation the applicant is requesting to construct mulfi4arnfly
residentW apartments,
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Kahsptit City PWining 1.1oard
Nfinutes ihe needing of February 13, 2018
Page P 2
KCU 17 10 - A request for a Conditional 1.3se Permit for a 324-unit rear et rate
niuki-family apartment coniplex within the RA (Residential
Apartment/Off ice) Zoning District, The Conditional UsL Permit application
would be subject to approval of application KA-17-06, mentioned above,
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Slo.',cs moved and Kauffman secxindcd as inotion to contintic the discussion for
the Crossings @ Springcreels - annexation, zoning and conditional use permit.
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The motion passed unanirnotOy on as vote ofacclamation.
Jari rd Nygren, representing the Kafisfiell Planning Department reviewed Staff
Report #KA-I T-06 and #1CCLJ-1 7-10.
. .......... - -----
Young asked staff for clarification on the updated traffic stody and updated
storm water information arid if the applicant will stfll be required to ineo the
devOopnient standards for design & construction, Nygren advised that yc`ws, if
dw annexation, zoning and CUP are approved through City Council then the
applicant will have to apply for building perniks, at which point Pubhc Works
and the Site Review Corritnittee will have to sign off liefore any building
permits; are issued, Nygren also clarified the potential hripacts if the property
were developed within single--farnHy hotnes in an R-4 one. Nygren rioted that
a far as bulk and scale thc inipact coWd be, greater due to siniHar height between
the R-4 and RA-2 zone; however the serbacks would be much less witha sin& -
family development,
OM 1171il 7-
Skees moved and Kauffman seconcled a modon that flie Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Cornrnissk'in adopt. Staff Report #KA- 17-06 as findings of fact
and recommend io the Kalispell City Council that (lie Iwoperty be annexed and (lie
iniflA &:)ning for this property upon annexation be RA-2 (Residential
Aparti-vient/Off ice)
1","I . .. .................. . ..... . .....
-"'Fh"e-r—not i o—np—a-s s- -e-J, -L i-n-a-n —im o-t j s —1y a' r c'�' "c-a"l I —w � t e . ......
M i � � � W"I"" C R 0 S S I N G S 0
' i ' 11 - '30 Teton S- t opposed to project, concerned about enme,
a dditional traffic arid losing her view, Feels the pnaiect is too dense for the, area.
I - 22 Glacier Si - opposed to project, coneerned about the
property being higher than the existing properties oncc 0 the fill dirt is brMghl
in, fecJs the project is too dense fc)r the area and will not fit in at the RA-2
zoning since alp the zoning around is RA., I or dess.
ja R Atlig 6 Glacier St opposed to pro . ect, concerned with snow inch
from the garages surrounding the outside of the deveoprnon- Asked about
fighting and fire hydrants. Fe"LlIs ffie additional traffic will cause proWerris,
,�irr � J]�qt_y 44.5 Meadow HdIs Dr -- concerned with additional traffic the
project will bring as well as pedestrian access to get across Two Mile Dn
301 Aspen Loop - opposed W pro.lect, to rituch additional traffic,
to(.) dense for the area.
R')Sie '111 .. 76 Hawthorn W opposed to project, wo much traffic.
("'oncerned with additional crime and flooding frorn the higher elevation.
Uht-n-S-a-vaze -- 1305 31" Ave E - mother hves on feton St. ofposcd to project,
dertsity is too high arid will bring on too much additional traffic.
lIgn Lard - 254 Caroline Pt Rd, Lakeside, - grandnu it tier, Darcy McGlerin lives
kit 212 rhree, Mile Dr., feels the board should take morc firne to review proloct
due to the density arid feels ffie peat hc is not being heard.
-R,.,uI,Od-q-jjov 1, - 51 Hawthorne - conctrned about the sewer connections
proposed in the staff report and iftfic existing lift stations will be able to handle
the, additional sewage.
fxkygerr4 , mother lives ft 21 Yellowstone #3 . ol!)posed to the proJect,
feels the projw is too dense, buildings arc,, vio tall and the additional traffic will
catrsa a "dernofition I�Int!�L ........ i
Kakslich City Planning Board
Minutes ot t1w niceting of Fetu'uar.y 13, 2018
Page a 3
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!R�jichaqi Turbiak. - 14 3111 St E - \Nras confused about die way the as was
Sn"Lldured for tonight and why this iwm is considered old business and of at a part
of the public hearing, Graham clarified that the, public hearing had already
happened on 12/ t 2/17 for tire annexation and zoning.
Mike I
.---_,NL(.,rchant 288 411" Avc, F'N - feels the prqjcct is too dense and the
buildings are too high.
NLk Szafgy, - 15 Glacier St - concerned with snow rcrnovit and where the, snow
will be, put, the, groundwater and drainage.
Crajg_,SCtnjL1(-4f - owns the single. story 4-plex kit 66 Hawthorne - feels the
Project will bring too much aciditional traffic specifically on Hawthorne between
`['%vo Mile and Three M He.
Kmll _NLqy�g - 19 Iris Ct - prqject will bring oil too much additional traffic and
is concerned that pedestrians will not bc able to walk safely from point A to
pourt B.
Todd )KWj)lq - applicant Whipple Consulting Engineers Ina --- 21 & Pines,
Spokane Valley, WA -- respontled to public coninicrit starting with as brief
explanation of the traffic study and that the .3 seemid delay is art average and
they, will be able to get a better traffic study once the snow is gone, The 3
second average delay is an increase, to the existing delays 1xing cxpericirced.
Ile advised they want to work with staff and the community and that pedestrian
iraffic, vehicle traffic, storm drainage, snow removal, etc. are all filings they are
taking into acci:)rrnt and will work with the city, to do what is needed to make 01c
proJect work,
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— — -- - -------- i --------------- - --- ---
Skees moved and Young seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff' Report #K(T-17-10 as findings of
fact an(] recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use pertilit
be approved subject to the conditions in the staff report,
(iiavasis does nor have (.,,,onccrns with the density but feels that the design ofthe
project does not suit the character of the neighborhood all(] feels the design
should be more site specific and done in a more traditional manner. Feels it
needs to be more pedestrian friendly,
(3raharn asked staff to walk there through witat will happen in the spring with
the traffic impact study and where tile (hita goes froni there. Jentz expladncd (fiat
if the project is appr(,ived by City Council the developer will have to apply for
dic, building pernut and before that building permit can be, approved public
Works will require that a traffic study be, done, aniorig other things, and then
Public Works will take that data and advise the developer what
standards/roifigation improvements tlwy will have to nicet in order to get the
project approve&
-A ....
'i-i—ioved and Giavasis seconded a motion to) add as condition tea staff
report #KC[J-17-10 that states "the existing level of service on the adjacent
transportation network shall be maintained. "rcc level (.of service shall be defined
by the traffic impact study and approved by Public Works."
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Graham proposed the condition in order to assure, the neighboring conliturruty
that the existing level of service on (lie transportation network would be
maintained, Young asked Graharn tea confirm that he was adding language that
is cithcr, going to be conducive to (or contrary to a city rcgulafioro. Grallarn
confirmed, Young advised he cannot support that because we have as regulation
for as reason and that C ity Council would be the (only ones that could change
that. Graharn advised that he is Just trying to get as nofic(,mble Process for the
public. Jentz advised that Public Works will review the studies and doerriline if
the level of services have dropped, Per the city requirements, if the level of
service drops then mitigation will need to be implemented in order to maintain
the existing le%(cl of service.
. ......................................................
KafispeH City Hanning Board
N1 intotes (of ow rnecting of February 13, 2018
Page 14
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The motion failed 2.3 on a vote of acclamation.
Giavasis moved and Kauffman seconded at motion to add at to, staff
report #K.Cti-17-10 that the developer add pedestrian access via Glacier Street
1tE1"OR'I` #KC U-17-10
and ? pedestrian access points canna Two Mile Dr. at the and SE, corners
the property.
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Ci 1C�111 �t iC Tl a 1C. N
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`a +anrt fca�„ls that this would only p)rovidc'f easy access for criminals in and out of
those locations. Kauffman agrees and feels that the 1,1p;;C]estriaan access ess rn ty be, a
detriment to (lie development.
VOTE � AC".C�LAM.ATiON « r�.D5
ww_. ww .ww.._- ....................w...........�.........................................._w.... _.....m._ , .
1 hc" motion failed 1- on a rote cat acclamation.
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C)1 1.. C" 1."I - C) t1C.11NA1.-. iC-T —0N
._.w_m..._.� wwww wwww__.__...,,,....u__.._.�.__ww...._._._..___�w.__...._M�w...v�_.v.a._._..�.... _...w...rv_._w_._..
�rhhc" a'notic'an pa—s'cd....1 on a mail call Vote.
__ _.w_ _www_.wwwwww__
_ . .,p cc` dti
Jentr, advised than board and the public, that the, Crossings at �Sp)rinp° is
planned to be on the March 5, 2018 City Council agenda at this time. Nygrert
advised the board that TMM Month there will be <a work session on Rockwood
Ranch for an annexation, 1'C.pD and Preliminary 1°"laat. Additionally, they wouk]
be reviewing two subdivision applications can Village Loop Drive where the
applicant' are proposing to subdivide existing kits.
A1),1C rllFtNlrvll N'
. ............. ,__.........
Thc: meeling was adjourned at apaparoximatcpy 8:3 p rrl,
..... .._.. _ W__ ....
The next rnect:ing of the Kalispell Planning Board wily be held on Tuesday„
March 13, 2018 at 6:00 p';mn. and located in they Kalispell City Council
Chambers, 201 111 Ave East.
diad Gr,-tk4 1'
Presicla i%'
APPROVED as submitted/amended: 3/13/201
Kea„i Hernandez
Recording Secretary
Kalispell C,'ity Planning Board
minwes of rho meeting r,rt 1^ebruary 13, 201
pa,etl 5