01-17-07 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Theresa White Page 1 of 3 From: Rachel Brooks [kpc@mtdig.net] Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 1.44 PM To: twhite@kalispell.com Subject: MINUTES 01 17 07 Here are the approved Board Mtg Minutes for 1/17/07 MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Date: January 17, 2007 Location: Conference Room, KPC Office All in attendance: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson, Janet Clark, Richard Nelson and John Hinchey Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, Office Manager 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at: 7:46 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairman 2. Minutes of December, 2006 Board Meeting Moved to approve by Janet Clark, Richard Nelson seconds, Approved by all present. 3. Hearing of the Public: No One Present 4. Financial Statement of December 2006: Moved to approve financials Janet Clark, John Hinchey seconds. Approved by all present. 5. Updates from KPC office: TICKETS: Jack wrote 170 tickets in December 40% were collected Same time last year KPC wrote 147 tickets 70% were collected KPC wrote off $180 tickets this month —Low due to Dec. Amt combined w/ normal collectivity KPC wrote off $75 tickets this month last year NOTICES: Working on January currents. See end of year notice tally. We are getting closer to setting up collections. PARKING PERMITS: See Parking permit occupancy report for end of year. Parking Permit Revenue this month was $9,,609. Parking Permit Revenue last month was $7,, 819. Permits are up this month from last mo. Parking Permit Revenue last year at this time was $9,, 316 up ($293 from last year) CONTRACTOR PERMITS Contractor permit revenue this month was - $244 See Report. METERS: Up overall monthly and yearly! 9/4/2008 KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Page 2 of 3 Meter collection was $2,002 for December. Meter collection for last month was $1,,641. Meters were up by $361 from last month Meter collection for last year at this time was $1765. Meters were up $237 from last year. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: $7,310.02 6. Unfinished Business: Cushman —Our Cushman is on its last legs and falling apart and so is the spare. Roger Krauss -We cannot get parts for it anymore so we have to manufacture them which are not safe or economical. Cushman is out of business so we cannot by a new one. Roger spoke w/ Diane at White Bear and they manufacture a 3 wheel vehicle called a GO-4 that is street safe, but it is expensive. Roger gave the board the information he had. The Board may also find out from Diane if there is State financing or Grants that would be available to us. Ed Lot — Contract is up on the Ed Trippet Lot. John Hinchey made a motion not to renew the contract. Rachel will write a letter to Mr. Tri ppet stating that due to lack of contract the parking commission will be pulling al the meters at the end of the month. January will be the last month we patrol or ticket for him. Janet Clark seconds, Approved by all present. Snow Removal -Plowing &Shoveling — We are 55% through the fiscal year and have spent $5,, 045.41. See report. Valley Bank Parking Lot/ Parking Garage —Latest Update? No recent information. QuickBooks —Linda (Denning &Downey) met with Rachel yesterday (Tuesday) and figured out the era step we need for the adjustments and showed Rachel how to do it. All of the previous months have been fixed and our Overdue Balances on Quickbooks dropped from $39,r 000 to $10,,704. So now it is only overdue invoices showing not the pre -paid adjustments. QuickBooks Re -installation —Jeannie Renfro. Fixed what we needed. Cannot un-install/re-install due to 2 versions of QuickBooks being used. This is the way it was set up. Boot Fee — We need to know what we have to do officially for a document listing our boot fee. Amendment? Resolution? In passing Judge Ulbricht said Charlie is reviewing this policy. Work Orders: In Progress ON 2 new signs permit parking only, M-F, 8-6/ EL entry/Exit only — DO NOT ENTER signs Large white 4th ST W moving 30 minute sign down to corner so there will be one space. No Yellow. 7. New Business: Re -Election of Board Chairperson —John H i nchey made a motion to elect Janet Clark for the next term Chairperson. Richard Nelson, Seconds. Approved by all. Permit Mail in Renewals — From now KPC will not be sending out renewed permits till the Monday before permit sales. Due to unused portions left on permits. We need to figure out how to track this and we need to put something in our permit information about this. This will be discussed at a later date. 9/4/2008 KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Page 3 of 3 Raising Permit Prices Tabled till next meeting for further discussion. Raising Contractor Permit Prices — Tabled till next meeting for further discussion. Fuel Cards — We are now using Wrights Express with a State of MT discount. The State is Transferring their accounts to Com Data. Terry Loudermilk said we would get a better rate thru City Service and if Amy approved it we could piggy back with the city. Rachel will call and compare rates and get back with more information. Amy she said this would be fine. The City would get our bill and forward it to me so I could put it through with the other bills that come in. I would like your input? It may not be worth moving I still need to do some research. To be discussed at a later date. Ticket Re -Order — Could we take off our PO Box # and just leave our physical address on it so it would come daily instead of every Friday. This would be more efficient. Approved by all present. 8. Adiournment: Adjourned at: 9:35a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: Janet Clark, Second by John Hinchey. The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents. 9/4/2008