02-15-07 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Theresa White Page 1 of 4 From: Rachel Brooks [kpc@mtdig.net] Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11.30 AM To: twhite@kalispell.com Subject: MINUTES 02 15 07 Here are the minutes from February that were approved at todays board meeting. Thanks Rachel MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Date: February 15,, 2007 Location: Conference Room, KPC Office All in attendance: Janet Clark, Chairperson, Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman, Richard Nelson and John Hinchey dim Patrick,, City Manager and Ed Trippett, Lot Owner also in attendance Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, Office Manager 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at: 7:46 a.m., By: Janet Clark, Chairperson 2. Minutes of January, 2007 Board Meeting: Moved to approve by Bill Goodman, Richard Nelson seconds, Approved by all present. 3. Hearing of the Public: No Public Present 4. Financial Statement of January, 2007: Moved to approve financials Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman seconds. Approved by all present. 5. Unfinished Business: Valley Bank Parking Structure Negotiations —Jim Patrick, City Manager, (7:50 a.m. - 8:20 a.m.) At the recent City Council work session recently Valley Bank came back once again and laid another proposal to exchange 5 lots for 5 lots. Since this work session Jim Patrick has attended Valley Bank board meeting. Valley Bank would like City Council to consider the 5 for 5 trade with an easement on the remaining 3 that would not be transferred to us but would be perfected when we were ready for a parking structure. Discussion followed. Valley Bank requires 15 spaces for customer parking. Valley Bank has a few options and let Jim know they need to consider these and make a decision. If they are going to build they would like to break ground this year. We just have to see what happens. Jim will invite Valley Bank to attend the City Council work session on the 26tn Update for In Lieu of Parking Fees —Jim Patrick, City Manager City Council did implement this ordinance. City Council has established a fee for the In Lieu of Ordinance by using Bill Goodman' real estate parking evaluation letter as a guideline. This is collected by the City Building Department. Discussion followed. It was discussed in previous meeting that the money would go toward the parking study. 9/4/2008 KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Page 2 of 4 Jim Patrick strongly recommend the KPC Board consider budget some money for a study to be done out of next year's budget. The question was brought up as to why we have to have a parking study done when we had one quite recently. We do need to have a parking study done since many times they are required for financial grants. The B.I.D. has written a letter requesting some of their funds go toward the parking structure. This could also be used to put toward the parking study. North Bay Grill did pay their fees for parking in lieu of and that money is being held for the parking structu re. The Kalispell Center Mall is considering expanding; The In Lieu of Parking ordinance would apply or they may possibly expand over the railroad tracks. Jim Patrick has met with Burlington Northern and the Short line Railroad. Update Wells Fargo Building —Jim Patrick, City Manager Construction has begun. The upstairs is done and 3/4 of the downstairs is done with the construction phase. Parking lot will be maintained for staff as well as customers. The City hopes to be moved in by July or August 2007. Update Linderman School (Dist. #5) —Jim Patrick, City Manager Could the tennis courts become parking? They will be moving Laser and a few other educational programs in there. Jim said he would check on it. The City does asses that because we use it but primarily School Dist. #5 maintains this. 6. New Business: Ed Lot — Ed Trippet, Lot Owner (8:25 a.m. - 9:02 am) The present lease with Ed Trippet has been terminated. Parking meters were to be removed. Ed called and requested to meet with the board. Discussion Followed. Ed proposed the same contract with a 70/30 split. The board brought to his attention that there were some maintenance issues that needed to be addressed. Curb stops, pole straightening etc. It was agreed that Ed put the poles up originally. Ed was under the impression that the lot took in $6000. Fiscal year '06 the revenue earned $3,,577.56 according to the City as per Deb Deist, Accounts Receivable. Ed has a 1099 from the city for $3,100. KPC is not in agreement with that figure. Ed will again check with the city. Ed would like to continue with a 50/50 split contract. Ed will continue with all the labor, but the pole situation must be addressed. Ed will be responsible for straightening poles. KPC will not upgrade the property by putting in curb stops. Motion made by Mark Pirrie for New Lease effective March 1, 2007 with a 50/50 split, the Kalispell Parking Commission will continue to monitor and everything will remain the same with the addition that Ed will maintain the poles and it will be a year to year lease, Second by Bill Goodman. Raising Permit Prices — Tabled till next meeting Raising Contractor Permit Prices — Tabled till next meeting 7. Updates from KPC office: TICKETS: 434 tickets written in January 52% collected Last year KPC wrote 402 tickets -71% collected 9/4/2008 KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION KPC wrote off $460 tickets this month KPC -last year wrote off $245 tickets Page 3 of 4 NOTICES: Keeping up while working on Summons PARKING PERMITS: Parking Permit Revenue for January $8,969 Revenue last month was $9,,609 Permits down $640 from last month Revenue last year was $9,,429 down $460 from last year CONTRACTOR PERMITS: Contractor permit revenue for January - $52 See Report METERS: Meter collection was $1957.55 for January. Meter collection last month $2002.67. Down $45.12 Meter collection last year at this time was $1600.09. Meters up $402.58 from last year ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: No Information Available at this time Robin Pearce Letter — Customer received a ticket and wrote a letter to the Parking Commission. Rachel's response is attached for the Board's review. Discussion followed. Rachel will go ahead and send the letter certified restricted mail. Work Orders: In Progress —Still not finished will send these through again. ON 2 new signs permit parking only, M-F, 8-6/ EL entry/Exit only — DO NOT ENTER signs Large white 4th ST W moving 30 minute sign down to corner so there will be one space. No Yellow. Line Spacing — Striping the spaces on the streets in the 2 H r parking zones. In a previous meeting last November we were going to go ahead with this and try to get it finished even with winter coming on. The KPC Brd was going to pursue this. Are we still actively pursuing this? Discussion followed. This will need to be done through public works. Mark agreed to call Jim Hanz regarding getting this done. Fuel Cards — We are staying with the tax exempt cards through the state (ComData). We do not have to pay federal tax on our fuel and it works out to be much more savings than getting 2-3 cents off per gallon. 8. Adiournment: Adjourned at: 9:35 a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: Mark Pirrie, Second by John Hinchey. The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents. 9/4/2008 KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Page 4 of 4 9/4/2008