07-22-08 ARC MinutesDATE:
Hear the Public:
Approval of Minutes
Old Business:
New Business:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008; 7:30 a.m.,
I" Avenue East Cafe, 128 lst Ave E
Corey Johnson (Chair); John Hinchey; Janet Clark; Mark Norley;
City Staff —Sean Conrad; PJ Sorensen
Guests — Vickie Poynter (Flathead Industries)
Marls moved to approve the July 8 minutes; Janet seconded.
Approved 4-0.
Flathead County/Earl Bennett Building — 1035 1" Ave W— agency exemption, so not
an official business item (courtesy review); adding an additional floor on existing building;
designed to match; parking lot expansion may be included as well
Other Discussion:
Flathead Industries — preliminary review of sign (application came in too late to be on
the agenda); no real concerns on the existing roof sign; the freestanding sign will be
removed and reworked into a wall sign in the same location; general feeling is that the sign
is overwhelming as a wall sign; suggest (1) using a cream color to match the arches over
the doors rather than white, (2) making it a longer, narrower sign, (3) bringing it off of the
corner a bit, and (4) centering it over the doors.
Entrance Corridor standards — Sean brought in snaps/aerial photos showing the buffer
areas. Discussion regarding current right-of-way vs. future ROW. Building expansions
for existing buildings in the buffer area should be allowed, but limited (eg 25-50% in the
same manner as expansions of non -conforming uses). If 25%+ of a parcel is impacted by
the buffer, they should get a partial exemption which would reduce the buffer area, but
add in other requirements to mitigate the impact. Need to include standards relating to
what type of improvements will trigger requirements (does a bedroom addition or a walk-
in cooler trigger it). The buffer size should step-up to avoid rough edge (south — 40/60/
80). West/north sides — 100 ft, but avoid the rough edge. Whitefish Stage — 40 ft (maybe
more due to likely ROW increase). Involve the county. Signs still need to be addressed.
Misc Projects/Construction Activity Updates
Meeting Adjourned at 9:05