Thursday, August 14, 2008
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Paul Burnham, Assoc. Civil Engineer
Jeff Clawson, Building Official
Gary T. Hoes, Fire Inspector
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
Susie Turner, Assoc. Civil Engineer
Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer
Sean Conrad, City Planner
Tom Jentz, Planning Director
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Guests: James Freyholtz, MDOT; Stephen Herzog, CTA; Corey Johnson, CTA; Kurt
Hafferman, Billmayer & Hafferman; TimGerman, Sparrow; Tim Howard, Howard Const.; Tia
Robbin, Sparrow Attorney; Darc Binegar, Howard Const.; and Mark Peck, 9-1-1 Project Manager
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders: Have extended Lone Pine's bond with a one day turn around.
Spring Prairie's extension of the sidewalks expires on the 30t". This will go through Kohl's property.
Spring Creek Apartments — 10 Appleway Drive; new apartments — The Fire Dept. has a
few sprinkler system issues. Public Works met with Billmayer and Hafferman and have
resolved some of their issues. A 20' easement is sufficient but needs to be unencumbered by
other utilities. Presently, there is a storm line running through so that won't work. This issue
needs to be resolved. They want to get their building permit soon. They are willing to take
the risk of going forward with the first three buildings and not do phase two if resolving the
storm drainage issue can't be resolved without not having the 2nd phase put in. There are
compact parking issues and a 5' buffer that is encroaching. This project is conditionally
approved subject to parking revisions and public works issues.
Mednorth — Spring Prairie; new urgent care clinic — in front of Costco. PJ spoke with them
as to the encroachment, the buffer, and the property line issues.
911 Center — Spring Prairie (Preliminary Review Only) — Flathead County will be going out
for a bond issue. This is located next to the DNRC office complex, is approximately two
acres, and access is off of Stillwater via an unnamed site. They will have a temporary cul-de-
sac and eventually go through to Reserve Loop. Public parking will be in the non -secured
area. Their proposed access connects to DNRC's access drive. Office communication and
equipment storage. 80' to 100' communication tower with future growth of the building to
the west. Type 2, non-combustible, NFPA 1221 standards for emergency centers. Site
drainage issues need to be worked out. Finish right-of-way road and do curb, gutter, and
sidewalk, extend water past their site, tapping into sanitary sewer. At the security gate, curb
to curb, will only be 16' for one-way traffic. Gary requested they have 20' there for
emergency vehicles. DNRC's site should be going in first, and will have a paved driveway.
Hydrant locations were noted and the Fire Department connection will be right up front. Fire
sprinkler room and the riser room were noted. This will be fully sprinklered. They are looking
at the FM 200 sprinkler system for the call room. Steve stated that a possible communal
storm water drainage system should be considered, as there is a limited amount of property
with both projects. They will meet with Public Works on these issues. They will need curb
and gutter on the south side. There should be a five foot landscape buffer to the fence and a
five foot buffer on the inside of the fence. Landscaping needs to have high security issues
considered (i. e. no bushes to hide behind). There will be a latecomers fee tied to Mark Owens
extension agreement. The DEQ is not allowing any more extensions of sewer in this area
pending resolution of capacity.
Evergreen Subdivision - Agency Referral Letter from County. East Evergreen there is a
one acre piece of land that is developing. It has high ground water, needs pedestrian access
to the school to keep bids off of East Evergreen, and all lots should be out of the flood plain.
The County is required to give us information as to any subdivision that is within three miles
of the City.
Public Hearing — Cemetery Road regarding a change of zoning; an RA-2 text amendment;
and zoning on wholly surrounded areas.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.