Ordinance 934 - All City ZoningORDINANCE NO. , AN ORDINANCE TO APPLY CITY OF I:ALISPELL ZONING ORDINANCE TO CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY WHICH WERE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS ON JANUARY 1, 1978, AND ASSIGN ZONE DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION THERETO; TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the areas hereinafter described were within the Kalispell City Limits on January 1, 1978, the date the City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance became effective; and WHEREAS, appropriate public hearings have been held by the Zoning Commission after due notice thereof was published, and the Zoning Commission has made recommendations to the City Council con- cerning the zoning districts most adaptable to said areas and the City Council has fully considered said recommendations as well as all other matters pertaining thereto brought to the attention of the Council, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The zone district classifications of the City of Y.alis-T pell Zoning Ordinance which became effective January 1, 1978, 'hall apply to and are hereby established as follows, GENERAL BUSINESS B-3 Lot 3, Gibson Addition. 4B's Addition. Lot 1, Block 1, Lewis and Clark Addition; ]Roy Stanley Addition No. 42; McDonald's Addition. C0111MUNITY BUSINESS B-4 Beginning at the northwest corner of Lewis and Clark Addn; thence easterly along the north line of said Addn and the north .line projected east to its point of intersection: with the cast right-of-way line of Neridian Road; thence north along said right-of-way line to said line's intersection with the north line of Govt Lot 3, Section 7, T28N, R21W; thence westerly to the northeast corner of Fish & Game Addn; thence westerly along the south right-of-way line of Two Mile Drive to said line's point of intersection with the east line of Parcel B, as described in C.O.S. #3221 of Gateway West .Addn., thence south along the east line of said parcel to the southeasst corner of said Parcel B; thence west along the syoull) lire of said Parcel B, and the south line of Parcel. A, Gateway West Addn. and the south line of said parcel A projected west to a point located 650 feet west of the southeast corner. of Parcel B, C.O.S. #3221 Gateway West Addn.; thence south a distance of 700 feet to the centerline of Spring Creek thence southeasterly along the centerline of Spring Creek to said line's intersection with'the north line of the Section 12, T28N, R22W; thence east along said north line to the northeast corner of the S144, SE4, Section 12, T28N, R22W; thence south along the east line of said SW4, SE-',,, to the southeast corner of Tract 7D in the SW4, SE4, Section 12, T28N, R22W; thence west along the south line of said Tract 7D to the southwest corner of said Tract 7D; thence north alon; the west line of said tract to the north line of the Sid',;, SE-,,, Section 12, T28N, R22W; thence west along the north line of said SW-4, SE4, to `he northwest corner of Lot 1, Gibson Addn; thence west a distance of 30 feet to a point., said point: being; the point of intersection of the wee ,t line of city ,greet �,ri.t:h -1- the north line of the SW49 S83r, Section 12, T28N, R22W; thence south along the west line of said .street to its point of intersection with the north right-of-way line of U.S. Hwy 2; thence northeasterly along said right-of-way line to the southwest corner of Lewis and Clark Addn; thence north along the west line of said Addn. to the point of beginning. PUBLIC P-1 Beginning at the northeast corner of Govt Lot 3, Section 7, T28N, R2111; thence west along the north line of Govt Lot' 3 to said line's intersection with the east right-of-way of Meridian Road; thence south along said right-of-way line to its point of intersection with the north right-of-way line of U.S. Hwy 2; thence east to the southeast corner of Covt Lot 3, Section 7, T28N, D2111; thence north to the point of: beginning. GENERAL BUSINESS B-3 Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 19, Kalis- pell Original, thence easterly along the south right-of-way .of U.S. Hwy 2, to its point of intersection with the north line of the NE4, SW4, Sec. 8, T28N, R21W.; thence east: along said north line to its point of intersection with the west: right-of-way of the Burlington Northern Railroad; thence south-- westerly along said right-of-way to the east corner of: Tract 30UC in the NE4, SW4, Sec. 8, T28N, R21W; thence westerly along the north line of said Tract 30UC to the northwest corner of said Tract 30UC; thence southerly along the west line of said tract, to the southwest corner of said Tract 301JC; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Tract 30-10, in the SW4, Sec. 8, T28N, R21W; thence westerly to the southwest corner of said Tract 30-10; thence southerly to the southwest corner of Tract 308, in the N144, SW , Sec. 8, T28N, 1121W; thence southwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 6, Block. 22, Kalispell Original; thence northerly to the point of beginning. Block 3, and Block 4, Woodland Heights Addn. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL I-1 Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 22, Kalispell Original; thence southerly along the west line of Fourth Avenue E. N., to its point of intersection with the centerline of the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way; thence easterly to the east line of Fourth Avenue E.N., thence southerly t_o the south line of the Burlington Northern right-of-way; thence northeasterly along the south line of said Burlington Northern right-of-way to its point of intersection with the north line of the NE4y SW4, Sec. 8, T28N, R211-7; thence west to the west: line of the Burlington Northern right-of-way; thence southwesterly along said right-of-way to the east: corner of Tract 30UC, in the NE4, SW , Sec. 8, T28N, R2114; thence westerly along the north line of said Tract 30UC to the northwest corner of said Tract, 30UC; thence southerly along the west line of said tract, to the southwest corner of said Tract 30UC; thence westerly to the southeast. corner of: Tract: 30-10, in the NWki SkT4, Sec. 8, T28N, R21W; thence westerly to the southwest corner of said Traact 30-10; Lhencc southerly to the southwest corner of Tract 30B, in the 11141-i, SIA,, Sect -ion 8, T28N, R2114; thence southwesterly to the southeast: corner of Lot 6, Block 22, Kalispell Original, and the point: of beginning. RESIDENTIAL R-5 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, and 23 of Block 2. Northridge Addition. Lots 18 and 1-9, Northwest Tracts Addi t.:i_or) . -2- RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT RA-1 Simmons Addition. Resubdivision of Simmons Addition. Stubbs Addition; Quirt's Addition No, 46. RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT RA-2 Block 11, Underhill Addition. Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 6, T28�.,R21W,; thence east along the south line of said Section 6, to its paid; of intersection with the west nigh -of -way line of US 93; thence southeasterly along said right--of-way a distance of 550 feet more or less; thence northeasterly along a line to -said line's intersection with the east line of Claremont street, said line's intersection with the east line of Claremont Street: is approximately 50 feet north of the intersection of the west line of Lot 8, Block I., is i ah 1 and Part; addition with the east line of Claremont Street ; thence sou1'7erly a1c:19 east line of Claremont Street to its intersection with the north line of Crestline Avenue; thence northeasterly along the north line of Crestline Avenue to its intersection with the west line of Lott, Block 2, Iighland Park Addition; thence northwesterly aloe the west line of Lot 1, Block 2, Highland Park Addition to tfte. northma-s-t corner of said Lot 1, Block 2, �tghland Park Addition; thence nort'fieas-terly along the north 1 ine of Lotl, Block 2, Highland Park Addition to the common corner between Lot 1, Block 2, and Lot 1,-Block 1, Highland Park Addition; thence westerly along the north line of Lotl, Block 1, Highland Park Addition to the intersection of said north line with the west line extended south of Lot 3, Highland Park First Addition; thence northerly along the west line extended south and the west line of Lot 3, Highland Park First Addition to the northwest; corner of said Lot 3, Highland Park First Addition; thence easterly along the north line of Lot 3, Highland Park First Addition to the northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence northerly along the east line of Lot 2, Highland Park First Addition to the northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence westerly along the north line of said Lot 2 and the north line extended fast to its point of intersection with the east boundary of Flathead Health Center Addition; thence northeast along the east boundary of said addition to its point of intersection with the south line of Sunnyview 1-one; thence east along the south line of Sunnyview Lane to a point, said point being the east line of Lot 3, Grandview Heights No, 1, extended south to intersect with the south line of Sunnyview Lane; thence northerly along said east line of said Lot 3, to the northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence west along the north line of Grandview Heights No. l to the northwest cornea- of Lot 7, Grand- view Heights No. 1; thence south along the west line of said Lot 7, to the north line of Sunnyview Lane; thence westerly along the north line of Sunny - view Lane and the north line projected west to its point of intersection with the west line of US 93; thence southerly along the west line -of US 93 to the north line of the SW4,SW2'1;, Section 6, T28N,R21W,; thence westerly along said north line of the S4•I-,SW; to the east line of Meridian Road; thence south along the east line of Meridian Road to the point: of beg i nn i r y. EXCLUDING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING TRACTS; 7E,7EF,7,7HA,7i and 7,1 in Section 6, T28N,R2114. Further, excluding therefrom Bertschi Addn. and Lot- 2, Ilal.l. Adel. N E I G;IBORHOOD BUSINESS B-1 LLOYD'S ADDITION. Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 7, T28114,R21W, thence east to the east line of Meridian Road; thence south to tale northwest corner of Circle K Addition; thence east to the northeast corner of said addition; thence south to the southeast corner of said addition; thence west to the southwest corner of said addition; thence south along the east line of Meridian Road to the southwest corner of Tract 6BR in the I11: ,NtJ, Section 7, T28N,R21W,; thence west to the west line of Meridian [toad; thence north to the north line of Section i2,T28N,R22W; thence east to the point of beginning, -3- Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line of Meridian Road'and the west line of US 93; thence southerly along the west line of US 93 to its point of intersection with the north line of the StdII;,Sw7';,Sect ion 6, 'f281:,f.2?6; thence west along saidline to the east line of Meridian.. Road; thence. north to the point of beginning. Lot 2, };all Addition. 1JE 1 GHBORHOOD PROFESS (O?JAL BUSMESS FJESS B-2 Lot 1, Block 1, Adams Addition. Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 1, and Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 through 21, of Block 2, Northridge Addition. RESIDENTIAL R-5 Beginning at -the Northwest corner of Lot 12, 111k 79, KalispellOriginal; thence Easterly to the Northeast corner of Lot: 125 Blk 80, Kalispell Original; thence Southerly to` the point - of intersection of the North line of Blk 120, Kali spell. Orl inal; thence Westerly to the Northwest corner of sa l d .'.1:; 120; thence Southerly to the Southwest corner of sal'-d Elk thence Easterly a distance of 142 feet; thence Southerly al.ont- the Vest line of the 5th. Alley East to its point of inter- section with the South line of 14th. Street East; thence westerly along said line to its point of in ersecti.on uri :) `.h Pest line of 2nd Avenue East; thence ;.'ortherly al.on saiu ;..;..;e to its point of intersection with the South line of 13th. Street East; thence Westerly along said Line to its point: of intersection with the test line of. t'I-ae 1st Alley Esast: projected South; thence Northerly along said itiest_ line of i:he 2nd Alley East to the ; ortlieast corner of Lot 12, ;:1:c Kalispell Townsite 3rd Addition; thence Easterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 12, Blk 213, Xalispell_ 'Foci}nsite arc. Aedition; thence Northerly to -the i orthw est corner .of Lot_12, Fllc 98, !Kalispell Original, thence Easterly to the ' orthL-Yest corner of Lot 12, Blk 99, 11ali spell Ori -inal.; t i-jence ,nor t ii t o the point of beginning. Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 113, Kalis- pell original; thence Southerly to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 217, Kalispell Townsite Third Addition; thence Easterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 216, of said Addition; thence Southerly to the Southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 216 of said Addition, said point being located on the North line of the SE4, SE4, Section 18, T28N, R21W; thence West along said. North line to its point of intersection with the Northeast cor- ner of Tract 8B in the SE4, SE4 of said Section 18; thence South to the Southeast corner of Tract 8--2, in said SE4, SE4; thence West to the Southwest corner of Tract 8-2, in said SE4, SE4; thence North to the Northwest corner of Tract 8AB in said SEk, SE4, said point being on the North line of the SE4, SE4, Section 18, T28N, R21W; thence West to the Northeast, corner of Lot 1, Hessler's Addition; thence South to the Southeast cornet: of Lot 2, said Addition; thence West to the Southwest corner of Lot 2, of said Addition; thence continuing West a distance of 16 feet to the West line of the alley of Hessler's Addition; thence North to the North line of the SW4, SE4, Section 18, T28N, R21W; thence West along said line to the Southwest corner of the NW4, SE4, Section 18, T28N, R21W; thence North along the `,rest line of said NW4, SE4 to said lines' point of intersection with the centerline of Eleventh Street West; thence westerly along said centerline to said lines intersection with the West lane of Ba- genstos Addition, projected south; thence north along said West line to the Northwest corner of Bagenstos Addi t-ion; thence easterly �w along the North line of said Addition to said lines point of intersection with the centerline of Eighth Avenue West; thence North along said centerline to its point of intersection with the -north line of Ninth Street West; thence Westerly along said line to the Southwest corner of Buck's Addition; thence northerly along the West line of said Addition to the Northwest corner of said Addition; thence Easterly along the North line of - said Addition to said lines intersection with the centerline of Eighth Avenue West; thence Northerly along the centerline of . Eighth Avenue West to its intersection with the centerline of Eighth Street West; thence Westerly along said centerline to its point of inter- section with the West line of Eleventh Avenue West; thence North along said West line to the South line of Seventh Street West; thence Westerly along said South line to the East line of Wallace Avenue; thence South to the South line of Crook Avenue; thence West to the West line of Meridian Road; thence North along said West line to the Southeast corner of Tract 7ABAA in the SE4, NEk, Section 13, T28N, R22W; thence West along the South line of said Tract to the Southwest corner of said Tract; thence North to the Northeast corner of Tract 7ABAC in the SE4, NEk, Section 13, T28N, R22W; thence West to the Northeast corner of Tract 7ABAB, in said SE4, NEh; thence.South to the Southeast corner of said Tract; thence West to the Southwest corner of said Tract; thence North- westerly along the East line of the Burlington Northern right-of- way to said lines intersection with the North line of the SE4, NE4, Section 13, T28N, R22W; thence East along the north line of said SE4,.NE4, to its point of intersection with the East line. of Meridian Road; thence South along said East line to the South- west corner of Meridian "park area"; thence Easterly along the South line of said park area to its point of intersection with the West line of Block 14, Western Addition; thence South along said West line to the Southwest corner of Lot 6,- Block 14, Western Addition; thence Easterly to the Southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence northerly to.the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 13, Western Addition; thence Easterly to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 165, Kalispell Townsite First Addition; thence Southerly to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 184, Kalispell Townsite First Addition; thence Easterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 186, Kalispell Townsite First Addition; thence South along the East line of Sixth Alley West to the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 4, Fisher Addition; thence Easterly along the North line of Ninth Street West to the point of beginning. nrc APPaUIAENT RA-1 F.e�innina at th6 Northeast corner of Lot 1., Blic 79,.Kalispell 0r_-:-`nal, thence 11ortherly to the North II-ne of East. Center Street; thence Easterly a distance of 66 feet; thence Sout.A."Jer-'r-,*- to the 'Northwest corner of Lot 12. BlIk 40, ali.spel). Orioij thence East to the Northeast corner of said LoL. '12; (-_hence Slouth to the Northeast corner of Lot 12, P-1k 80, Kalispel). Original; thence West to the point of be-i ,._nning. a he Sout!iclas t corner rn e r o f Lot 13 , Dlk I 144 t 5 thence \urth to -orthoast corner of Lou If, j3l_j< -941, 'jrj.cJnal; t:ir'nicc West: Lc. uic No).-1:*11'1_o1Q_1;L: corner of Lot 1, �,Xk 10'6) Kalispell Tm.jns1tc Fft-ril: AddIftion; thence Souti-I to the Sou0n,?cst corner of Lot 7 21' Blic 4, 176islier Ac!dition; thence East to the point of becr-Innim-. C, C, R11"SIDENTIAL APARTLNEIvT RA-2 T` the 1, J-I'- 79, lalispell L-e-innin- at tl lortht,!est corner of Lot 12, Blk Ik orl-inal thence Easterly to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, ilk 79, said plat, thence Northerly to the for.tint-cornea of the intersection of Fourth Avenue East and Center Street; thence Westerly to the 'Northeast corner of Tliird Avenue J-_-nsu and Center Street; thence South to t-he point Of ber--inning 3 (3, -5- Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 165, Kalispell Townsite First Addition; thence Westerly to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 15, Western Addition; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 14, said Addition; thence Westerly to the Southwest corner of said Lot 6; thence Northerly to the Northwest corner of Lot 4, Block 14, Western Addition; thence Westerly along the South line of Meridian "park area," to its intersection with the East line of Meridian Road; thence Northerly along said East line to the Southwest corner of Tract 5DAB, in the NW4, NW40 Section 18, T28N, R21W; thence easterly to the Southwest corner of Tract 5DA in said NW4, NW4; thence North to the Northwest corner of said Tract 5DA; thence Easterly to the Northeast corner of said Tract 5DA; thence Northerly along the West line of the Eleventh Alley West to its point of inter- section with the North line of First Street West; thence Easterly along said North line to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block_ 157, Kalispell Townsite First Addition; thence Southerly to the point of beginning. GENERAL BUSINESS B-3 Beah-n-*nz at Cie 1°orth's.'Cst corner of Seventh :,venue West.: franc Cen'Ler '7t-reet talc:'. _ `roe?t'icrly Lr) the Sout-1icast Corn A o'' Lot 6, Bi k 157, T:` ::S ? tc First Add)),` th:.'i1ce ': csterly along t:le i ort l line of First Street, test: -to -its point of intersection c:yt'l the ast: line of Tract: 5DO) in the iti:j NNFH;, Sec. 18, T23,:, :,2111; thence South to the coutheast corner of said Tract 5nn; thence Westerly al.on the South line of said Tract to said lines point- of . intersection with the :'est line of ' eridian Road; thence orth alone said test line to its point of intersection with the North line of West Center Street; thence Easterly eaa_on said north line to the point of beginning. Beginning at the northeast corner of Gov't Lot 4, See. 7, T28N, R21111; t;zence Sout l along the East line of said Gov't Lot 4, to its point of intersection with the 1` ort h line of i.ot 1, Rlk 150, Kalispell To: nsite First Addn; thence Easterly to the ;:ortheast: corner of said Lot 1; thence South to Ilse Nort_h- east corner of Lot 1, MR 155 of said Addn; thence Ue st:erly r Addition along the i:orth line of said Blic 155, of said to the test line of 8th. Avenue UI.N.; thence South, d;.st_ance of 55 feet; thence S 760 11'00" ti a distance of 83 feet: to a point located 9 feet east of the centerline of a L'urlington Northern Spur; thence Southwesterly 535 feet along t:he curve of said spur line, maintaining 9 feet from the centerline, to said curves intersection with tine '1`orthern ; i.-ht-oL--g.:ay of the 'Burlington Northern Rigt-it-of-wav; -thence- westerl)r along said ;aorta line to its point of inersew.tion wil.'c'n the - 'Past line of Meridian, RoGd; thence .Borth along sCii.d ;,past: line to the North line of Gov't Lot 4 in Sec. 7, `f22N, P,23 J; thence Easterly along said idorth line to t.:e Poi -it of be,,inning. !,o^ i. ning at the Nlorthwest corner of Lot 1, Bltc. 2.16; spel.' i`o-.:z�si tc Ttiiid C%d6n; thence 'Easterly to the 1\,orCheas(: corner of Lo`v 12, %l c 215, of said Addn; thence South to the Southeast: earner of Lot 7, said B11_c 215; thence testerly to the Sout:lllc.=ast. corner of Lc)-'-- G, :31t: 216, of said Addition; thence Northerly to the point: of beginninv. C : tLz? ITY RL'SIi:ESS B-4 Beginning nnirg at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Blk 19, Ka? i_soe? I Original; thence South to t?.e Southeast corner of Let 6, Ell-, 22 of said plat; thence Vest to the Southwest co7rne'r of Lot 7 of said Flock 22; thence North . to..t:he Nort hi-.,est: earner of Lot 12, Elk 1, s.ali.silelrlr-}7-o )�a;yt: to the point of Ieginning. LIGHT.INDUSTRIAL I-1 Beginning. at the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Blk 22, . i;v?.,.spcl.l Uriginal; thence South along the West line of: Fourth 4weinue F.N. to the centerline of the Burlington Northern Rz�:ht of--t;ayp thence East along said centerline to the East line of Four;:: Avenue E.�T..; thence South to the Northeast. corner of '.r— .� Avenue East and East Center Street; thence V'esterly*to the Northeast corner of Third Avenue and East Center Street; thence Northerly to the Southwest corner of Lot 7,-Falk 22, spell Qrig"ral; thence Easterly to the point of her,innir.�;. e;innin at the ;:ortl222si corner of Lot 1, ;�i`t 1 5�.`, :;c': . .sj•e�?, Townsite First Ad(!n; tl-,ence Southerly along t'he Best l_i.ne Of Seventh Avenue t .'.:. to the Northwest corner. of Seventh Avenue U. and 'est Center Street; dhence Westerly alont tl:e North line of West Center Street to its point of intersection with the '.Test line of ;.seridian Road; thence lIlor. t1l <:l.or:sa id ;,Vest line to its point of intersection with the South line of the furling ton iorthern Right -of -Flay; thence East:erl.y along said South line to its point of intersection with Lille West line of Eighth Avenue West; thence Northerly along said. West line to a point; said point being the South line of West: Montana Street; thence west to the point of -beginning. PUBLIC P-1 Tracts 8, SZ,. QI1T, S:', S.,A, and 8Z in the 5�,, SE;;, Sec. x T20 :21H (Shop Addn. and Rossin Field) Bezji.nning at- the-_ c 2 !r t P „� l <� atiortheast corner of Tract rDAB in tEie s W, �<.? , Sec. T28N, R211-1; thence Westerly along the North line of said Tract to said lines intersection with the ;-Jest line of Icerzc.ian Road; thence South alo-jia said West line to the 'North -.1st corner of Lot 15 I',ik 1, Meridian Addition; thence East: to the East line of '-ieridian Road; thence Soutil to the Sot�tll,:-est corner of Tract SDIAB in the :`iic%' adi4, Sec. 13, T2f0.•lti.y `j-, -i:; thence 'asterly to the Southwest Corner of Tract_ , « :s.n sai.C: thence ;:ortherly to the 'Northwest co;:ner of sal et Tract 5`=.;:�; thence easterly to the Northeast corner of saa:c': Tract 5 3A; thence northerly to the point of beg--nnin . (Ara.,N, Reserve enter). RESIDENTIAL R-3 Beginning at a point; said point being the intersection of: the West line of S. Woodland Drive and the North line of the SWk, SEA;, Sec. 17, T28N, R21W; thence West along said line a distance of 150 feet; thence South a distance of 600 feet; thence East.to the West line of South Woodland Drive; thence Forth to the point of beginning. RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT RA-1 Beginning at a point, said point being 150 feet West of the West line of Fifth Avenue East on the South line of Fourteenth Street East thence, Southerly to a point, said point being 150 feet West of the West line of Fifth Avenue East on the South line of Tract 8JA in the NE4, NWn, Sec- tion 20, T28N, R21W; thence Easterly along the South lisle of said Tract 8JA and the South line of Tract 8M a dis- tance of 366 feet; thence Northerly to a point, said point being 150 feet East of the East line of Fifth Avenue East on the South line of Fourteenth Street East; thence Westerly to the point of beginning. Beginning at the northeast corner of Guest Addition; thence North a distance of 165 feet; thence West a distance of 208 feet; thence South to the Southwest corner of Guest Addition; thence East to the Southeast corner of Guest Addition; thence North t:o t:he point of beginning.. -7- Tract 8F in the SEy, 5E4, Section 18, T28N, R21W. Beginning at the section corner cor-mon to Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20, T28N, R21W; thence West to the Northwest corner of. Lot 2, Purdy's Addition; thence South to the Southwest corner of. Lot: 5, Brown's Addition; thence East along the South line of said Lot 5, to said line's intersection with the East lne`of South 11ain Street; thence North along said East line to the North line of Section. 20, T28N, R21W; thence west to the point of beginning. GENERAL BUSINESS B-3 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 1, Poston Addition. Tract 2AC in the SE4, Ntti'4 Section 20, T281N, R21W. Tracts 8CA, 8C and 8D, SE4, SE-,, Section 18, T28N, R29.14. RESORT BUSINESS DISTRICT B-6 Beginning at the intersection of the east line of South Main Street (Airport Road) and the south line of Eighteenth Street East; thence along said south line of Eighteenth Street East a distance of 550 feet; thence south a distance of feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 509.5 feet (along west boun- dary of Elks Club property); thence Northeasterly a distance of 400 feet to the west line of U.S. Highway 93; thence along the west line of U.S. Highway 93 Southeasterly a distance of 1000 feet; thence Northeasterly at right angles to the West line of said Highway 93 a distance of 280 feet to the East line of Third Avenue East; thence Northerly along said East line to the South- west corner of Lindsey Addition; thence along the .South, East and North boundaries of said Addition to the Northwest corner of said Addition; thence Northerly along the East line of Third Avenue East to its point of intersection with the South line of Fourteenth Street East; thence West along the south line of Fourteenth Street to its point of intersection with the West line of Second Avenue East; thence North along said West line to said line's intersection with the. South line of Thirteenth. Street East; thence West along the South line of Thirteenth. Street East to said line's intersection with the West line of the First Alley East projected South; thence North to the South- east corner of Lot 7, Block 215, Kalispell Townsite Third Addition; thence West along the North line of Thirteenth Street to said line's intersection with the North line of the SE, SEn, Section 18, T28N, R21W; thence South to the Southeast. .corner:of Tract 8-C; thence East to the West line of U:SQ Highway 93--, Southeasterly along the west line of U.S. Highway 93 to the Northeast corner of Lot 7, Poston Addition; thence Southwesterly along the northern boundary of said Lot 7, Poston Addition, to the east line of South Main Street.(Airport Road); thence along said east line to the point of beginning. PUBLIC P-1 Beginning at the Southeast corner of the intersection of South Itain Street and Eighteenth Street East; thence East a distance of 550 feet; thence South a distance of 119.2 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 509e5 feet; thence northeasterly a distance of 400 feet to the Tdest line of U.S. Highway 93; thence South along said West line to the Northeast corner of Tract 2AC in the SE4, N614, Section 20, T28N, R21W; thence Soil thz•:esterly along the North line of said tract to the East line of the City of Kalispell Airport Runway Easement; thence Southerly along said East line to its point of intersection with the Sout.)i ).ine of the Nli4, Section 20, T28N, R21W; thence Vest to the Southwest: corner of the SE49 Meek of said Section 20; thence South to the centerline of Ashley Creek; thence Northwesterly along the centerline of Ashley Creek to said centerline's intersection with the East line of South i,fain Street:, also l:novan as, Airport ))load; thence North along said East line to the point of beginning. NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS B-2 Beginning at the Northeast corner of Tract 29AA, in the SE4, SW4, Section 8, T28N, R21W; thence South to the South-- east corner of Tract 29AAB in said SE4, SW4; thence west along the South line of Tracts 29AAB and 29AA to said lines intersection with the west line of College Avenue; thence South to the southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 2, Willis Addition; thence East to the South line of Conrad Drive; thence Easterly on and along said line to the point of beginning. SECTION II. The zone district classifications applied to the above described property in accord with "The Zoning Ordinance" as set forth in Appendix A of the Kalispell City Code as well as all ot)ier provisions of said ordinance are hereby deleted and removed there- from. SECTION 111. This ordinance is effective thirty (30) days from. and after its final passage by the City Council and. approval by the Mayor. FILIALLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS /0 DAY OF orma E. Happ, Mayor ATTEST: 9-a-r-jory Giermann, City Clerk • ,. -. _ _' _ _ .. . ,... .. ..-._ _.._..._...� rir?z U ���� •;e-s.. • �r?v . wki"w`• i S-4i,• . ^w,,"-ss.ri », L t to Id • � Y ( 66 �+• i s �. UE .o u a u P►FT 66 �o so C\J® VENUE O = ej N.67r 7 J1xtH , „ A J , .4 •- 1' r 1 •_ _-s� i j sA !Do ommmmmam= i;- ,. SEVPbTFi AYAMl9E I"-'1" � �� �,► � _ • . '::- ':� • M�lt, - � .:v�N�E �. rLLJ a `'°- a --��..,. owl r o cv a `• . � I N ).•O a IT .. IV 1 0'- • 1 LO 1 •{.. t W A r g c- W Q Z 1 to u d i f ,9 J ® o ( i O ' Ix 1 O r KI iSHELL A Y , + •. 090 , 77 t-�. V, I W .® " o-• 1 ca OmCD tl tu 1 J C)T.Y LIMITS- ; - _-----.--- :��'�-� , -' �. • i I a _ lu 1:�-- 011, ( bit �✓�:, , }�' ! t , Hof uj uj to •-1- Cq it. 1�sue• \ •.`e ,•'` ' �� a � `• '`-y--+•�.�4ti �\,+ a .5 •�a. �'r; �jla(ai._ 7� ritra �, ��� .. lu .�v�,�1 ""�• la � i ,`ar i 1 m 6' ' ri � \�." 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