02-15-18 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dave Dedman, Fire Chief
Patrick Jentz, Engineer I Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Del Phipps, Industrial Pre -Treatment Coor.
Wade Rademacher, Police Captain Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation); Peregrine Frissell (Daily
InterLake); and Mark Johnson (Architect).
PTA — They have submitted a cost estimate for what work is remaining (paving, landscaping, and
striping) in preparation of their bond for their Certificate of Occupancy. They are working with
Crowley on this. Sorensen suggested that he, Tabler, Haskins, Crowley, and Fincher get together to
discuss what had been done.
Town Pump (south) — They are still working on additional parking on the property line, and they are
not sure what they are going to do with the internal property line yet. Public Works has approved
this, but are waiting for Fincher's response in regard to creating the approach for the lift station. We
are still waiting for new landscaping plans. They are having discussions with Town Pump as to what
they want to do. This will be on the agenda for next week.
KRMC Patient Corridor Addition — by the ER entrance. Public Works is still waiting for their
engineer to give us their stormwater calculations to make sure he has the dry sumps adequately sized.
Regarding the Women's & Children building, they will be changing the name and doing inside
changes and improvements. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Panera — 2240 Hwy 93 N; new restaurant near the south end of Spring Prairie 4. Tabler stated they
have sent some comments on the grease interceptor that need to be addressed. We are still waiting
for Fincher's sign -off. This has not gone through ARC yet. T. Jentz is concerned about the need for
screening with the drive-thru. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Distillery Square — 45 — 6 h Ave W; remodel existing building. They will take out the raised planters
and put grass in that area. They will have walkways that go up to the front doors. They will install
sidewalk and have a landscaping boulevard. There is a barrier shown that may need to be backed up
out of the right-of-way. On the south side they need to replace the old sidewalk and take advantage
of the City's 50150 Program. There is also more sidewalk needed in the front. We will need more
detail for Parks. Tabler asked about curbing. Parking was discussed. Their handicapped parking
location may not be close enough. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Vision Clinic — 580 N Meridian; new medical office. Public Works sent out some initial comments
and are waiting on a resubmittal. ARC tabled it because they had some questions and the developer
wasn't there. Freyholtz stated that MDT has no issue with their curb cut onto Meridian. This will be
on the agenda for next week.
Fuel Fitness —1305 Hwy 2 W; parking lot expansion. The flood plain issues have been addressed.
There is some property transfer going on, too. Their layout and all their dimensions all work. Public
Works sent a comment on the water line. This is passed through Site Review subject to Fincher's
sign -off.
Glacier Bank —190 Commons Loop; parking lot expansion. Regarding storm drainage, Haskins told
them what Public Works needs so we can begin our review. They will need to add handicapped
parking. They are only showing four, with no van spaces. There is no lighting plan yet. There is a
dotted line shown but it isn't clear if it is a 5-foot setback line or property line. Tabler stated it might
be the property line because it looks like the boulevard is only 5-feet wide. He will check their as-
builts. There was a storm system built for all of Buffalo Commons, and they might be part of that;
however, that storm system has some pretty low impervious areas for all the developments up there.
They will likely need some type of storm water component. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Coffee Traders — 328 W Center; change of use to commercial kitchen. This will no longer be a
restaurant. Phipps suggested we check to see if they are adding any more grease interceptors. This
will be on the agenda for next week.
Crossings at Spring Creek — located on Two Mile Drive — their request for annexation and
conditional use permit passed through the Planning Board, and will be going to the City Council on
March 5 h.
March Planning Board Agenda
Rockwood Ranch PUD — A big project southwest of Spring Creek, in between Three Mile and Two
Mile. They submitted an application to annex 90 acres into the City with a PUD. They have a
Preliminary Plat as well. The westside interceptor is going through there so they plan to take
advantage of that. Phase 1 is 48 units in the middle of the project. Their first phase of park land is in
the BPA easement. If a roundabout is needed on Three Mile, they will need more property. This was
discussed with Freyholtz. They will have single-family units with alleys. They will need to access this
via Spring Creek. This will go to the Work Session next month for Planning Board.
Village Loop — Splitting a couple of existing lots into two lots per Nygren.
Off of Three Mile — multi -family. They will need to know what we will require for a road. MDT
has ROW they can access. There will be 150 3-story units. They will need to get an easement from
their neighbor to the east.
Building Permit Process — protocol was discussed briefly by Sorensen regarding the sign -off
Bright View, Phase II — this is DNRC property on Reserve Place. Plans were received in Public
Works. Tabler noted that MDT brought the curb, gutter, and path in on the county side. They will
have a little private lift station accessed by a driveway. They want three approaches off of Reserve
RV Park — south of Gardner's, located near southernmost bypass roundabout. Siderius does not
want to do any street improvements with one access into all these RV lots. Dedman stated previously
that the road should be at least 25 feet wide with two accesses. This would be a PUD application.
They will need to pay a latecomer's fee to tap into the water and sewer.
Flathead High School — 644 — 4 h Ave W - addition. Their Building Plans are in. They will be
taking an Agency Exemption, but may opt in to go through Site Review. The City plans to redo 8 h
Street West. They want to close off 5 h Avenue West during construction. They are tearing down the
old gym and the mezzanine, and then putting them up again. MDT will be resurfacing 7t' Street West
to include upgrading some of the ADA handicapped ramps. This project will go on for a year, and
they hope to begin next month in March.
Four Mile Road & Stillwater Road — this goes along the west side of Section 36, all the way down
to Four Mile. The easement there was paid for in 2015 to DNRC.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager Fairgrounds MDOT
Bldg. Fire City Clerk City Airport
Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works