Resolution 5298 - NOT ACTED ON - Budget - Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Project, and Proprietary Enterprise Funds8/18/2008 — TABLED TO 9/2/2008 RESOLUTION NO.5298 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, FOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS, DEBT SERVICE FUNDS, CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS AND PROPRIETARY ENTERPRISE FUNDS AS SET FORTH IN THE 2008-2009 BUDGET ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. SECTION I. That the annual appropriations of the City of Kalispell, Montana, and the same are hereby fixed as follows: FUND Approved Appropriations SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: On -behalf Payment -retirement 1,17500 Tax Increment -Airport 3 76,63 7 Tax Increment-Westside 3,411,777 Parks In Lieu 133,378 Health Insurance 2-permissive levy 576,614 Old School Station Tech TIF 3500 Old School Station Industrial TIF K500 Impact Fee Fund 199,477 Ambulance Fund L053,696 Building Code Enforcement 577,019 Light Maintenance District 248,530 Decorative Light 4,548 Gas Tax 567,700 Special Street Maintenance 1,850,893 Urban Forestry District 205,119 Developer's Trees 198,286 Community Dev. Loan Revolving 17508 Courtyard Maintenance 10000 Community Development (UDAG) 405,288 Rural Development Loan Revolving Fund 504,928 CDBG Public Facility Grant 45000 Law Enforcement Block Grant 32500 Nurturing Center Grant W447 Cultural Arts 13,000 Fire Grants Fund (FEMA) 499,865 ISTEA 324,466 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: G. 0. Bond — Aquatics Park 290,863 G. 0. Bond — Fire Station #82 273,128 New City Hall Debt Service 117,565 SID Revolving Fund 3000 Sidewalk & Curb Debt Service SID Debt Service Airport TIF Debt Service Westside TIF Debt Service CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS: Airport Bond Airport FAA Non -Primary Entitlement Airport FAA Land Acquisition Sidewalk & Curb Construction Fire Truck Capital Fund ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Water Fund Sewer/WWTP Fund Storm Sewer Solid Waste Airport Enterprise Fund Data Processing TOTAL FUNDS S 16,664 556,708 665,150 432,569 2,000,000 600,000 L33000 50,000 544,756 4,002,248 13,609,556 L515,536 1,080,750 329,535 364,736 4193209020 SECTION II. The City Manager and Finance Director are hereby authorized to transfer any part of an unencumbered balance of an appropriation to a purpose or object for which the appropriation for the current year is insufficient or to transfer between items appropriated within the same fund. SECTION III. The City Manager is hereby granted budget amendment authority for the expenditure of funds from any or all of the following: debt service funds, enterprise funds, internal service funds, trust funds, federal and state grants accepted and approved by the City Council, special assessments and donations. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS DAY OF , 2008. Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk