07-08-08 ARC MinutesDATE:
Hear the Public:
Approval of Minutes:
Old Business:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008; 7:30 a.m.,
I't Avenue East Cafe, 128 Ist Ave E
Corey Johnson (Chair); John Hinchey; Bill Goodman;
Janet Clark; Carol Nelson; Mark Norley; Russ Skelton
City Staff —Sean Conrad
Guests — Janelle Gentry, Sean Hinchey
John moved to approve the June 24 minutes; Mark seconded.
Approved 7-0.
Janelli's Deli — 1090 N Meridian — Ms. Gentry explained the colors of her sign and
proposed location. John moved to approve the sign as presented. Russ seconded.
Approved 7-0.
New Business:
Hinchey & Hinchey — 705 Main Street — revisions to freestanding sign, John Hinchey
recused himself. Mr. Hinchey explained the minor modifications to be made to the
existing sign. Carol moved to approve the sign as presented. Janet seconded. Approved
Other Discussion:
Entrance Corridor standards — Discussion included signs, billboards, and setbacks. The
committee requested more information on how the 150 foot setback would impact
properties and development potential. Sean will be providing the committee with
additional information showing 150 foot setback, 100 foot setback and 75 foot setback.
The committee will review freestanding signs throughout the community to discuss at the
next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20