05-17-17 Urban Renewal Agency MinutesCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 Meeting Summary URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY BOARD MAY 17, 2017-4 P.M. CITY HALL— FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Chairman Marc Rold Tom Jentz, Planning Director David Girardot Katharine Thompson, Asst. Director of Comm. & Econ. Dev. Jeff Zauner Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Shannon Freix Krista Lammers, Community & Economic Development Matt Venturini 4:02 p.m. Chairman Rold called the meeting to order and welcomed the committee and city staff. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment. APPROVAL OF MEETING SUMMARY Mr. Girardot moved, Mr. Zauner seconded, passed unanimously. 18TH STREET & AIRPORT ROAD INTERSECTION Mr. Jentz gave an overview of the intersection, showing adjacent property owners and City utilities that are located at or near the intersection. Reference was made to the 2008 Kalispell Area Transportation Plan regarding recommended intersection improvements and costs in 2006: http://www.kalispell.com/planning/documents/CompleteTransportationPlan2006.pdf The Board has asked that City Staff move forward with gathering information about the tax increment financing district project nomination process and meet with the Public Works Director, Parks Director and City Manager to gather information and discuss the potential project. Ms. Freix asked what other projects might be recommended within the South Kalispell/Airport TIF District. Cemetery Road updates, parking for Legends Field and relocation of Kalispell City Shops were listed. BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM UPDATES Ms. Thompson gave an overview of the recent brownfield assessment activities, three firms have been hired to perform environmental site assessment work. Currently, a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is being completed and will likely be complete in mid -June. The completion of this document will prepare project consultants to begin environmental site assessment phase II work on the three CHS sites located within the Kalispell Core Area. As previously discussed, the City of Kalispell was awarded an EPA technical assistance grant to support tasks involved in the US Department of Transportation TIGER grant. Consulting firm, ICF, is supporting City staff with strategic critical path planning for the project through implementation, analysis of ancillary funding resource options, and guidance on the rail -banking process. ICF visited Kalispell April 11, 2017, toured the Downtown and Core Areas and hosted a working lunch to meet with local officials and other project stakeholders to better understand project interests/priorities and identify opportunities for collaboration. This workshop provided an opportunity for stakeholders to actively participate in open discussion, idea sharing and strategic planning for the project. Chairman Rold attended this workshop as the Urban Renewal Agency Board representative and explained that this workshop provided an opportunity to brainstorm big picture ideas regarding the trail portion of the project. Mr. Jentz explained that there will be significant community involvement in the trail planning portion of the TIGER project beginning spring and summer 2018. TIGER/KALISPELL CORE & RAIL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPDATE Ms. Thompson shared that the TIGER grant environmental assessment is in its near -final phase. When complete there will be a required 30-day public comment period, expected to begin May 191" and conclude June 171" with probable receipt of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) by June 301" resulting in the obligation of TIGER funds by July 21" Bid documents for the construction of Glacier Rail Park went out May 71" with bids due June 91" to result in a City Council bid award at the June 191" meeting with construction to begin in August. TIF & TEDD UPDATES Ms. Thompson explained that Old School Station lots are for sale and can be viewed on the following webpage: http://kalispell.com/community economic development/ NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING Chairman Rold reminded the Board that the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21" at 4 p.m. ADJOURNED Chairman Rold adjourned the meeting at 4:48 p.m.