09-04-13 Urban Renewal Agency MinutesCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 Urban Renewal Agency Summary of Activities 9/04/2013 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Marc Rold- Chairman Tom Lund Murphy McMahon OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE City of Kalispell Staff —Planning Director, Tom Jentz; Community Development Manager, Katharine Thompson; Community Development Administrator, Lindsey Simpson CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rold called the meeting to order at 4:03p.m. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Members were given the following for review: • An agenda for this meeting • A Summary of activities of the 04/10/13 meeting and 5/08/13 work session • Draft Facade and Technical Assistance Policies • Technical Assistance TIF Application for 7 Main Street ACCEPTANCE OF PRIOR MEETING SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES Prior meeting "Summary of Activities" were reviewed and the documents were accepted as written. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment offered. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Facade and Technical Assistance policy drafts were discussed and it was decided that the URA would review the documents and send suggested changes via e-mail to City staff by September 18. City staff will incorporate the updates prior to the October meeting and upon review and approval by the URA, the changes will then be scheduled for City Council approval. NEW BUSINESS Technical Assistance Application for 7 Main Street- An application for technical assistance up to $5,000 was reviewed and discussed. The application proposes to hire CTA to draft a design of the facade at 7 Main Street for remodel purposes. The applicant arrived at 4:30pm and answered questions from the committee. Tom Lund made a motion to recommend up to $5,000 in technical assistance for this project, and Murphy McMahon seconded the motion. The application will be scheduled for City Council review and approval in September. • Annual Report Preparation -The committee agreed that City Staff would use the format from the 2011 report and complete the 2012 report no later than September 18. It will be approved by the URA via e-mail. • New Board Appointments- Dave Girardot of West Venture Realty has applied to serve on the committee pending City Council approval on September 16. Schedule next meeting- The next meeting will be held at 4:00pm on October 16. ADJOURN MEETING The meeting was adjourned at S:OOpm End of Summary of Activities 9/4/13