11-13-13 Urban Renewal Agency MinutesCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 Urban Renewal Agency - Summary of Activities 11/13/13 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Marc Rold- Chairman Tom Lund Pam Mower OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE City of Kalispell Staff - Community Development Manager, Katharine Thompson; Community Development Administrator, Lindsey Simpson, Planning Director, Tom Jentz CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rold called the meeting to order at 3:55p.m. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Members were given the following for review: • An agenda for this meeting • A summary of activities of the 10/16/13 meeting • Current draft policies for the West Side -Core Area TIF and an updated TIF application ACCEPTANCE OF PRIOR MEETING SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES Prior meeting "Summary of Activities" were reviewed and the documents were accepted as written, noting a correction on the meeting date that has been revised. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment offered. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • City staff presented a revised policy draft and application for the West Side Urban Renewal -Core Area TIF that has merged the program drafts into one document and eliminated sections that were repetitive. The URA committee discussed the draft and made changes and suggestions that city staff will incorporate into the documents. The URA would like to have the policies finalized by January so that they may be scheduled for City Council review in early 2014. The URA was given an update on the pending application for 7 Main Street. NEW BUSINESS Schedule next meeting- The next meeting will be held at 4:00pm on December 11, 2013. Chairman Rold requested the 2012-2013 Annual TIF Report be discussed as the first item on the December agenda. ADJOURN MEETING The meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm. End of Summary of Activities 11/13/13.