05-08-13 Urban Renewal Agency NotesMay 8, 2013 URA Work Session Office Notes: Developer's Agreement: • Change 'ROYBAL' to 'Lucero Roybal Investments LLC' throughout the document due to property records showing ownership by 'Lucero Roybal Investments LLC' • Insert the word 'historic' before each mention of fagade improvements throughout the document • Include clause stating a one year time frame to complete improvements • Edit obligations of the city by stating Lucero Roybal Investments provides the city with an invoice and their (Lucero Roybal Investments) amount due; the City then pays the contractor up to $33,757 in grant fund and the remaining balance from Lucero Roybal Investment • Under obligations of the city no. 3 add 'for private investment improvements' before `made to...' • The URA questioned the enforceability of the document and continuity in the event of a transfer of ownership and would like wording inserted referencing both issues 2011-2012 Annual Report: • Delete disclaimer on second page • Include properties missed (Doug Conners can provide information) in the 2011 Certified Taxable Valuation Information on page 2 • Remove all mention of council members names • Remove second to last sentence on page 6. "Additionally...." • Page 9-Identify 10 subject properties outside TIF and use as a comparable • Page 12-Old School Station -Include wording "Due to non-payment of property taxes as assessed there exists the potential for increment values to be inadequate to meet SID payments as pledged." • Add wording on challenges faced in each TIF Technical Assistance: • In the guidelines, clearly define'publically owned properties' • Add a claw back provision stating improvements must be completed within one year of grant funding or funding will be reimbursed by applicant • Application process -Section 3- Delete line "...on requested services to City Council..." • In place of having a pool of developers for applicants to choose from, ask applicant to provide a company and contact they prefer to work with; URA then reviews that company's qualifications, liability, etc and decides if the firm is approved.