12-12-17 - Regular MeetingKALISPELL CITY PLANNING ROARD & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINGY December 12, 2017' CALLTO ORDER AND ROLL The regular meeting of tile Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning CALL Commission was, called to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were: Chad Graharn, George (36avasis, Doug Kauffman, Rory Young, Steve Larch„ Ronalee Skees and Christopher Yerkes, Tom, Jentz, Jarod Nygren and PJ Sorensen represented the Kalispell planning Department, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Kauffman moved arid glees seconded a i-notion to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2017 meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Corninission. .................. . VOTE BY ACCLAMATION ... .. . .... ........ rnotion passed unanir-n0USly can vote of acclamation, PUBLIC COMMENT None. 1( W()SSINGS KA,-17-06 — A request, to annex a 15-acre parcel into the city and zone 8 the, land RA-2 upon annexation, The property is currently within tile CONIMTIO's'AL L,'Sl[, county and, zoned county R -1 (Suburban Residential), The property is currently undeveloped, however, upon annexation the applicant is requesting to construct multi-farnily residential apartments. KC ' 'U-17-10 — A request for a Conditional Use Permit for a market rate MUlti-farnily apartment complex within the RA-2 (Residential Apartment/Office) Zoning District, The Conditional Use Pernlit application would be subject to approval of application KA-1 7- 06, mentioned abovve. STAFF REPORI, Jarcad",-l' ,y-g,-re—r,t,—epresenting the Kalispell Plallning Department reviewed Staff Report #KA- 17-06 and #KCU- 17-10., Nygren outlined the applications subr-nittetl and clarified that he would be outlining both applications as part of his presentation, He further went on outlining the details of tile project including tile zoning, growth policy, existing land uses and adJacent land uses, site layout, recreational arrienities, buildings, access, storm water, FEMA floodplain and traffic. Staff' also spoke to 'the large aniourit of public cimlment that had been received and outlined, their concerns. Staff recommended that the Board consider whether additional information was needed front the applicant regarding traffic, storrn water and perspectives of the buildings due to the scale of the pro.ject and its poteritial impacts on the neighboring cornITILIT'lity. BOARD DISCUSSION Members of the planning board discussed and asked staff for clarification in regards to the required 20 foo�t Morin water setback from property line, (fie difference between an RA-1 arid RA-2 zone (densities), stonil water retention and design, and parkin& Young also asked staff for clarity of rhe potential development of the site in the R-4 single-farnily zone and the ability to then develop 35 feet tall houses 5 feet from the property line, The Board also inquired about if a traffic has e)L.wyL)nldbe � rfornned ar J hcN� the lain �L(, uld �j( _ y LLJ Kalispell City Nanning Botird Mirmtes c)fthe niecting of Deceriibo'12,2017 Page I 1 impact the project, Staff outlined the process that asst,wes the conditions of the prqject are iruplCruented during the building permit process. Staff further explained the requirement of a traffic irnpact study and also city requirements for storr'n water'. Nygren and Jentz reviewed these items with the board and reviewed the conditions in the staff report that touch on these items, Sorensen clarified the FFMA floodplain permits process for the fill that would be brought onsite, PUBLK' 11EARING ro(id W-bip-ple -(appfic-a-urt) Whipple Consulting Engineers file - 21 S, Pines, Spokane Valley, WA - Answered board questions about stoma water retention, traffic, parking and, reviewed the amenities Of the proposed proJect, He also offered to answer any qUeStiOVIS the board may have. Kim Christopherson - attorney representing Mary E. Miller - 30 'Yeton SL - advised that her client does not oppose the prqject but has sortie concerns about flooding. heigyht of the proposed bUildings arid increased traffic, Marilyn, Driscoll - 22 Glacier St -- Concerned about the, density and height of project, the proposed RA-2 zoning, flooding and the length of the projectand how long the residents will have to deal with construction dust, etc, Richard 'Turbiak - Citizens for as Better Flathead - 35 4"' St W - asking that the J)UbliC hearing being extended to give the public more tinte to process the size of the proJect and tca discuss the project with the board. Ronda Howell - 51 Hawthorn - concerned about the extension of Teton St and the traffic lead it will add tan 'Teton and Hawthorn and the density cd the proposed project, Laura Casteneda, -- 4 Iris Court - Feels that the amenities proposed are, not sonwthing Kalispell will use inid that condos or single family residences Would make ittore sense in this location, Rosie Higharn - 76 Hawthorn W - worried about her property value decreasing if the project is approved, she feels she %VOU1d JOS4.` her views because of the ht,fight and density of project, Keith Ridgway - 18 Glacier St -- concerned with pedestrian traffic and feels there are not enough sildewalks, in and around Hawthorn -an(] the surrounding neighborhood right n(:)w and that this project would make it worse, especially for kids trying to walk to arid from school, Also has sorne concerns about the floodplain. Earl Holst - 1442 Two Mile Dr - Feels there are too Many apartinents in that area now and opposes the project, Ren Lard - representing his grandmother Darcy McGlenn Lard who lives at 212 Three Mile -Dr. --- advised her property, is the property that Kahspell Cary Plannirig Board Minows of Oic meeting of Decernber 12, 2017 Pago 12 borders the end of Liberty —St, fi-e usletting-the b"-o`ar(Jkn—ow111-- that llis grandmother will not allow an easentent through tier property for this project,just like site denied the one that the city asked for years ago When the low income apartments were built at, that tinle. She is also concerned with flow much private land may be taken through enninent domain. Connie Malone - 6 Iris Court - feels that the zoning should be RA-1 not RA,-2 and that a traffic study shOUld be required. Also feels that there are not enough sidewalks ar'OUnd the, area for the existing density, let alone adding more. Dave MUMby - representing his 92 year old mother who lives in the area - concerned about the increased traffic this proJect will bring and feels that 1wo Mile Dr is already not suited for the existing traffic. Also 'feels that such a high density project will bring too.a Much additional crime,, Sarah Arrigoni - 15 Yellowstone St #2 .-- Concerned about Crime that a prqject of this size rnight bring. She is worried that Kalispell does not have the emergency services, snow removal services, etc. to handle tile additional density, Wanda Adarnavich -- manager of Gateway, Apartments at 308 Two Mile Dr. - 282 41" Ave WN - feels that 1'wo Mile Dr. cannot handle the additional vehicle and foot traffic that the additional density, WOUld bring. Janice Rauthe -- 6 Glacier St - concerned that: Two Mile Dr. will not be able to handle the additional traffic and that flooding will become al -I iSSLJe Dan Savage - representing his motfier Audrey Savage -- 17 1'etorl S1 -- feels that the amenities proposed are n,Ot Useful here and that a traffic study and hydrology report should be rriandatory before moving the project forward, Also is concerned with art increased crime rate. Brian Luke - representing his mother Erruna Davis - 16 Teton St -- concerned with flooding, Sam Tornbarge - 505 'I'wo Mile Dr - concerned with flooding from nearby creek. Patrick Malone - 6 Iris Cat - upset that there is no posting or signage of a pending pra.aject on the proposed site, feels the public was not notified property due to the size of the project, asked the board to review tile list of questions he gave therri at the start of the meeting, Stated that tile City would be responsible for any flooding of ad„jacent properties if the Board were to approve the pro'lect. MOTION - ORIGINAL Skees moved and Kauffman seconded a rnotion that the Kalispell ,t -ity Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KA-17-06 as findings of fact and reconlryiend to the Kalispell City COUncif that the property be annexed and the initial zoning for this property uporl annexation be RA-2 (Residential Apartrnen(YOff ice). Kalispell City Plarming B(,xird Minuies of the meoling of Decenibt,,r 12, 2017 11,,ige 13 BOARD DISCUSSION Board members addressed Sorne of the public concerns inentioned-chu —ing public comment including policies regarding noticing adjoining land owners. the storru water drainage, traffic impacts and future infrastructure. There was lengthy discussion with the applicant regarding the ability to develop a traffic StUdy, which the applicant indicated is difficult in the winter time but if there were existing traffic counts they could develop a study in time for the next meeting, The Board further discussed the size of the protect and felt that additional information was warranted before they could make a decision. The Board directed staff to, work with the applicant and obtain additional traffic information based off the traffic counts the applicant could obtain, clarification of how storm water was being handled, building perspectives, for adjoining property owners and pedestrian access in the vicinity of the property, -�i-OTION- CONTIN L) E Skees moved and Larch seconded a- -n-i—otion tfia-t-t`h—eK-a-1ispel1- —City-- DISCUSSION @ JANUARY 9, Planning Deward and Zoning Commission continue discussion of the 20,18 MEETING annexation and conditional use agenda items at the next board meeting on JWMary 9,, 2018. where thIey could consider the additional information requested, VOTE, BY ACCLAMATION The rinotion passed unaniniously on a vote of acclarnation, OLD BUSINIESS Staff advised the board that the Downtown Plan had been approve(] by the City Council, -K-F—, 'IFS—INESS Planning Board elected Doug Kauffman as the —Vice President, Skees moved and Young seconded, —TJ i e - r —Ti e'-e-t"i n g —w as adjourned at approximately, 8:45prn. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the, Kalispell Planning Board will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 6:00 p.tri, and located in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 'Ir" Ave East, A" d -G raf ia ill karY Hernandez President Recording Secretary APPROVED as submitted/arnended: Ct Kalispell City Maiirflng Bo,,,,ird Mfililles of tile ineeling of Decernber 12, 2017 Page 14