10-12-17 Parking Advisory Board MinutesCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING
Date: October 12, 2017
Location: KPD Conference Room
In attendance:
Mark Pirrie, Janet Clark, Joel Schoknecht, Bill Goodman
and Captain Wade Rademacher
Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:35 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie
2. Approval of the Agenda:
Moved by Janet, second by Mark.
3. Approval of July, 2017 Board Meeting:
Moved by Janet, second by Mark.
4. Hearing of the Public:
5. Approval of Financial Statements of July, August and September 2017:
Moved by Bill, second Mark.
6. Updates from City Parking:
7. Unfinished Business:
8. New Business:
Bill made a motion suggesting the two city employee parking lots adjacent to City Hall, be put into the
same parking management pool as all of the other city managed lots. This would require city employees
to join the line with the public for those spaces.
Discussion on the motion.
Vote on the motion.
Bill Goodman: Motion
Joel Schoknecht: Second
Janet Clark: Disapprove
Mark Pirrie: Disapprove
The motion to approve failed on a tie vote.
The Parking Advisory Board will meet at Norms News on Tuesday, October 24th at 2:00 for a Downtown
Parking Walk. The Planning Department will be notified and anyone interested is welcome to join them.
Suggestions from Planning regarding removal of 2-hr parking in certain areas will be addressed as well as
reviewing the current downtown signage and recommendations from the B.I.D.
The Advisory Board reviewed and made adjustments to current oversell capacities in city permit lots.
Bill Goodman submitted his resignation at the close of the meeting.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 21.
9. Adiournment:
Chair Person Mark Pirrie adjourned the meeting at 8:30 a.m.
Approved by the Board on: November 21, 2017
Respectfully submitted:
Karen Durado