08-16-07 Parking Commission MinutesMONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES KALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION Date: August 16, 2007 Location: Conference Room, KPC Office All in attendance: Janet Clark, Chairperson, Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman, John Hinchey and Joel Schoknecht Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, Office Manager 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at: 7:37a.m., By: Janet Clark, Chairperson 2. Minutes of July, 2007 Board Meeting: Moved to approve by Mark Pirrie, John Hinchey seconds, Approved by all present. 3. Minutes of Special Board Meeting July 27, 2007: Moved to approve by Bill Goodman, John Hinchey seconds, Approved by all present 4. Hearing of the Public: No One Present S. Financial Statement of July 2007: Moved to approve financials Mark Pirrie, John Hinchey seconds. Approved by all present. 6. Updates from KPC office: Tickets, Parking Permits, & Meters — See attached reports. Notices and Summons —Notices Up-to-date, a few summons remaining. Garnishment/Collections: Garnishments — All Writ of Execution's finished; Judge Ulbricht's office processing them. These will be sent off to Alert possibly as soon as next week. Collections — 1 Yr. Contract has been signed with Collection Professionals, Inc. Tickets to be collected on (over a years worth) will be submitted hopefully by the end of this week for the 30 day pre collect period. Rachel will be writing off those we cannot send to collections such as Out of State tickets etc. monthly so there is not such a load at the end of the fiscal year when the city needs it. 7. Unfinished Business: Spring Lot Maintenance — They will be attending lots in August also; We may need to go with someone else next season. Rachel is looking into using Flathead Industries for doing some extra sweeping for us in the lots. Spring Sweeping & Striping - Completed; Final bill was $3,875.00 actually less than last year ($3,935). Go-4 ordered — Purchased for $26, 216. Only budgeted for $25,000 Amy has adjusted the budget. Jim Patrick arrived at 8:00 am. Janet had given Jim Patrick the Parking Demand & Supply Study which the board had approved at the Special board meeting on July 27. Jim directed Amy to adjust the KPC budget to reflect the $6,500.00 expenditure. 1 The budget was also adjusted to reflect a possible expenditure of $10,000.00 for a software program to support tracking tickets and permits, tech support and computer hardware. The new adjusted budget will be presented to City Council Monday night, August 20. Jim gave Janet a copy of the new budget (Janet will copy for the board for the next meeting). Bill asked if the $12,000.00 that the city had in escrow (fee in lieu of parking paid by North Bay Grille) could be used for the parking study, Jim said yes, and it could be used for the purchase of future parking or go towards a parking structure feasibility study. Valley Bank — Jim Patrick stated that appraisals had been done on the Valley Bank parking lot (Main St.) and the Valley Bank property, and that the appraisal on the Main Street property was quite a bit higher. The City was waiting to hear from Valley Bank. Fee in Lieu of — Jim Patrick said the City was able to arrive at a fee of $8200.00 per space based on the Main St. and the Valley Bank property appraisals, an average was taken between the two for ground price plus asphalt, striping etc. costs. Bill also cautioned to include yearly increases in cost. Laser School — Jim Patrick left a message with Laser School in regards to an update on converting the basketball court into parking for the use of the school. Board is concerned about parking approximately 60 additional cars in the area. Wells Fargo Bldg. —Jim Patrick said occupancy is the basement to be October, and the rest hopefully in December. We addressed the issue of parking and said the board needs to be involved. Urban Renewal Area — Jim Patrick said the City was working on an urban renewal area around the mall, north and west. Georgetown style living units, retail, removing the railroad tracks etc. This district has not been approved by City Council. Jim Patrick left at 8:30 am. New Computer System — Two companies have been researched. We have had a product tour for one. Rachel will set up a tour with the other one next week. She will E-mail everyone on the date and time if any board members want to attend. Discussion followed. We will research a little more and will discuss again at next month's board meeting. 8. New Business: 9. Adiournment• Adjourned at: 8:45a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: Mark Pirrie, Second by John Hinchey. The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents. 2