09-20-07 Parking Commission MinutesMONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES
Date: September 20, 2007
Location: Conference Room, KPC Office
All in attendance:
Janet Clark, Chairperson, Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman,
John Hinchey and Joel Schoknecht
Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at: 7:35 a.m., By: Janet Clark, Chairperson
2. Minutes of August, 2007 Board Meeting:
Moved to approve by Mark Pirrie, John Hinchey seconds, Approved by all present.
3. Hearing of the Public:
No One Present
4. Financial Statement of August 2007:
Moved to approve financials Mark Pirrie, John Hinchey seconds, Approved by all present.
S. Updates from KPC office:
Tickets, Parking Permits, & Meters — See Report.
Notices — Currently up-to-date
Summons —a few summons in the works.
Garnishments — Alert working on these. A few have come in I have referred them to Alert.
Collections — All current collectible tickets are entered. So far we have $3,066.18 in collections.
We have entered 167 accounts, and we have received our first $40 check this week from
previous tickets in pre -collect.
Meter Inventory/Sell project — In the works, all meters in storage (150 or so) have been
moved to the office so we can work on cleaning them up and assembling pieces and parts into
whole meters. We will then inventory them and attempt to sell them whole as well as the left
over pieces and parts. The ones in the box out front of storage will be a project for later in the
year. The old meters are for sale to the public for $25.00
6. Kalispell Parking Demand & Study— Parking study has been completed. Study was done
during fair week and when Highway 93 was closed due to fires. Study did not reveal a parking
issue downtown, but it was the slowest day of the week. It did reveal we do need off street
employee parking. Discussion followed. Bill will contact the consultants and see what it would
cost to do another sampling of the parking at a later date and combine it with the current
results. It will continue to be a work in progress.
7. KPC Computer Software-
DMV going to the new Merlin System October 1. We no longer will have direct access to
license plate current owner information thru DMV.
KPC has two choices:
1. MT.GOV website vehicle look -up which will supply the current owner
address. This will cost $75 per year registered user fee as well as $2 per record
look -up. KPC averages 196 look -ups per month this would cost $392 a month.
Estimated cost for a year including the $75 user fee would be $4,779.
2. Upload our Batch look -up file from our database to their FTP server, DMV
would look up the records at .08$ per record (whether or not it returns a
match) and return the current owner addresses to us within two business days.
KPC could do this as often as we want. They recommend only once per month.
This would work out to be $15.68 per month or $188.16 per year. This would
be the ideal option but our current system (Quickbooks) does not
accommodate their FTP system. See quote of interface system from AIMS.
AIMS software & DMV interface quote— KPC packet info. for pricing. The estimate now
for everything would be $12,160. Discussion followed.
New Computer System - Quotes from Radio Active. Rachel will look into purchasing a
Dell computer through the city using their discount so we can compare prices.
Discussion followed. John moved that KPC purchase the AIMS computer software, the
DMV interface program and a new computer for the office. Bill seconds the motion.
Approved by all.
8. Unfinished Business:
4 Seasons / Spring Lot Maintenance —Rachel is working on a letter to the new CEO regarding
the charges vs. last year's bill. This is in progress and needs some more work and research
before we send it. We have not paid the May or June bill which is considerably more than last
year and we still have not gotten a bill for July or August. The company has "cleaned house"
and moved the main office.
Flathead Industries update — Spoke w/ Mike Allen and he suggested setting up a test run to
get an estimate for sweeping our lots. They did the EL as a trial run. It is $6 per worker per
hour they don't charge for the supervisors that go along. Nicole called yesterday and it took 3
workers and one staff 1 hour to pick up trash and sweep the Eagles lot in a trial run. So the
bill for that lot would have been $18, but this is our largest lot. Discussion followed. We will
try and utilize them more next season when we set up the lot cleaning.
Snow plowing — Rachel will call Goose Bay (Dick Brady) and All Bright to confirm winter snow
removal services.
New Go-4 — Purchased for $26,216 and delivered from White Bear (Diane) on September 14.
New plates have been purchased and we are street legal. Discussion followed.
Oldest Cushman will be sold. John at the city knows someone who wanted to by
it and use it as an ice cream truck for $200.
'i* New Cushman will be kept for a back-up vehicle.
9. New Business:
Glacier Jazz Stampede — Request for 2 reserved parking spaces outside the Eagles Hall on 1st
street for shuttle buses during October 5-7. Rachel will write them an approval letter and Jack
will not ticket in that area or the Eagles Lot on Friday, October 5.
Colter Coffee/ La Estrella Del Norte Proposal — See proposal information. Discussion followed.
Bill moved to allow La Estrella Del Norte to use the lot on a 30 day trial basis and the
following conditions must be met: they must have a street vendor's license from the city, they
must purchase a $40 permit for that lot each month from KPC, said permit will only be valid
from 6 pm Friday through 6 pm Sunday and they must be out of the lot by 6 pm Sunday. At
the end of the 30 days this will be reviewed again. Power must be supplied from Colter
Coffee. La Estrella Del Norte will be responsible for the lot maintenance and cleanup of the lot
during this time. John Seconds, approved by all present. Rachel will write a letter to them
outlining these conditions to both Colter Coffee and La Estrella Del Norte.
10. Adiournment:
Adjourned at: 8:35 a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: Mark Pirrie, Second by Bill Goodman
The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately
meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents.