10-18-07 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, October 18, 2007 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Sean Conrad, City Planner Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Susie Turner, Assoc. Civil Engineer Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Guests: James Freyholtz, M.D.O.T.; Rory Young, Jackola Engineering; and Bruce Semler, Car Wash Owner Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: None. OLD BUSINESS: Car Wash — 2792 Hwy 93 S — We haven't heard anything new from Fred Leistiko on the signing off on the height and the potential ROW to the north of that regarding the airport. Public Works has looked at drainage. Pickup beds need to be drained internally. Everything off the cars has to go to the sewer. Bain is the builder — he will slope the property to cover this. Tracks have to run level, but the apron needs the slope. Two foot rise on approach is still not enough to get the water out of the truck bed. Public Works would like a pipe profile. They have a 2 to 1 slope that should be 4 to 1 with a foot of storage. If there is a ROW where it goes in, they would do an underground drain. Susie believes it is too steep. They will do asphalt up to it and then do gravel on the rest of it. Susie would like a 10' strip of grass buffer. The size is correct. It won't be driven on. They plan to put in a split rail fence to divide the gravel from the asphalt. No fire concerns. Parks needs a landscape plan. The boulevard will be sod. Shrubs will be in planters. There is a question as to who maintains the State ROW. James stated it's a point of concern. The carwash people plan to maintain it according to Bruce. If the City purchases the ROW, this could change with MDOT. The ERU's were discussed with Public Works. There will be one automatic and two self service car bays. If they don't hook to the sewer system, there won't be a charge for it. They could have the self-service ones hooked up only. The sewer fees are based on incoming water supply. They could recycle. There is eight feet from the property line to the flag pole. We need cut sheets on the lights with full cut offs and details on the pole height, which should be 25' from the base. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Penco Subdivision — They have waived their preliminary plat. They need to improve the private road in front. This is actually being re -subdivided. They had done a boundary line adjustment previously to create one lot. Now they want to split it again. Jeff is concerned that they won't have enough parking. Discussion was held about where the north property boundary is and how it connects with the frontage road. They need a sidewalk connection between the highway sidewalk and the curb, which is quite steep there. They could put in a sidewalk connection where the old access point was abandoned. Discussion was held, and it was determined that it was too steep. They need to come in and apply for the final plat. Their outside display area where they park presently is in the MDOT / ROW. Storage pond? Glacier Town Center — Chad, Frank, Mark, Charlie, Sean, PJ and Tom met last week on this. They are getting additional ROW at the BPA Power Line easement. There is a 60' wide road utility easement at Park J on the site plan. Roundabouts are needed at the northeast corner of the Power Center. More ROW connections along the northern property boundary. They show two, and we would like six. Three or four would give us the maximum block length. They need two roundabouts along Rose Crossing, and a roundabout at the main entrance at the Life Style Center off of Highway 93. The park is in the first phase, and the Power Strip area is second. Public Works needs a pre -design conference with them. Regarding the accesses onto the highway, MDOT is reviewing their traffic impact study. This may be a Junior interchange. There may be additional ROW on West Reserve or Whitefish Stage needed. Bay Rid6e Estates — They are still moving forward and may be at the November Planning meeting. OTHER REPORTS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. cc: Police Citv Manager FCAOA MDOT Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Conun. Dev. Public Works