Thursday, November 8, 2007
Building Department Conference Room
Sean Conrad, City Planner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Nicole Johnson, City Planner
F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr. Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Guests: James Freyholtz, M.D.O.T.
Hear the Public: Sandy introduced Kellie Danielson, our new Community Development
Performance Bond Reminders: We have accepted the performance bond for the Town Pump as
they still need to landscape the boulevard. The sidewalk on Cemetery Road was done recently.
Terrace View Estates on California has passed its completion date. They will probably request to
extend their bond until spring. Nothing new with Daley Field. We are going to bid on the fence?
Cascade Business Park was supposed to change up some sidewalk work this week.
Hilton Homewood Suites — Hutton Ranch — PJ sent them a letter last week and he spoke
with their architect but nothing new has come in as yet. Frank looked at their easement and
they will need to shift their building to the west. They need to get sidewalks out from their
door to the right-of-way.
Bass Center — KRMC addition — They are a little out from getting the full set of plans in.
They have not done the foundation yet. The wording on the Administrative CUP will be
softened. They need more completed sidewalks. They need work near the City water tower.
A full CUP will help to get more issues addressed. Mark will put together some comments
for them.
Meadows — Meadows Vista Loop / 2 four-plex buildings - Tom Klein's condo complex.
They did get their foundation permits. Most of the infrastructure is in, and they satisfy the
condition that the buildings be "freestanding" in terms of infrastructure. This is approved
through Site Review.
Glacier Town Center — Sean will start writing up the report for this project and have it
completed by later next week. If you have any comments, please forward them to him.
Bay Ridge - off of Meadows Lane — Nicole is working on the Staff Report for next week.
The City Attorney has told us to move forward on the project. All land owners have been
notified regarding the possible law suit.
Meridian Zone Changes - Three Mile and Meridian Road — request for R-5 or B-1 zoning.
They are planning to sell the property. The Adams Addition neighborhood has covenants that
may keep them from agreeing to the R-5 request unless there is a building type designation.
Sinopah Subdivision - Thiesen zone change. Present zone is R-4. Requesting zone change
on two lots to B-1. There are some slope issues.
Western Acres — Application request for annexation, waiver of preliminary plat. South of 7th
Avenue West property. They will share the driveway with 10 feet dedicated on either side of
the property line to access the park at the end of the driveway. Some conditions will apply as
to the property to the north.
Rocky Mountain Spa - Brick building behind Kentucky Fried Chicken — They need a new
address there. The brick is falling off the building. Fire and Public Works will coordinate
with Jeff on this.
Ashley Heights — Public Works has issued a stop work order for lack of a trench box and
other pending issues, including the need for a Pre -Construction Meeting.
Glacier Town Center — CTA will be meeting with Public Works and Fire to discuss City
Council's requirement for 2/3 of the infrastructure being put in prior to final plat. The
Wolford people do not want to have to do this. They want to have a meeting either Tuesday
afternoon after 3 p.m. or Wednesday morning around 8:30 a.m. We need to have all-weather
surfaces and water supplies, specific to what we need prior to construction of buildings and
prior to final plat. No building permits will be issued until final plat and fire sign off.
Westview III, Phase III — Reserve and Stillwater for final plat will be coming in next week.
Bay Ridge — Water rights in the City — discussion was held. If the buildings are too close to
the wells, then the wells can only be used for irrigation and they must have city water. Nicole
will check with Frank on this.
Thanksgiving Week Meeting — Our meeting will be moved to Wednesday, November 21't at
10:00 a-m.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT
Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport
Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works