11-13-07 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, November 13, 2007; 7:30 a.m., I" Avenue East Cafe, 128 1" Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Norley (Acting Chair), John Hinchey, Janet Clark, Ken Miller, Carol Nelson, Bill Goodman, Corey Johnson OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff— Sean Conrad Guests — Chare Largent (7th Day Adventist), Chad Wolford, Doug Breckenridge, Bruce Lutz, Walter Ford, Brent Moore (Glacier Town Center), Ned Halling (East Side Brick), Sean Fitzpatrick (KRMC), Dave Sather (Mtn. West Bank), Vic Andersen (Bethlehem Luthern Church) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: John moved to approve the October minutes; Carol seconded. Approved 7-0. Old Business: None New Business: Mtn. West Bank (444 West Idaho) — move an existing sign and add an electronic reader board. Dave Sather presented the project to the committee. John stated that the sign complies with the ordinance but wanted it acknowledged that not all the committee members like reader boards. John moved to approve, Bill seconded. Approved 7-0 Bethlehem Lutheran Church (603 S. Main St.) requesting to replace an existing sign along S. Main with a 24 square foot sign with a reader board. It was noted to the committee that the church will need to receive a text amendment to allow the amount of reader board on the proposed sign. Vic Andersen presented the sign project to the committee. He stated they will start with sign posts with landscaping around the base of the sign to hide the posts. Eventually they may create a monument sign. Corey acknowledged the need for increased reader boards in certain situations, possibly up to 50% of the sign area, instead of the required 25%. John thought the committee could conditionally approve the sign with up to 50% reader board provided the text amendment is approved. Ken felt that a brick base would tie the sign in more with the church. Carol felt the emphasis on the church logo on the proposed sign was not needed as much. Bill questioned whether the committee should be reviewing the sign that is not in accordance with the sign ordinance at this time. Mark responded to the applicant (Vic Andersen) that the committee approves of the basic sign proposed and its location but the church will need to come back before the committee if a text amendment allows the increased reader board area on the sign. East Side Brick — Ned Halling provided the committee with a brief presentation on what the developers would like to do. This included placing some awnings and new windows on the northern portion of the building. Corey felt that awnings would help with the scale and overall color of the building and thought it was a good improvement. John noted that the building has improved substantially and moved to approve the awning changes as presented. Carol seconded. Approved 7-0. Bass Center (KRMC) — Sean Fitzpatrick provided the committee with the proposed changes to the hospital campus in the area of the new cancer center and how the center would look. Corey recused himself. Carol thought the new building looked beautiful. No other comments were provided. Ken moved to approve the project as presented. John seconded. Approved 6-0. 7t" Day Adventist community service center (9"' Avenue EN) — Chare Largent presented the proposed storage container location and discussed providing a chain link fence with slats to help shield the containers from adjoining properties. Sean Conrad provided the committee with some background as to why the committee is reviewing this project. Ken suggested more mature plants are needed for the landscaping. Bruce stated the landscaping the church has proposed could use 7 gallon plants at the time of planting which have an initial height of approximately 6 feet. Bill had trouble visualizing the site and asked to table the project until the next meeting to do a site visist. Corey motioned to approve the landscaping utilizing 7 gallon plants at the time of installation on 6 foot centers in lieu of a fence. Chare stated that it was difficult to place landscaping on the north side of the containers. The church has tried to get vegetation to grow there before without any luck. Corey retracted his motion. Bill moved to table the item until the next meeting to evaluate what sort of buffering is needed. Corey seconded. Motion to table passed 7-0. Other Discussion: Glacier Town Center — Doug Breckenridge provided the committee with an overview of the lifestyle center. Mark stated that the landscaping should include both evergreen and deciduous vegetation to account for the fall and winter months. Bruce thought there was adequate areas to incorporate evergreen vegetation. Bill asked if this was going to be a new town center? Chad responded that they are not looking to replace the town center but to provide for additional commercial space within the suburbs of Kalispell and provide people a place to gather. Chad noted there would be approximately 500,000 square feet of office space in the Glacier Town Center project. Corey thought the proposed Dillards store was a bit out of context with the rest of the center. Doug responded that national chains are hesitant to change their prototype. Mark complimented the lifestyle center on the continuous walkways the developer would be providing. Carol liked the variety in buildings. Mark suggested the developers include awnings or some type of covering over the front doors of the businesses. He noted that Wal-Mart covers its outside merchandise but fails to provide customers with a covered entrance, exposing people to rain, snow. Meeting Adjourned at 9:02