11-27-07 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, November 27, 2007; 7:30 a.m., I" Avenue East Cafe, 128 1" Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Norley John Hinchey, Janet Clark, Bill Goodman, Corey Johnson (Chairman) OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff— PJ Sorensen Guests — Chare Largent (7th Day Adventist), Clair Beaver (Hope Pregnancy Ministries), Ron LaRue (Jackola) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the November 13 minutes; Approved 5-0. Old Business: 7`" Day Adventist (9th Ave EN); discussed last meeting. City Council included condition in the CUP for ARC to review the screening of the containers. Discussion on color. The Fence will be installed as drawn. Landscaping on the south side. Motion to approve subject to matching the colors on the containers to the existing building final color. Janet seconded. Approved 5-0. New Business: 1281 Burns Way — new freestanding sign. Not lit. Plywood. Janet moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 5-0 1111 and 1117 S Main St — proposing replacement/modification of 2 existing freestanding signs. Applicant is not present. One has some problems with code issues. Janet moved to table; John seconded. Motion to table passed 4-0. Other Discussion: December 25 meeting — we will try to have only 1 meeting in December (Dec 11); if necessary, we will need to find a alternate meeting date Meeting Adjourned at 8:20