Thursday, December 13, 2007
Kalispell Planning Office Conference Room
Paul Burnham, Assoc. Civil Engineer
Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal
Susie Turner, Assoc. Civil Engineer
Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer
Sean Conrad, City Planner
Tom Jentz, Planning Director
Nicole Johnson, City Planner
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Guests: Greg Lukasik, Morrison-Maierle, Bruce Tulloch and Jim Davis (Bloomstone)
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders: None.
Hilton Homewood Suites — Hutton Ranch — Nothing new. Ray heard from the Fire
Protection Engineer who wanted to know what will we require so they can get a permit.
Spring Prairie, Phase 3 and Kohl's — Hwy 93 N; Overall layout for Phase 3 and building
permit for Kohl's — This project went through Architectural Review, but Kohl's was tabled
pending clarification of some colors/materials. There are linear landscape strips in the parking
lot. They need to get a lighting plan in. Will jump on final plat for this — no building permits
until final plat is completed. Need to get a 20 to 1 scale instead of 50 to 1 presently shown.
Need final drainage information. BPA sign off on final design. Need to show connections to
the bike path and hydrants. Clear access around all the buildings. Looking at each one for
overall fire access and certain parking requirements.
Bloomstone Subdivision — SW corner of Section 36 west ofKidsports Complex —Park size,
location, improvements along Four Mile Drive, retaining walls, access to the bike path and
future bypass, sound mitigation. Z Lots architectural renderings were distributed. Houses are
not attached. Zero lot line concept. Five foot setback or projection. One or two house
builders. The garages will not touch and will have separations of 10'. Small lots with
conditions that they would need to stake out where the setbacks are with lots that are 4,000
feet or less. A licensed land surveyor could be used. Access is from Treeline Road and from
Highway 93. Phase 1-A, they can put in a temporary cul-de-sac. Phase 2 would need to
have private drives tie into the parking lot. Built to standards as a collector for Treeline.
Possibly have bus stops in this development. Phase 1-A will have 8 8-plexes. Fire needs the
access around these buildings. They might consider a widened, hard surface path or driveway
of some kind to give Fire better access to the buildings at the back. The larger units will be
sprinklered in Phase 4. The parkland will need to be around 15 acres. The BPA easement
cannot be considered as parkland. They are looking at paying cash in lieu. Buffer between
houses and Kidsports. They are planning on putting in a split rail fence. Their tot lots will be
maintained by the homeowners' association. Chad suggested they have one park for 2 to 5
year olds, and the other for 5 to 12 year olds. They will possibly have access to Kidsports at
the end of the cul-de-sac. Drainage, because of the hill, they will need to pre-set lot grades
with concrete on grade, so everything drains away from the houses. Four Mile Drive
improvements dictate they will need to be a full City street. They may do an SID with all
developers in this year. A different access will be provided for the house across the road.
Four Mile Road is a collector and will terminate at Stillwater. It will go over the bypass.
There is dedicated right-of-way up to Stillwater. There was uncertainty as to whether Four
Mile Drive is in the City or the County. They will need a 10 to 15 foot wide additional
landscaping buffer. Is the retaining wall in the greenbelt? The back of the sidewalk is the
retaining wall side. One to two feet of the retaining wall. They will be doing some daylight
basements. They will specify what types of fence that will be allowed. The clear vision
triangles need to be addressed. Bike path connections will need to be addressed. They will
need to get a copy of the bypass plan for this area. Tom noted that there will be a meeting on
Thursday, January 17th, to discuss the north end of the bypass. Dry utilities will go on one
side and the City will put in wet utilities on the other side. Future ideas to make trunk lines
down the bypass. Sound barriers were discussed. They have 20' to work with. Possibly
depress the houses and elevate the berm. They will be using MDOT's noise contours. This
will need to be discussed further. They will need to check into this. Susie will take a look at
their drainage plan. Four Mile Drive will need to be regraded with side vertical curb.
Flathead Industries — Moving into the old Sportman's building on Ist Avenue East. This is
retail to retail, so it will not come before site review when they apply for a perinit for some
interior remodeling. They can leave the exterior "as is," but they are looping at some changes
which would function better for them and bring it closer to conformance (there are a lot of
non -conformities with the site). Main issues are that there are spaces located in the right-of-
way, some that back into the right-of-way, and a loading area along the right-of-way/alley.
Public Works will look into some of the issues and let PJ know what they think.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT
Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport
Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works