Tab C - KLJ Opinion of Probable Project Cost<<,K LJ Engineer's opinion of Probable Project cost FULL BUILDOUT - TIGER V11 Kalispell, Montana Mobilization 1 LS $ 522,000.00 $ 522,000 Easement and Property 1 LS Acquisition $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000 Traffic Control 1 LS $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000 Fencing 4, 700 LF $ 20.00 $ 94, 000 Water Infrastructure 12" PVC Water Main 8, b00 LF $ 65.00 $ 559, 000 Valves and Fittings 1 LS $ 78, 000. 00 $ 78, 000 Fire Hydrant Assembly 17 EA $ 6)000.00 $ 102, 000 2" Service 4 EA $ 1)000.00 $ 4, 000 Rail road crossing (steel sleeve) 1 EA $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000 Temporary service 8: 20 service 1 EA $ 60)000.00 $ 60, 000 Pavement Surface Restoration 5,156 SY $ 28.00 $ 144, 35b Subtotal $ 972, 35G Wastewater Infrastructure 8" PVC Sewer Main 2, 200 LF $ 55.00 $ 121, 000 4" PVC Forcemai n 2, 400 LF $ 25.00 $ 60, 000 Basic Manhole 12 EA $ 4,000.00 $ 48,000 Manhole Additional Depth 60 VF $ 200.00 $ 12,000 Lift Station 1 LS $ 300, 000.00 $ 300, 000 Sanitary Sewer Service 4 EA $ 1,000.00 $ 4,000 Rail road crossing (steel sleeve) 1 EA $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000 Pavement Surface Restoration 0 SY $ 24.00 $ - Subtotal $ 570,000 Storm Water 48" Manhole 8 EA $3,800.00 $30,400.00 60" Manhole 4 EA $b, 800.00 $27, 200.00 72" Manhole 1 EA $8500.00 $8500.00 30" Curb Inlet 15 EA $2, b00.00 $39,000.00 48" Curb Inlet 3 EA $3500.00 $10, 500.00 60" Curb Inlet 2 EA $b, 800.00 $13, b00.00 72" Curb Inlet 1 EA $8500.00 $8500.00 12" RCP Irr. (CL. 5) 310 LF $43.25 $13,401.36 18" RCP Irr. (CL. 3) 903 LF $61.00 $55,094.59 24" RCP Irr. (CL. 3) 995 LF $106.50 $105,937.25 24" RCP Irr. (CL. 5) 114 LF $110.00 $12,493.14 30" RCP Irr. (CL. 3) 702 LF $126.25 $88597.20 30" RCP Irr. (CL. 5) 223 LF $135.00 $30,138.35 Pond Excavation 2, 989 CY $6.00 $17, 931.3b Pond Embankment 1,493 CY $3.00 $4,477.53 Concrete Dig out Excavation 3,309 CY $10.00 $33,086.20 Filter Sand 476 CY $30.00 $14, 291.10 Riprap 133 CY $85.00 $11,290.55 Lagoon Site Seeding and Fertilizing 1.0 ACRE $800.00 $815.34 Hydromulch 4,933 SY $0.70 $3,452.95 Tackifier 4,933 SY $0.25 $1,233.20 Subtotal $ 529,940 Misc. Utilities Lighting, telephone, Ft fiber 1 LS $ 100, 000.00 $ 100, 000 Power Ft Electrical 1 LS $ 110,000.00 $ 110,000 Natural Gas 1 LS $ 100, 000.00 $ 100, 000 Subtotal $ 310,000 Grading Demolition 1 LS $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000 Hydroseed slopes Ft slope stabilization 8.0 AC $ 25,000.00 $ 200,000 Cut and Gnsite Fill 1 b4,229 CY $ 4.50 $ 739,031 Cut and Waste Fill Gffsite 192, 713 CY $ 12.00 $ 2, 312, 55b Subtotal $ 3, 32G, 587 Road Improvements to E. Oregon, Flathead Dr Et Inside Rd Removal of existing asphalt 11, 200 SY $ 3.50 $ 39, 200 Geotexti le 26, 400 SY $ 1.25 $ 3 3, 000 Geogri d 26, 400 SY $ 2.50 $ bb, 000 Road GravelBase Course (b ") F± „ Subbase (12) 11, 49b CY $ 25.00 $ 287, 407 Sidewalk Gravel Base Course (4 ) 230 CY $ 35.00 $ 8,037 Asphalt Pavement (4"} 22)933 SY $ 24.00 $ 550,400 Asphalt Concrete binder 299 ton $ 650.00 $ 194532 RR xi ng safety equipment (2 crossings) 2 EA $ 400, 000.00 $ 800, 000 Signs (monument) 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 Boulevard 2.00 AC $ 2500.00 $ 5, 000 Curb and Gutter 7, 270 LF $ 32.00 $ 232, b40 Sidewalk (5' Wide one Side of Road) 15500 SF $ 7.00 $ 108500 Gravel interior road after grading 1 175 CY $ 35.00 $ 41 13b ' Subtotal $ 2,370,852 Flathead Drive Traffic Signal Install Signal at Flathead Dr. and US 2 1 LS $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000 Subtotal $ 250,000 onsite Rail Construction Geotexti le 41, 844 SY $ 1.25 $ 52, 305 Geogrid 41, 844 SY $ 2.50 $ 104, b10 Subballast 20,922 CY $ 35.00 $ 732,270 Ballast, Ties Et Rail 8, ob9 TF $ 175.00 $ 1, 412, 075 No. 9 Turnout 13 EA $ 60)000.00 $ 780, 000 Retaining wall 1 LS $ 50, 000.00 $ 50, 000 Subtotal $ 3,131 P260 offsite Rail Construction Geotexti le 13, 052 SY $ 1.25 $ 1 b, 315 Geogrid 13, 052 SY $ 2.50 $ 32, b30 Subballast 6526 CY $ 35.00 $ 228,410 Ballast, Ties Et Rail 2, 711 TF $ 175.00 $ 474,425 No. 11 Turnout 3 EA $ 70,000.00 $ 210,000 Road crossing 1 LS $ 75, 000.00 $ 75, 000 Double Switch Derail 3 EA $ 45,000.00 $ 135,000 Seeding 2.0 AC $ 2)000.00 $ 4, 000 Subtotal $ 10 75,780 Multi -Use Trail Development Land Acquisition for Trail 3.0 AC $ 66,000.00 $ 200,000 Installation of Multi -Use Trail 10500 LF $ 136.00 $ 1,428,000 Regional Trailhead Connection Points 1 LS $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000 Pedestrian Crossing Upgrades 1 LS $ 1, 302, 000.00 $ 1, 302, 000 Complete Street Extensions 1 LS $ 1,072,000.00 $ 1,072,000 Subtotal $ 4p062,000 Estimated Construction Cost $ 17,414, 774 Legal 1 Ad m i n 1 % $ 174,100. 00 $ 174,100 Permitting 1 LS $ 20, 000.00 $ 20, 000 Interest short term funding loan 1 LS $ 500, 000.00 $ 500, 000 Design of multi -use trail F± roads 8 % $ 325,000.00 $ 325,000 Construction Eni n ee ri n 1 S u rye g g v 10 9' $ 1, 741, 500.00 $ 1, 741, 500 _ • ■ _ LS $ 1, 000, 000.00 Wild - $ 110001000 Budget Risk Management 1 • • -to-