Thursday, February 14, 2008
Kalispell Planning Office Conference Room
Paul Burnham, Assoc. Civil Engineer Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner
Sean Conrad, City Planner Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Nicole Johnson, City Planner
F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr. Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Guests: James Freyholtz, M.D.O.T.; Rod Osler, Osler Construction; Tim Price, developer;
and Greg Lukasik from Morrison-Maierle
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders:
Northland —They have planted 32 of 36 trees. They have been referred to Parks to decide if
they will bond or not for the other four trees.
Neal Dental Office — 13 5 Commons Loop; new dental office — nothing new — still waiting for
storm water information for Public Works.
Kohl's I Spring Prairie Phase 3 — Hwy 93 N; overall site layout and new retail store -
nothing new — still waiting for storm water information for Public Works.
Flathead Health & Fitness — 300 — I't Ave W; addition to existing athletic club — This is an
existing business, and has gone through Architectural Review. The addition would be in the
existing parking lot. No landscaping yet, but they will be putting some in. They will be
putting in a bike rack in one parking space, and also putting in a handicapped space. They
have a 40' driveway right now. The additional building will be replacing pavement. They will
redo their driveway approach, as there are presently two driveways that will be consolidated
into one approach. They will also do some work on the sidewalk. They will work with
Public Works on this. They will need to get a storm water permit. Construction activity
needs to be kept on their site. They will need to identify what precisely will be going into
their landscape areas. They will be extending their sprinkler system. Fire Control needs to
contact F. Ray, and he will meet with them on their alarm system. They have spoken with
Susie, and Paul will check into this. Parks will need to know what bind of mulch they will
be using. Subject to the above items, this is approved by Site Review. They have credit for
25 parking spots.
Bloomstone — They have revised their units and now have more single family residential.
MDOT will buy some property for right-of-way for the bypass and a bike path will be going
in there along that area that Bloomstone will put in. They will have alleys between the homes.
Fire is okay with the 30' distance with no parking on either side and it will be asphalt
throughout. They will be paying cash in lieu and there is a piece of property next to this
project that they will attempt to obtain with the cash in lieu for parkland. Phase IA will be
going in first with a temporary access road. Fire will need a temporary cul-de-sac in this
phase. They would like to have Four Mile Drive completed (by MDOT) with an SID, and
they will be meeting with Public Works on this. Paul is concerned with too many accesses on
Treeline. The alley on Treeline will end with an emergency access only with temporary
bollards and extend "no name" road north. They will have 569 units total. The revised
binders will be back to the City by the 26t"
Silverbrook Estates — they are trying to get their Final Plat. The south access is part of a
condition that the City asked for a right-of-way dedication. Now in the common area, it
needs to be identified, 60' easement across, with specific tract. "A road and utility easement,
not less than 60' needs to be noted on the plat. Maximize the grassed area and bump the
trails closest to the lot lines further west. Increase utility easements from 5' to 10'. There
may not be any sidewalk, so the trails will need to be connected. This will need to be tied to
the City prior to Final Plat. We need a Subdivision Improvement Agreement as a requirement
of this Final Plat. Exhibit "B" is of concern. It needs to be reviewed by both Parks and Public
Works, as they both would like more details. James is also working on this and will send his
information to Nicole tomorrow.
Timberwolf Center — Forty plus acres property. DNRC project on Stillwater Road. The
School District had purchased property from MDOT in exchange for MDOT to put Wolfpack
Way through to Reserve. Now MDOT wants to move the connection to Reserve onto this
property and extend Timberwolf Way. The Planning Board supports the School District. The
DNRC wants well information. This is a 1,500 gallon well. The well house could be moved
some distance from the well head. They need to put in improvements along Stillwater Road.
They must make a full width road. The City may put in curb and gutter at one end. This is
scheduled to go to a Work Session with the Council.
Flathead Attention Home — 7t" Avenue EN and Oregon Street. Nicole is working on an
Environmental Assessment on a CBDG Grant for them.
Cottage Grove Estates — Nicole will be meeting with Narda Wilson and Phil Neuharth on
Tuesday and Wednesday about the subdivision formerly known as on Three Mile Drive on the
east side of the bypass. This is a totally new project.
Bay Ridge Estates - They are withdrawing their application. Nicole should receive a letter
in this regard soon.
BASS Center at the Hospital — New set of plans has a third floor sleeping area. We would
like them to come in with a full CUP. We will request they come in for discussion. They do
have the foundation permit for the BASS Center.
Eastside Brick Coffee House — We need to get info on the "bridge" connector in their
parking lot. They are supposed to get stamped plans to Public Works.
Valley Ranch — Residential subdivision north of Glacier Town Center - will be back in next
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
cc: Police Citv Manager FCAOA MDOT
Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport
Planning Parks Conun. Dev. Public Works