09-12-17 - Regular MeetingKALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD & ;GC NIN(; COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING September 12,, 2017 T�LETO ORDER AND —ROL—L 'File —regul—armee't—ing —of the Kalispell City Planning Board and —Zonin—g CALL Coninlission was called to or -der at 6:00 p.m. Board MCITIbers present were: Chad Graham, George Giavasis, Doug Kauffman, Ronalee Skees, Rory Young and Steve 1,orch, Christopher Yerelyes was absent. 'Fort) Jentz, Jarod Nygren and PJ Sorensen represented the Kalispell Plannhig Department, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skees moved and Iorch, se-c-o rided a motion to approve the minutes of the ALJgL1St 8, 2017 meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Z(�)ning Commission. 7­__­___ _V-6)TY-E WY -A CCLANIATION The motion pass"" _11 . i "ii-m o —us I y o-n' " a v o t _eo f a e cK ­ii T-i a-t i o r ­l.'_'_'_ P_LJBLIC"i56l'4_MENT None, K I S N F" VIC 110 A request from Umis arid Eileen is to ann�Lxthe �easterly 6,90,3 sqUare feel, of an 18,731 square feet parcel into the city and zone that portion of land city RA- I Upon annexation, STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalisivil Planning Department reviewed Staff Report #KA-1 7­04 Staff recommends that the Kalispell City, Planning Roard and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report. #KA-17-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell' City Council that the property be annexed! and the zoning for the entire property be RA-1 (Residential Apartment). _66_RD DISCUSSION Young asked if the lots bchi­udthe p—r(�)p"(�)-s"e'-ci—pro-"pei--ty —would', be landlocked, Nygren advised the properties are already are landlocked and that the annexation and zoning will riot change that Sittlation, nor keep those iiroperties from obtaining acces,s in tile future, PUBLIC IJEARINC'r None. Ni(_)ff0_N Kauffman moved and Young seconded a niotion that the KTH—Spell —City Planning Board arid Zoning Commission adopt staff report WA-17-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalisi.,vil City Cc)uncil that the property be annexed and the zoning for the: entire property be RA-1 (Residential Apartment), BOARD DISCUSSION None, ROLL CALL The motion passed tjnanirn<:)usly oil a roll call vote, ),`(v1 S'FO N 1" A request from Kalispell National Investment Company,, IAX for a afai or subdivision to be known as Bloonistone Phases 2-3, 4, 5, all(] 6. A r1lajor subdivision was previously approved for Bloornstone in 2008 for 5,69 dwelling units on 85 acres of kind. The subdivision approval for Bloomstone in 2008 has K,1H8p0H City Manning Board Minutes of the me-eflng of Sorgernber 12, 2017 Page I I application, STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department revillewed Staff Report #KPP-1 7-03. Staff recommends that [tie Kalispell City, planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report KPP-17-03 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat for Bloornstone Phases 2-6 be approved, SUbJect to the 27 conditions in the staff report, Nygren did recommend to the jilanning board that they consider amending conditions 16 & 17 to state that the waterline shall be looped through the remainder parcel, to clarify where the loop will occur,, 71 �OARD YDESW -SSl F()N Torch asked about the 569 previously approved dwelling Units and if that was the maximum as the developinent proceeds. Nygren advised that there is a P11D on tire property and the Proposed subdivision is within allowable densities of that PUD. As the development progresses in the fUtUre on the remainder parcel, a subdivision will submitled on that Parcel and it will be evaluated at, that tirne for its compliance with the PUD and associated densities, PUBLIC HEARING None, ........ ....... 7�f( �rl 6W Strees moved aInd Kauffman seconded a rnotion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Cornmission adopt staff report #'KPP-17-03 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council t t r ha the Preliminary Plat for Bloornstone Phases 2-6 be approved, subJect to the 7 conditions in the staff report which include amended conditions 16 and nd 17 recommended by staff. BOARD DISCUSSION Chanoted he is y to see the proJect finally, moving forZurd, _�kces happy agree&d Young asked how staff plans on ,getting, to the 2/3rds threshold when they don't knew what's going, in for phases 3, 5 & 6. Nygren advised that there is a lot of infrastructure that has already been put into place on 1'reeline so it's all there and ready to go so they are not c(:)nCerned at, this time, ROLL CALL The motion passed Unanimously on a roll call vote. P Et,I, G 14", 01N, F I 1 110 11, 1 C Y A, request by the City, of Kalispell to amend the Kalispell Growth Policy 11l, "N"NIq If 1, �,M Plan -It 2035 by including „r1"he Down'lown, Plan" as neighborhood plan within the growth policy,. 'the Downtown Plana takes a careful and considerate look it Kalispell's historic downtown and courthouse corridor, MOTION TO REMOVP FROM Lorch moved and Giavasis seconded at tilotion to pull the Kalislaelll TABLE Growth Policy Plan -It 2035 — Downtown Phan from the table and open UP for discussion. KafispeH Oty Planning Board Minuies of the" mming of Sepiember 12, 2017 Page 11 2 ROIA, CALL The rilotion laver remove frorn the table passed unaniniosly on a uvote - of 'acclarnation, STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed File #KGPA-1 7-01 Nygren briefly rnentioned the changes thatt the board wanted made at the previous meeting on August 8, 2017 based oil the public comment that had been received. He advised there have been no additional public comments since that time. BOARD DISCC USSION 1,orch asked if the board needs to consider the counties recent itiotion of maintaining the courthouse co,uplet as a four iane vs. as two larle and possibly addressing it in the plan, Nygren added that it is addressed in the Plan and that it explains why the four lanes in staffs opinion Would be as bad idea. Jentz noted that this plan is the cities vision but that all parties involved will be working together in the near future !regarding the Main Street improvements, mo,riON — AUGUST 8,2017 Lorch inoved and Young seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission approve the Downtown Plan as an arnendment. to the Kalispell Growth Policy Plan -It 2035 and authorize the planning board president to sign Resolution #KGPA-17-02, a resolution amending; the Kalispell Growth Policy, Plan -It 2035 by approving the Downtown Plan as as neighborhood plan. ROLI, CALL �I The motion passed unanimously oil a roll call vote. OLD BUSINESI None. ADJOURNMENT The meting, was adJOUrned at approximately 6:31prri, NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Kalispell planning Board will be held oil Tuesday, November, 14, 2017 at 6:00 p.rn, and located in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 1" Ave East. OKA Graham Kari Hernandez President Recording Secretary, APPROVED as submitted/amended: -V7 Kalispell Cky 1111anning Board Nfiiiutes of the aieekng of'September 12, 2017 Page 13