02-26-08 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, February 26, 2008; 7:30 a.m., 0 Avenue East Cafe, 128 1" Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Norley; John Hinchey; Carol Nelson; Corey Johnson (Chair); Bill Goodman OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff— PJ Sorensen; Sean Conrad Guests —Terry & Rose Therrin (Western Neon/Murdocks); Sheldon Hilliard (Swank/KRMC); Marcello Pierrottet (KRMC); Dan Ringquist (Ringquist Signs/Pita Pit) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Carol moved to approve the February 12 minutes; John seconded. Approved 5-0. Old Business: The Forge — 227 I't St W; project has been temporarily withdrawn by the applicant New Business: Murdoch's Garden Center — 2320 Hwy 93 S; new wall sign; Bill moved to approve; Mark seconded. Approved 5-0. Pita Pit — 135 E Idaho; new freestanding sign replacing old Arctic Circle sign. Cut post off and mount new sign face. Mark moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 5-0. KRMC/Pharmacy — 200 Conway; convert old orthopedic clinic to a drive-thru pharmacy. Sign will come later. Match existing colors/materials. Trim back landscaping for security purposes. Mark moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 5-0. KRMC/3"d Floor Addition — 310 Sunnyview Lane; adding physician sleeping rooms at end of corridor from Bass Center. Match existing color/materials. Carol moved to approve, Bill seconded. Corey recused himself due to a conflict. Approved 4-0. Other Discussion: Glacier Town Center - Sean covered the letter which he prepared based on the last meeting. Some additional discussion about using the term "town center" and using a trolley system. Sean will e-mail copies of the letter. Other topics — (1) Carol gave a rundown of her Coeur d'Alene tour. (2) Misc. project updates. (3) Status of Bloomstone, Entrance Corridor Standards, and the sign ordinance update (particularly regarding Glacier Peaks). (4) Fairgrounds landscaping. Meeting Adjourned at 8:20