Thursday, March 6, 2008
Kalispell Planning Office Conference Room
Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Sean Conrad, City Planner
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Tom Jentz, Planning Director
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Nicole Johnson, City Planner
F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Guests: James Freyholtz, M.D.O.T.
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders: None.
Neal Dental Office — 135 Commons Loop; new dental office — nothing new.
Kohl's / Spring Prairie Phase 3 — Hwy 93 N; overall site layout and new retail store -
Jeff has received new building plans. Goldberg is having difficulty getting a final plat on
Phase 3.
Mountain Mudd — 10 11 Hwy 2 W; new espresso drive-thru — Along the south property line
along the highway, will take out parking spaces needed to make this work. The new parking
standards reduce required stacking from four to three. Public Works stated they should
install a 4" sewer line instead of a 2". They will need to put in curb and landscaping. This has
to go to Architectural Review.
Silverbrook Estates — This went to council on Monday night. Lazy Creek Way, building
permits should not be allowed on these lots as there is no access. Improvements were not
included in the S.I.D. they should not sell any lots on blocks 10 and 14. They will not apply
for building permits yet. Lazy Creek will be one of the first lots to be improved. Will need to
dedicate the road. This would be a fully improved road. Public Works may not have an
interest in this project at this point. Will request they dedicate the road to the city after the
improvements. As soon as Fire receives certification from Public Works, they will do a flow
test on one of the hydrants. No water meters will be issued until the fire flows are
determined. Their pond sewage pump stats are in. No occupancy until then.
Timberwolf Center — Public Works has had no response to their letter to Stelling regarding
our request to clarify conditions from March 4.
Annexation Request — We have a request for annexation along Highway 93, east of the
Toyota dealership. About an acre in size. They would need to bring the sewer down to
Willow Glen.
Zone Change — Zone change south of Highway 2 and Meridian Road, south of Albertson's.
They plan to turn the wash bays into garages and turn the second floor into offices. There is
parking in the back. This is presently I-1, and they are requesting it be changed to B-2.
Mountain Vista Estates Phase 3 — Final Plat. Off of Three Mile Drive, at the corner of
Farm to Market Road. This is in the R-2 PUD. They have shifted some of the duplex lots
around. Lot 70 is for a future fire department site. It has to be increased in size, as it is not
200 x 200. They need to provide street names, access, and hydrants. The size of the fire lot
does not work for the fire department. They should talk with Ray on this. Regarding the
gravel pit, Public Works has adequate data that it was properly filled and compacted. Hydro
seeding and boulevards are being done by their developer so all Parks will be doing is trees.
They have sent a check for landscaping.
Spring Creek Apartments — Low income apartments on Appleway Drive. There will be a
20' easement for the culvert. They will have a loop road. There will be lighting issues. They
will improve their section on Appleway with curb, gutter, and sidewalk that needs to connect.
There is a 20' buffer along Farm to Market Road where a bike path should go. They need to
coordinate with Public Works, Parks, the County Road Dept., and M.D.O.T
Site Review Meeting — Our meeting location will be determined by the moving date.
The meeting was adjourned at 11 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT
Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport
Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works