03-11-08 ARC MinutesDATE:
Hear the Public:
Approval of Minutes:
Old Business:
New Business:
Tuesday, March 11, 2008; 7:30 a.m.,
I" Avenue East Caf6, 128 1" Ave E
Mark Norley; John Hinchey; Carol Nelson; Corey Johnson (Chair);
Janet Clark
City Staff— PJ Sorensen
Guests —Ned Halling (Four Cays/Jackola); Kurt Hafferman (Spring
Creet Apartments/Billmayer & Hafferman)
Carol moved to approve the February 26 minutes; John seconded.
Approved 5-0.
Spring Creek Apartments — Appleway Dr; new apartment complex with federal subsidy.
Hafferman presented. 33 units/phase — 66 total. Landscaping will include lawn/trees.
Discussion regarding lack of park area. Eaves/braces on the buildings. Will include a
community center and carports. Materials: vertical wainscot for 1.5 floors; horizontal lap
siding; composite, not metal; darker brown on bottom. Carol moved to approve; Mark
seconded. Approved 5-0.
Four Cays — 145 Commons Loop; new office building. Looks good up to the
EIFS/windows on the upper floor (doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the building).
Shake on rendering shows style, not color. Suggest darker band on top
(window/color/style change). Mark moved to approve with the condition that the final
revisions relating to comments on the upper floor be reviewed and approved by the
committee; Janet seconded. Approved 5-0.
Mountain Mudd — 1011 Hwy 2 W; drive-thru espresso; applicant not present. Need to
add landscaping/curbing. Use evergreen in the mix. John moved to approve subject to
landscaping the islands on both sides on the stand, to the NW of the stand, and landscape
enhancements along the right-of-way to the south; Mark seconded. Approved 5-0.
Other Discussion:
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50