Thursday, May 15, 2008
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Paul Burnham, Assoc. Civil Engineer
Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
F. Ray Ruffatto, Deputy Fire Marshal
Susie Turner, Assoc. Civil Engineer
Hear the Public: None.
Performance Bond Reminders:
Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer
Sean Conrad, City Planner
Tom Jentz, Planning Director
Nicole Johnson, City Planner
P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Amore' Salon — They have no buffer between their parking lot and the sidewalk.
There are also some major problems with their handicap parking space. They will start
on landscaping this weekend.
Kohl's / Sgrin2 Prairie Phase 3 — Hwy 93 N; overall site layout and new retail store — Sean
has been working on the Final Plat application. There are a few items that need to be
addressed; this will remain on the agenda for next week.
Grease Monkey — 2322 Hwy 93 N; new auto oil/lube facility — Costco has a 200' view
corridor. This building may be encroaching into the view corridor. This is a developer rule.
This project, the adjoining project, Costco, and Goldberg need to work this out. We would
like to see some sort of shared access with the clinic. F. Ray will need to look at the hydrant.
Sizzler — 115 Hutton Ranch Road — new restaurant — pad south of the Quilt Gallery. We
have looked at some of this previously. They will have an outdoor patio. They may flip the
layout, but this will not impact the site. This is passed through Site Review.
Silverbrook — 115 W Monture; new community center — new meters will not be issued until
the pump stations are operable. Frontage on three of four sides. There is a pool with a fence
around it and a sales office. A planting plan has been provided. There will be a kitchen with a
stove, refrigerator, and sink. Discussion was held regarding the road that runs into the
parking lot entrance. There is also a sheltered picnic area. This will remain on the agenda.
610 Meridian Road — annexation request on South Meridian Road across from 6th Street
West, east of Wild Geese Gardens.
Forest Service Building — Final Plat going to Council.
Four Lots off of Willow Glen — Wayne Grilley — east of Willow Glen. No combustible
construction can be installed without a hydrant on the property.
Siderius — Annexation on Highway 93 South — They need to be more specific on what
exactly they are proposing. Sean will contact them.
Three Mile Views — Waiting for Subdivision Agreement.
Aspen Creek Phase 2 — connection over to Spring Creek. Bill Boger spoke with F. Ray and
Sean. They are claiming that Phase 2 and 3 are two different lot owners which cannot come
to an agreement (although a bit of research revealed that both owners, which are LLCs, have
the same California mailing address). They need to get the all-weather access road in. Could
theoretically issue a foundation permit as long as there is nothing combustible, but we have
gotten away from doing those. The City doesn't own the right-of-way through Phase 3 (and
won't until final plat). According to our subdivision regulations, they could go to the Council
and ask for a waiver. They have the option of putting in residential sprinklering. Extensive
discussion was held regarding options on this project. They can get a waiver, the developer
can put in the road, or we can wait until the SIA deadline kicks in. No building permits will
be issued. On November 15, we will take the bond and take care of these issues. F. Ray will
call Sanchez.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT
Bldg Fire Cite Clerk City Airport
Planning Parks Corrun. Dev. Public Works