09-28-17 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, September 28, 2017 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Keith Haskins, City Engineer Patrick Jentz, Engineer I Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Rick Parker, Building Plans Examiner Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation); Toby McIntosh and Rory Young (Jackola Engineering); and Kim Larsen (APEC Engineering). HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: RDO Phase 2 (Phase 1 was only interior work) — Comments regarding their parking in the back gravel area were sent out by Sorensen. Their asphalt areas they show extending out are not actually captured by their water quality units that are being installed per Haskins. Public Works' comments will be going out soon. Freyholtz is working on our exception for this area regarding the walkway. This will be on the agenda for next week. Fresh Life — 31 — 2nd St E; addition to church. Public Works should be receiving their civil plans with their stormwater modifications soon per Tabler who spoke with their engineer recently. Parks is waiting on landscaping details. This will be on the agenda for next week. Great Northern Dental — 85 Village Loop; new office. Haskins stated their geo-tech analysis shows they have an existing scarp that is actively moving with the infiltration trenches adjacent to their lot feeding to the top of that scarp. We're concerned about how infiltration could impact the slope stability. It is to their advantage to find out more information on this, so they are moving forward. This will be on the agenda for next week. Sterling West School —135 Glenwood; new private school. Nothing new has been submitted. They are still planning on meeting with Public Works and the City Manager. This will be on the agenda for next week. PTA (Professional Therapy Associates) — 105 Village Loop and Whitefish Stage Rd; new office. This has been certified by Alpine Geotechnical regarding the geo-tech issues stating it was far enough away from the slope and wasn't an issue. Haskins will be giving them conditional approval. Their sewer extension has a conflict with their gas main in Whitefish Stage. They will be requesting a pre - application on this subdivision. Prior to C of O, they will need to have a 10' roadway reserve in place that is either separately granted or part of the subdivision plat. There is a pedestrian path on the opposite side of the road so the road widening will probably be mostly on the east side. This is passed through Site Review with conditions. Husky Street Apartments — 1110 Husky St; new apartments. Their sprinklers are still an issue. Public Works received new plans yesterday that still need to be reviewed. The Extension of Services Policy in Public Works under Street Improvements asks for street lights if required. Extensive discussion was held. They will be taking out the apron around the storm structure so they can make the sidewalk work. This went to the Urban Renewal Agency (URA) last week. Nygren noted they did approve some potential TIF money that would go to this project. It still needs to be approved by Council. This will be on the agenda for next week. Casa Mexico —1600 Hwy 93 S; addition to existing restaurant. Building comments will be going out soon. They would like to pave the alley. Public Works is waiting for a drainage submittal. This will be on the agenda for next week. Family Healthcare — 1287 Burns Way; ADA modifications to entrance. They will be adding two ADA ramps at both of their entrances, and changing some of the landscaping in the front. This is passed through Site Review. Henning & Keedy —1131 S Main; remodel existing office bldg. North of intersection at 12'' Street and Main Street. There is an existing gravel lot up in front. They are maintaining the parking count of five that includes an ADA parking space. The back doors are being taken out, along with the concrete stoop. They will need an Encroachment Permit from MDT as well as a City Stormwater Permit and ROW Permit. Right now the door on the south side that's on the crawl space level has a stoop with two steps inside the building where it goes from a slab on grade to a crawl space. McIntosh stated they will be making this into a less than 5% ramp that does provide a slope. They will still have two exits out of the building. This is passed through Site Review. NEW BUSINESS: PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Nothing on the Agenda for October Open House — On the last phase of the Core Area Re -Zone, which is the far west side from 7 h to Meridian. Southside Estates, Phase 2 — They are looking at annexing the 10 acres that go over to Airport Road. This will be going to the November Planning Board and then doing a Plat in December. It will 2 come in as a subdivision. Tabler thought they said 85 units, with a mix of multi -family and single family. Public Works would like a condition that requires they line up the roadway with the new roadway to the east. They plan to have offset intersections there. Westview Estates — The northern half that goes up by the gravel pit will be coming in soon. Kalispell North Towne Center — They will be final platting their next phase before too long, but are still working with MDT. They are coming out with toning the plat down a little bit with some smaller lots. OTHER REPORTS: Glacier Bank ATM Change — This will be a parking lot and ATM lane change in the bank near the Blue Cow. There are actually three properties. They will be relocating the ATM screen for better visual use, and adding more parking. The bank wants a dedicated lane that would have only three stacking spaces, as they are concerned about congestion in their lot. Public Works is concerned about stacking into the street. Sorensen stated the Zoning Ordinance states you cannot have more than two approaches every 100 feet, which Larsen states it is. Haskins stated the southbound traffic may have a difficult time turning into this. They need to look at the turning radius to see if the approach will work. Discussion was held. They will need storm, driveway and ROW Permits before they can begin, along with Parks' approval of the landscaping. They will also need to eliminate the property lines and abandon any utility services that will no longer be used. The committee has concerns with this design but will consider the desires of the bank. Sorensen will send Larsen an e-mail with the specifics. Micro -Distillery — Going into the Loading Dock. Phipps will need to review this. Building will hold their permit until this is approved by Phipps. This will not be on the agenda next week because site review is not required. New Shop Building — Spring Prairie 4, south of Krispy Kreme. Sorensen stated there will be a new shops building going in for three tenant suites. Not a full submittal yet. Spring Prairie 4 — One of the mini -anchors in back will be coming in next week. Westside Interceptor — Haskins stated this will be going in next year in its totality, all the way up to the intersection of Reserve and Highway 93. Council is on board with this. Bloomstone Phase 2 — Civil drawings came in to Public Works. College Avenue Property — There is a 20 ft. alley that dead ends through City park property. They may be coming in for a ROW Permit. Public Works has City Attorney Harball looking into this. Extensive discussion was held. The City could abandon the alley. Public Works will go take a look at this property today. 3 The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m. cc: Police City Manager Fairgrounds MDOT Bldg. Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works